Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Could this be a...

asted day?

 I guess as long as you're still above ground it's a good day eh?  But nothing worked the way I wanted it to this day...rain when I got up then it quit I went out to clean the bird feeders, since I found one with the eye infection...got that done just in time for another rain to hit.  Back inside...worked on scanning some of my hard copy photos into my computer to get my 2010 Zion post back up to snuff...but that's the last time I've had any hard copies made.  So Most of the photos I let go on Flickr exists only in my memory.  

 I may try to get my old PC up one more time...but the main thing I really need to do is take my external hard drive somewhere to see if it can be opened. I took the cover off and Im gonna hook it up and see it spins.,,

The bird is doing wonderful....one more day and it should be able to go...
I really love it when it goes so well....he has been eating like crazy, probably has not been getting all he needed due to the blindness. I also cleaned the birdbaths up too....I do regular cleaning of the feeders but since I know there was a sick bird using them I did it again. 

I did put the headlight retainer ring on it did fit...So now I need to order one more.  Even tho they told me this one would not fit my van it did...I think the headlights may not be the stock ones that came on the van...because it did fit. 

The guy who bought land behind me is setting out cedar trees, I have a line of them planted on my side of the fence, it looks like he is planting his very close to MY fence, but if it grows in I don't care cause I don't want to see HIM or whatever he builds ...that piece is so narrow...I don't think it's a good spot to have a home on period it's a LONG skinny piece.   I noticed he had planted cedars along his West boundary last month...so I hope they grow faster than the red cedar I planted they are finally growing but it's slooow...

The rain cooled the temps down again too...I haven't had any heat on in the house for a few days but tonight I may have to put some on.  This is the weird time of year when it will be spring one day and winter the next.  A pile of various clothes will collect at the foot of my bed, the "wore it an hour" pile, and you don't really know what to do with it.  Should I hang it back up, put it in the laundry, or leave it here for a day and see if I will need it again real soon.  This goes on till laundry day and then it goes in. 

So gloomy now the sun never came out today period...and so my Brian is on drooopyyy mode...If anyone really wants to do me harm all they would need to do is put me in a room with no windows, I would die in no time. I put Dr Phil on and there is 2 families on going thru grief...And I can def emphasize with them.  It's not that you won't get over it, it's how long and what you go through each day that wears you down.

Well I got nothing much to add today,,,,I hope tomorrow is a better day for all of us. 

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