Thursday, March 25, 2021

A month away..


That's when I have my Covid shot's going to be the Pfizer brand. So I hope it does not get changed or cancelled...I just want to get it done.  I was surprised that I actually got an appointment, last time I tried I got NOTHING.  My sis had a bad couple of days following her second dose...I don't know which brand she received, I need to ask.  
I  want to go to either Walgreens, or CVS Pharmarcy...but they had no appointments available.  So Im going to the Health Resources center which is part of the Hospital system in our town. 
YET I could buy an AUTO handgun  tomorrow NO Wait. ITS harder to register to vote than to buy a gun.  

I felt some better today and tried to go ahead with my day and overcome.  I did have to go to Walmart so I got some Probiotics maybe it will help me with whatever this issue is.  I stopped at Goodale park on my way in and enjoyed seeing some Geese play around in the pond...they are huge birds seeing one fly right towards me was such a treat. 6 ft wingspan easily...

Then I attempted to finish up the planting bed project, did not get it done...but made some progress. Of course anything like that is opening up a can of worms...And I want to make it simpler, so we will see.  Im thinking of going to the Pallet company again to get some free pallets to help me out with some changes I want to make.  It's getting HOT so fast I really want to get some of these things done while it's still somewhat cool. I want to build a platform for my garden pots to sit on to stop ants, slugs, etc from having easy access to the pots...And it will look more like it's supposed to be there. I try to make it look all nice etc but it's haphazard at best. I WISH I could build one that has two tiers..that would be an undertaking.  Not sure Im up to that. This year has been a milestone for me.  I have finally admitted there are some things I really can no longer do with any expectations. 

I had to get bird seed, some otc meds for my digestive issues, and got some Joint supplement chews for the girls, A box of kleenex, a pack of reusable zip lock bags, a small bag of granular fertilizer for my plants, a small tube of Super Glue, AND that was nearly $90.  Walmart is no bargain anymore. 

And I got $20 of food things on top of that.  

The shootings.

Okay  a 21 yo white guy with a gun went  apeshit  targeted and killed 8 innocent Asians in Georgia. AND  NOW in Colorado a 21 yo Syrian Immigrant went apeshit and killed 10 innocent shoppers in a grocery store...and what do the Republicans say??  "Democrats are using these unfortunate incidents to push their gun reform agenda." 

UNFORTUNATE????? That was Ted Cruz who said that...personally if I was in charge I would collect all the damn guns and melt them down into something useful.  The GOP loves killing they live for it.  

My despite for the Party on the right continues to build as they sink even lower when I think there is no way they can go lower...they always do.  That CO shooter had issues...he should not be allowed to own a gun, yet he had LOTS of guns.  He bought one on March 16th...
OK if there was a 30 day wait for ANY gun purchase, this could prevent planned killings.  NO one knows why he did it.  

Anyone can flip out, it happens, but if we had laws in place it could save lives not just of the victims but the shooter also, a waiting period could stop the entire episode from happening.  
I am not the person to ask about gun laws cause like I said I dont want ANY guns...take them all away as far as I care....IN My own family I know unstable individuals  who should NEVER own a gun.  Like my son....he scares me more and more lately.  SO why isn't the family involved in these purchases, there should be a witness to this purchase, so people who REALLY know this person can vouch for his or her sanity...the Syrian family said he was violent, and antisocial.  

Try getting your depressed family member into therapy? It is completely out of your control../unless they threaten to kill someone, WHY should it come to that????
This country is fucked up....Don't buy into the BS of the American the's hogwash. 

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