Wednesday, September 8, 2021

I did something?


It's out of whack for sure...OK my camera arrived that was good, I did inquire to her what happened to the phone that never arrived, she said  I would have to contact customer service, I told her I did that already...

Then later in the day my computer suddenly had Mircrosoft News on the desktop...I tired to restore it to three days ago and what a ended up with the blue screen of "no can do" I ended up having to reinstall Windows! And it took me about 3 hours to get it all set up because I use Chrome and of course Microsoft wants me to use Edge which is a joke...
So I had to recall how to get out  of S mode on Win 10 good for me I wrote it down...JUST to be able to install Chrome. 

Then had to download Chrome, and try to get the settings back to the way I like it...even the size was different...I used my old laptop and found  a video that could have helped me start in safe mode and I wouldn't have lost my documents.  But darn it I found that too late...

I have most of the important stuff on thumb drives anyways and in Google Photos NOT all but most.  Some things were lost.  I should have backed up before the restore, why did I forget to do that?  

The next laptop I buy will be a Chromebook, I just can't deal with windows anymore...Used to be good but now its a shopping mall basically.  So I've dumped alot of Salt on myself lately...I don't know if there's enough water in the world to help...if I can get thru 9/11 it will help some.

So tomorrow it's supposed to rain but hopefully Thursday I can go out and see how the camera works...of course I took a photo but I want to know how it performs in the field.  

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