Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Our Future...

Any results till THEY tell  us, whoever they are...

Sometimes I feel we are at the mercy of THEY and it would be nice to know who they are...The electoral college doesn't vote till Dec 14th.  So how can we know the results of the election tonight? Unless its such a landslide, but the last poll I saw had Biden 51% and Trump 42% So that's a close margin..
Four years ago I went to bed thinking Hillary was gonna be the President, I was SO shocked in the middle of the night when I woke up and checked the tv for the news...I just couldn't believe my ears and eyes, and I've been in that stunned state of mind since then,,,not just me but a WHOLE bunch of Americans...and then add the 4 yrs of Trump's emotional and psychological abuse..and you have a lot of people who are not coping with the reality we live in.  

Every day either by twitter or on tv news or newspapers he tells us how much he hates us, how much he will never give us one inch toward our agenda, and we do have one.  Our agenda is not about controlling other people's personal life the way their agenda is.  We want to control the tax schedule so it's fair, we want to get fair  affordable healthcare, We want good wages for everyone, we want a fair solution to the illegal immigration problem, we want fairness in the court system, we want a peaceful society where people are treated Equally under and by the law, we want NUTS who are unstable to not own guns,  we want a clean planet that we are making better and not harming.  We want freedom and separation of Church and State, we want fair Prison sentences and to stop making prisons for profit,, we want an education system based on Facts and also where theory is explored as just that theory. 

We also want a President who won't throw us under the bus and will help us when we need him and not just begin to ignore what does not make HIM LOOK GOOD.  
Im so tired of seeing him leaned and propped up at a podium on one elbow because he cant stand up straight and tall.  He slouches while he bashes US the opposition. 

They (the other side) want to stop women's choice, they want to stop US having a fair unbiased judge in court, they don't want a clean Environment, they don't want people to pay their fair share of tax, they don't want people to chose their partner in life, they don't want free Education unless it includes a religious Christian doctrine as FACT, yet is it? If you want your kid to believe in a religion then that's UP to you as a parent. They don't want immigrants, they want bullies to rule, and they want everyone to be armed and ready to kill.  They don't want equal rights. 

They won't even try to stop spreading a pandemic,,,because that impedes on their rights? Yet they will tell a woman how to handle her own body and her own future.  So they are saying, Let me or the other guy deal with my reckless behavior...yet when it's a woman's choice to do the same thing, deal with her own reckless behavior they are saying NO we want to tell you how to deal with that. 

There is no middle ground anymore but I hope and I really Believe if Biden is elected and we move the Senate  more to the left, we can come back to the center.  IF we don't then you can kiss life the way we know it goodbye...A portion of our society is very unhappy and ready to demand equality.  So that will continue to become a sore spot with a President who basically would not put down the bullies on the Highways the other day who tried to intimidate a Biden Bus, there is a thing called Road Rage, and that is what happened.  Those people should have been charged with harassment, and when you stop someone from moving freely is can be called Kidnapping in some Jurisdictions!  

So I hope those people will be brought to Justice.  I guess tomorrow we will know a little more about our future...I don't like thinking  an ogre will be telling US what to do four more years!!..I reject him now one could convince me he is okay in any way tomorrow...
One guy on TV said he would swim across a lake of Alligators to vote today!

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