Saturday, November 21, 2020


It's warming up, I still need a fire to feel comfortable,  but it's not nearly as cold as the last few days...It was a beautiful sunny day and the birds were excited and flying all around the yard.  I really love that kind of day.  

The sides of the ceiling redo is so far the most challenging part..I've spent 2 days on that and got no where...There is no place to attach the pieces I want to put up But Im trying to figure it out. Its taking longer than I wanted for sure.

I had left overs for dinner tonight,,, and watched the news on the tv while I ate....So Apple, has been scamming people...imagine that.  They knew the batteries they had in the I-phones were not up to par and when they sent out an update that overwhelmed the battery power many people purchased new phones....
And Donald Trump brought the 2 Republican Legislators who were to be part of the canvassing of the Michigan election up to the White House when they returned to Michigan, they wanted to change their Vote to certify the election to Biden,, But the Secretary of State for Michigan said that its too late for them to change their vote but now they are holding a recount of Wayne county,,,,it's completely outlandish.  I really hope A special Council that Biden will ask for not only investigates Trump but all the loyalists who tried to help him steal the election. 

GA finished up their recount and Biden won..AGAIN,,,,,,Trump lying all the way now saying he won Michigan and the election with 74 million votes, untrue,,,
And now the house wants reasons from the GSA who is responsible for overseeing the transition and she will have to give Her reason for NOT doing her job on Monday before the House and Nancy Pelosi.  I hope Nancy rips  her a new you know what.  
Trump believes his death grip on this country is so strong he can Intimidate, and BULLY HIS way to stay in office...IF those Michigan legislators should break away they will most certainly face charges of collusion and if not then I see big trouble breaking out. I really hope the Military escort Disgusting Donnie  out of the White House...It will make many of us feel better.  MY disdain for him is at a high of 100% now...I really hope his Karma is on it's way and gets here soon.

Did you see the cute little Saw-Whet owl who ended up taking a ride in the Rockefeller Christmas Tree? He was tied up in that tree for 3 days, while it rolled down the highway to NYC.   Poor little guy that was his tree and I guess he said you're not taking my tree without me..Hope he gets to go back home or will they just release him nearby? I think they should take him back to the area where that tree was cut in Canada. 

More than 500,000 American's are behind on their mortgages, due to Covid, and now the mortgage debt forgiveness that was in place is expiring...if that many people get foreclosed will affect the economy in  a very negative way..   
People are hoarding toilet paper again?? WHY,,,it makes no sense, I have only 3 rolls in my cabinet, Im always the last one to know..

Well not much else from me tonight, I think I will have a slice of Pumpkin Swiss Roll,,,,and get ready to watch the National news and then Jeopardy...I hope they don't give the host job to Ken Jennings, I'd rather have James Holtzhauer,  the second leading money winner in the history of the show.  But I know Jennings is already working for the show as a clue crew member.   

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