Saturday, March 20, 2021

W is for....


This blog is called Writtin's.  Just a silly play on words, but  the BIG W, is  my intro and it's hard to find words that begin with W.  Anyways word is today that it's winter again not spring...Brr cold wind all day I did try to go out, waste of time saw nothing in the way of birds and the outside chores were had to get through with the cold air.  No sun either.  I did a few chores had to drag out the 8 ft ladder and put a piece of roof trim that blew off yesterday back on...we had some strong winds.  

I checked out the feeders they were good since yesterday I think the birds stayed in roost...and didn't show up for much food....I had a Hermit Thrush in the yard today,..And a Red Winged Blackbird, he came in with a group of Grackle.  I heard him calling up in the tree they stayed less than 5 mins.  I was on the ladder so didn't get much more than a glimpse of him up in the tall wild Cherry tree...

Upon reading some of my 2009 blog posts, I was so into the Navajo Way back then...I really could align with the philosophy.  The Beauty Way, the Soul Sickness, the Sings and the Dances that most ancient communities had as a way of communicating certain things...I had worked so hard on the inner me when I was in NYC removed from all my family,  and so that took the stress load down to Zero,  to be honest it took only a year of being back with them to put me right back to circling the drain.  Family is tough to deal with.  NOT that there is no love there is plenty of that...but there is responsibility when you're part of a family.  The stress of the job I had was more than enough to make me crazy so I worked very hard on my emotional and spiritual self.  IM so far away from that now I don't think I could ever get back to that thinking. Sad because the Navajo Way is to me, a way of finding inner peace by embracing the natural world around you.  I know it works to bring inner peace inside you, it does not make the world better it only makes you accept the bitter pill easier. 

IT was very hard to re enter Southern Life.  It is very oppressive in this society.  I don't want to say it's ignorance or lack of education , or just plain old bad people but it is very oppressive here.  I think it's the hypocrisy that gets to me more than anything. They carry on about their religious freedom and in the next breath their right to bear arms...OH please which is it? Anyways now Im so cynical Im beyond help.

So do you believe in the moon landing?  I gotta say Im a skeptic.  I know.  It's hard to think that I don't accept that part of our history...WHY?  Because IF they had done that once why not go back every year?  We could have an out post by now..I personally see no use to go to the moon, what's the purpose? Anyways so now they are soon going to blast off a rocket to orbit the moon...unmanned.  So why no confidence, they can not do today what they did 50 yrs ago?  Gravity on the moon is 1/6th less than Earth..  Yet the flag they had on the moon was standing out straight,,, it should have had some droop on it.  That's just one reason I don't believe it.  

Just like there was  NO Voter Fraud, but now 80 million people believe there was simply because they were told a huge LIE...that is the evidence I give you to prove my point. So the word is HOAX. After months of checking rechecking and looking and looking TX found 16 voters had put down a fake address.

Today was only a ⭐⭐⭐⭐  Friday.

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