Monday, July 20, 2020

Let the Light Shine

ILL Trump keep trying to stop the truth from reaching his supporters?

I hate to get started on Trump and the GOP.  His corruption is so vast now it would take a Book to tell it all, OH yeah well recently 2 books doing just that have been released..But the thing that is getting at me "today this minute" along with of course ALL HIS OTHER BS, is his attempt to manipulate the data about Corona-virus in order to make it look as if HE has won the war against Covid-19.  We all know its a big fat LIE...another one to add to the LONG list of lies..

So he is trying to make the info from the CDC unavailable, while he uses a data collection agency called Teletrack run by a guy named Michael Zamagias's (You can google him), he is also heavily involved in Gas and Oil Pipelines, and Real Estate Development....So Trump disables the confidence in one of our trusted non profits...and turns the data collection over to a For Profit company and one who I'm sure is huge contributor to his campaign...since they are both in Real Estate Development.

Trump always has a motive for his actions that are to benefit him or some deal he hopes to broker once his ass is kicked out of DC...He is padding his own family fortune and making it up as he goes so when he is out things will be in his Favor, the courts most especially as the courts seem to be the only way to get anywhere with this Thug!

After Chuck Woolery retweeted Trump's tweet about how "the Democrats" are making covid out to be this horrible disease just to make Trump look bad, (like he needs any help in that department)....Woolery closed his twitter account after reporting his own son now has  the virus! Karma is a real force in the Universe.

SO that's in my craw today..and the fact that someone killed my Deer! I'm so hurt...she is laying dead at the corner of the property with vultures feasting on her carcass ....I don't  have a clue but it appears she was hit by a car and that doesn't make sense since there is a stop sign right here and no one can get up any speed because of that..I had not seen her a few days then I saw the vultures and went to investigate.  I'm still in shock over that.  ;o((

I was sick this morning when I woke up...dizzy and feeling very poorly so no walk again today!  After eating and trying to do some small chores inside I felt well enough to drive to the IGA and get some dry kibble for the girls they didn't have enough for tonight and in the morning, so I made that trip and  then I started to feel even better so off to Lowe's.  I entered via the garden center it's all open air basically and then into the double opening doors and made a hard left and along that wall is where they keep the battery operated power tools..

I am so done with electric hedge clippers they are only good for cutting up expensive extension cords!! And while I was at it,  I got the battery operated Blower too..the one I have was smoking at the connection the last time I used it!! A fire waiting to happen I guess.. Everyone except one employee up on a ladder had on a mask, he had a bandanna around his neck I assume he pulls it up when near people, my first trip to a big box store since March.  

NOW if it would cool down enough for me to use either one.   I like having my windows curtain free in the front room so I can see the deer and the birds outside as my house  overlooks my old horse pasture..BUT this year I've had to put some coverings over the widows in the "bar" room as  the Sun beams in there in the afternoon and makes it so hot..I purchased these thin linen panels and simply thumb-tacked them  up at the top so when it cools I can take them down and fold them up and put them away...I don't want a permanent covering to block my view..

I like the windows the light can shine in. I don't like to be kept in the dark!  86 45 11 3 2020

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