Saturday, March 6, 2021

Live and Learn

Today I burned out about 6 gallons of expensive gas to go check out a new birding place in Cayce, SC...ANK, was not impressed.  I guess the only way to know is go see for yourself so I did.
MUD, trees so tall birds way UP there...ugh Did I say mud, oh yeah a couple of times maybe.
This is what I don't like about birding Spring Migrants...that's why I like winter birding way better, the trees have no leaves.  Anyways I saw very little, the river was pretty, the Congaree runs thru it...I should have gone to Congaree NP, it has a boardwalk to keep you up out of the mud.   

Then I don't know why but when I turned the car on to leave I decided to see if Wilma, my GPS, could find a quicker way back...THAT *&^%$ took me right through Downtown Columbia.  It didn't take long for my PTSD of living in NYC to return.  People driving like nuts running red lights zooming lane to lane, homeless begging at intersections, coming up and banging on the windows of the cars...I rolled mine up and hit the locks cause  you never know what is going on in that situation I was happy when the light turned green before he got to me,  and just hoped the guy didn't get hit crossing 5 lanes against the light.  Then 2 fire trucks came barrel assing right thru the heart of it all...I was immediately back in NYC and all that I left behind.  I do not like Columbia.  It's full of drugs, drunks, and violent people.   

So been there and probably won't go back....I may never get my waterproof boots clean, I will attempt that tomorrow.  
So I told Wilma she is on restrictions for a 
So I came  home had something to eat and been trying to get more of the old photos organized, I found a few old ones on Google last night..the only problem is they are small so better small than none.  Now I cant find my MADERA  canyon photos. 
Anyways its just annoying, Totally my fault because I did not download my photos before closing my flickr down...HOW can you store 10,000 photos???
So I just felt hopeless, I did download a lot of me I filled up about 12 64 GB thrumbdrives....then it was either pay for another year or let it go...and I made the it gives me something to do besides watch tv in the evenings...

SO the frekin congress has SHOT down the $15 an hr wage change...Bastards...I HOPE everyone who votes GOP is happy,,,and 6 Democrats didnt support it cause they just want the bill to pass...that damned conservative Democrat,    JOE Manchin he needs to switch parties and stop pretending.

Looks like Cuomo is getting the axe in the head, and if he did what they say, then he deserves it...But it seems he made sexual advances, not harassment.  The line is thin,
Anyways as a female I have been on the end of unwanted advances, and it goes with the territory and it seems it always WILL...The thing is with me, I say, "YOU better NOT be insinuating  what I think you are cause I will write you up in a heartbeat." WHY do women take that shit??? NO Way TELL THEM TO BACK OFF OR ELSE...omg it's not hard. 

First office job I had I was 20 yrs old.  I had always worked outdoors with horses, but I was about to get married and we planned to settle down and quit the horse business...So I took a job as a file clerk...I was NO one's secretary or assistant...
Anyways the dept manager had to pass the coffee pot set up to get to his office and pass it to get to my desk before going into his office.  He had a secretary, but she was out of the office for a week...So he came by my desk and slammed  his cup on my desk...and then walked into his office..

SO I looked around at some of the other girls who had desks near me and they raised their eyebrows...I just let his cup sit...then he came out and asked if I would bring him a coffee...SO 
I got up went filled the cup brought it to his office, and told him this..."you can fire me, suspend me, write me up whatever you want to do but don't you ever slam your cup on my desk I don't wait on my soon to be husband, and  I will not wait on you,"   
I stood there while he looked shocked and I was already mentally cleaning out my desk, and he said...
"ok no problem at all thank you for letting me know how you feel." 
And that was it.  The girls in the office had heard, and later in the break room they all came up to me and told me how much they respected what I did.  

I actually advanced to scheduling and that manager was let go for having an affair with a how about that  I left that job when I decided to start my Upholstery Business...

My feet are cold so the heat is on and I will probably nap on the couch till bedtime.  So sometimes you write off certain politicians, bosses, jobs, and nature preserves. 

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ still Im a solid 5 today. 

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