Sunday, November 8, 2020

Im WIth JOE and so is the USA.


Did you see the happy people laughing smiling and dancing in the streets???? Its just so awesome...We Made America Happy Again!! A decent, kind, and caring man is now gonna sit in our oval office. :o)) Joe Biden 46th President of the USA...and Kamala Harris the first Woman, and first Black woman to hold this high office...I really like Pence's replacement...LoL...I think they should ring the Liberty Bell...o)) 

No body is listening to Trump his tweets are falling on deaf ears...he lost by more nearly 5 million votes..Still only half the population of this country voted?? 150 million we  have 330 million in this country.  

This nation has a chance' and a won't all be good but it sure is better than it was...I just told one Trump complainer on FB they are now invisible to me, no more arguing or crossing swords with them while they cry out ITS NOT over yet...uhhh yes it is.  There is NOT one legal leg for them to stand on, they can try but it will not topple the 290...

SO now the work of undoing the harm, it will be hard and hopefully Joe can get a cabinet that McConnel won't posture about...and they will put us back on TRACK.....OMG if only...there are 2 run off's for senate seats so we'll see on that..but just knowing we got a decent Man and an awesome Woman now looking out for us...things are better.  We don't have to put up with that grunting pig any longer.  The next 75 days will be an eternity..Im waiting on Joe to give his we won speech...MY flag comes out of the drawer and flies in the air again Tomorrow'...

My Mom nearly choked when I turned our flag upside down for 3 days then took it down...She said "Sondrrrrraaaa what are you doing" she understood me tho, and it was my flag, she never flew a flag...Her last election she cast her ballot for a Woman, how thrilled she was.  She voted for  did I in 2016.  

 I put the flag up the year Obama was elected and took it down for Trump and now it will fly FREE AGAIN...Better times are coming for people of color and whites alike who realize we are all accepted again as Americans   Immigrants can take a deep breath again!  Foreign leaders across the Globe will be treated with respect and be darn sure we are a Democracy strong and determined to remain free of Tyranny but inclusive. 

Today I worked my butt off...I won't be able to move tomorrow...I spent the day removing all the "conversion" parts of my van.  The ceiling and the saggy storage bins are gone'....NOW I can stand up without hitting my head...

So  I gotta draw up my replacement plan, I will be able to reuse some bits of the old ceiling, I do have some ideas but it's not in cement...depends on what raw materials I can find locally to work with.  It's not gonna be an easy DIY project but its one long time coming...I was only waiting for the weather to be cool enough for me to get in there and work.  
It has basically 3 sections, the front over the driving seats, the Rear over the cargo area, and the rest is the majority of the Cabin.  

So at first I will do the area over the drivers seats...I think the large middle section I took out has a piece big enough to make the drivers area cover...and the rear over cargo area I am keeping mainly as is, it works fine back there...but will need some retrimming...since Im raising the ceiling height....the middle I want to add as little thickness as possible so I can continue to stand some insulation for sure, then figure out how I want to proceed. I will probably use reflectix to insulate. 

I think I have a wheel bearing going again...just had them done 7 months ago...this van goes thru bearings like crazy.  I can't quite figure out which one, its hard by sound only to determine which one is whistling. So that has to be done..I heard it when I was on my way back from my trip down I-95 to Bears Island..guess that long drive there and back did it in.  I think that guy I been using as I stated Im not going back there...has been using cheap parts that don't last.

So the Winners Speech is on and Kamala is speaking and some of the women in the Audience are in tears.  Maybe now we can get the Equal Rights Amendment passed!! Thank you Joe for choosing a strong woman to share this position with you. 
The crowd is going wild now Joe is on the stage.  He looks very happy...
so I will close here and celebrate with him!
Wow we did it. 

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