Friday, November 13, 2020

May the Force be With You

The answer is no one has seen the wind...we have seen the trees and the grasses sway and we have felt if on our face but we have never seen it. We know it is there although it is in reality we don't know what wind is, do we?  We know what wind does, what it feels like, but we really don't know where it comes from or what it's made out of.  An invisible what it is.  

So it makes me wonder what other invisible forces are at work on this planet?  Things we can not see are around us.  If it's invisible like the wind, the only evidence we have is the change that is created...Water is clear but we can see it...we can touch it, it's our life force, yet it's nearly invisible..I think there could be many things at work that we can not see..Gravity we can't see it, but it's very real we feel it, and we have learned in the absence of it, things react differently. The Moon has control of our tides, Gravity keeps us on the ground...Centrifugal force  is real the speed of light is real these are all things that exist and we have evidence of us these forces. Sound is invisible. We know it works in 2 ways...

We create sound with our vocal cords, and then our ears take that sound and transforms it into what we  know as spoken word, or a bang, or swoosh, or a different things make different sounds...a horse neighs it's not really a sound its a vibration..when we speak, if we are deaf, we can feel our throat and we know vibration is happening...So when I visit mom I always tap on the front of her crypt because maybe that vibration can be felt in the after life.  That is something we won't know the answer to until we are on the other side.

If a tree falls in a forest...?

I have a feeling there are forces we have not identified yet...some of the explained forces, like the Aurora Borealis..we can see it, I can only imagine the Ancients when they saw the Aurora what did they think of it?  We know now it's electrically charged particles coming off the sun....and once it enters our atmosphere it creates the Northern Lights...

It starts at the Sun but is not seen until it reaches Earth 93 million miles away...and the different colors come the various gases in our atmosphere another thing we can NOT see but we know it's there..

The speed of light is 300,000 km per this flare is seen 8 minutes after it leaves the Sun...imagine that 93 million miles in 8 minutes.  If we could ride a beam of light we would soon be exploring our Universe at the snap of our fingers...

Last night the wind visited my yard and I have some limbs to deal with... I didn't hear it...but we know it made a vibration so the deer heard it, the squirrel heard it but I was in Off Position and so I didn't hear it..

I don't know but today after visiting Mom's grave, I started to think about all the things I know are there but I can't see.  Today was the Anniversary of her death so I burned a candle for her..

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