Here is a tip for you don't hold a plastic can cover in your hand then cut it with a razor knife...no don't do that ok? And it's one of my typing fingers...See when I broke both my wrists at the same time...I relearned how to type...I developed my own technique, and it stuck with me, I never regained full motion in my left wrist so it's had to adapt. So mostly on my left hand I use only 2 fingers for typing and the right hand resumed normal behavior.
So bloody finger be damned. I had a great 2 days away with a camping night tossed in to save gas, and to invigorate my brain. It's so good to get back to basics...basics, being food, water, shelter. I always enjoy seeing how other like minded people solve the same problems of providing that when left to their skill set and their bank account.
So I befriended a younger than me man who was in spot 5 I was in spot 4 these are BIG spots, that could easily hold 2 or 3 rigs, or just single rigs as we had. There is only like 10 spots and there was 3 of us there...so the guy in 5. I didn't get his name or his politics, but I got some super snuggles from.......HIS DOG. such a cute little fellow. He wanted to run over to my campsite and say hello...but the man was being a good neighbor and prevented that. He built a huge campfire that night I got the benefit of the smoke, he forgot to be a good neighbor there...But the breeze shifted and soon it was going the other way. I closed up all my windows I don't normally do the campfire thing because I don't want the inside of my van to smell like an old camp fire for days afterwards.
Anyways it was kinda funny in the morning when the man went off into the woods next morning to do what men do in the woods in the morning, and dog tied up in camp barked out his location the entire time he was out doing his constitutional...lol
So it was that I spent my night lying in the dark with my picture window blind open laying on my back staring up at the night sky trying to figure out the constellations. Not only did I not pack any book to read, or any of my toiletries, or my small DVD player...or even to download a Youtube to watch later. I forgot to pack my toothbrush. My mind was so busy getting things ready I forgot a lot of stuff. My cell phone is useless with only one bar of service it managed to send me insane invites to silly games, but refused to show me the you tube I wanted to see...let me say the aging brain is not on the ball.
So I walked my feet OFF I have got to invest in some good walking shoes or else. I must of walked 10 miles in 2 days noting for a long distance hiker or walker but for me, a lot. So I was checking out some Darn Tough socks, think I will spring for a couple pair...and some quality shoes...well I don't know. There is one outfitters store not far from me, I have to try those in person. I watch a you tuber who is a backpacker Homemade Wanderlust she is from Alabama and she reviewed some shoes I need to go back and see what brand...she has wide toe area just like I do.
So I am back and the rain has returned already and its cold again...yesterday it was 75 today it's 45...my face got sunburned. It was good...I put up this little tent to hold my spot when I drive the van to trail heads and such...works out great. My headlights went off again...and I ordered a switch to hopefully fix that problem..so I won't have to rush home like Cinderella.
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