Thursday, February 18, 2021

WHO likes it...


This state where I live is so conservative, it makes me cringe.  Today once again they passed an abortion bill.  They are SO bent on trying to control a woman's right of choice.  I just heard one of our Democratic lawmakers, say, "Im for life, I'm also for mind your own damn business." I agree.  This has to be up to the woman carrying that fetus. I say fetus because it is not a human at that point.  SO they call it the fetal heartbeat bill.  So a woman has 6 weeks, but lets say she got pregnant right at the end of her menstrual cycle.  That means she many not even know she is pregnant until that 6 weeks has passed.  So they will simply go to another state...this means the State will lose money, but I don't care about that.  I care about a govt, telling women they  don't have the right to make their  own choice.  OH but if  it's rape or incest, ohhh no that baby is DIRTY and can be aborted...HUH??? How is that in line with pro life??  
One of the Republican lawmakers, said, "a baby should not pay for a mother's one night bad decision." OKAY I take offence to that statement, IF the male involved had taken responsibility no one would be having that conversation.  Not only do they blame women, they punish them. Last time I checked it takes two to make a baby.  SO like I said before, when the language of that bill states, the "woman shall give birth and immediately hand the child over to the man who impregnated her. to love and to raise" then we will talk about fairness, and right and wrong. 

The mask wearing they smirk at that...and that is only temporary and not for life, yet they don't see this bill as an intrusion into the personal rights of a person.  I really WISH I could move out of this state.  It will end up in the Supreme Court.  

When will the Right just STOP being asses? They tried to force their damn choice of President onto us, and they just keep pushing their agenda where it don't belong.  
And the hateful mouth piece of the GOP Rush Limbaugh has died...Most of the people I know are glad and to be honest I think the world is a better place now.  Someone said on Facebook, "I'm pretty sure he is resting in hell now."  
Ok enough of that. 

Today I saw a field with 4 deer and 7 turkey sharing the field together and it made me smile.  I got out today the weather man was wrong...we did not get 4 days of sun, we got 1 and 1/2 days of sun, then the clouds rushed in and now we will have 2 1/2 more days of bitter cold rain on the way. 
Had my FOY Lesser Scaup today so that was a good find...I'm at 70 species for the year so that's right in step, last yr this day I was at 69.  
No son last night and I don't think tonight either...
Okay not my choice...

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