Monday, July 27, 2020

Citizens United

ELL FLOSS got her bath...
She is out on the porch drying, and I got my hedges clipped so the to-do list has been whittled down.. It oh so just don't know makes me wish I had a swimming pool.  
I had a post all typed out and then deleted it...sometimes I open up cans of worms I'm not ready to fish with so I will just deal with that one quietly and not publicly.

Okay enough about that...did you ever Skype with someone...I Skyped with my sisters one day they were using a cell phone...and most of the time I was either staring at the the underside of their chins or their feet...LOL really? Hold it up please...

Do you notice that the news people are still reporting from home whilst the rest of the country is back at work?  I don't understand, anyways one thing that has struck me is how boring and poorly decorated their homes are...LOL it's dull and bad lighting and the sound is awful...and I've heard barking dogs and screeching cats and crying children in the background..LOL..makes them seem almost human eh?? 

I figured they lived in Mansions, guess I was way off.  One of the local tv personalities, a single  fellow lives in a smalllll little apartment, and he chose to do his report in front of contractor kitchen cabinets a horrible backdrop any ways It's all good no putting on airs and that I am thankful for...they are just being who they are and Im not making light of them...Im pointing out how my thinking about their lifestyle is so far off base.  I figure TV personality equals RICH...maybe not!!

I do trust some of the media to be honest but not FOX I won't even watch FOX period not even their programming on the main channel.   SO much bias on there...they put a Neo-Conservative spin on every bit of news.  I have given up mostly on TV.  I don't have satellite or cable, I have antenna and I try to keep up with the local weather and national news a few times a week and occasional sci-fi movies, and how to shows... and my interest in those is dwindling.  I spend more time watching Youtube now a days.  Citizen's journalism or citizen made films, and citizen made adventures, and documentaries. Citizen's can and do Unite!

I prefer a wide range of here's a short list of my favorite genre's..and I normally have 3 or 4 Youtuber's giving me their spin on each one of these genre's.  I subscribe to 96 you tubers I watch the same 12 or so every time they post, and I started my own because guess what?  IF Trump wins again citizens journals is all we will have to go on as Im sure he will go about shutting down our media...he's been trying to put suspension on them for the whole 4 yrs he has been squatting in the WH.  I hope Biden asks for all new mattresses to be installed. 

So I follow: Hiking, Backpacking, Outdoor Adventure, Traveling, Touring, How To, Gardening, Self Sufficient Living, Farming, History, Environmental Cleanups, and that one is really cool sometimes!  

Its called Adventures With Purpose.  What they do is they are cleaning up our rivers of the Junk that is in there!  YOU would not believe how many old cars, boats, machinery is below you in the river you may be swimming in or boating in...They find these junked items in the river by using a sonar device while floating along top then they dive in to see what it is and they recover it and drag it out of the water. They take you underwater and show you how they plan to bring it up and then they film the whole recovery...sometimes they fail...but most of the time they are successful..

The main guy whose name escapes me right now makes these air lift bags, and they attach the bags then inflate them and it floats the junk up and then they use a tow truck to tow it out of the water and remove it..they operate mostly in the PNW but if you know of a car in a river  let them know about it. They may be interested.  

In 2 different ones they found vehicles with BODIES inside!  One was a suicide, and the other an accident or maybe a homicide...and they are searching for others, people who vanished and could possibly be submerged in a vehicle having run off the highway and sank! 

So this may be morbid but here goes...
My uncle, my Mom's brother, drove his car off the road back in Feb 1961 in Michigan with his entire family in the car! His Wife and himself dead at the scene..their son was thrown out of the car when it hit the water and he survived but he died a  few months later due to complications of his injuries, and their daughter who was 8 survived by somehow crawling onto the top of the car and was seen by a passing motorist..she lived to be 61.  All of them are buried in our family cemetery in TN where all my family except my mom is buried, she did NOT want to be buried there.

Another story that has always been of interest to me is not about my family, BUT of 2 North Carolina high school senior graduates who disappeared on Oct 13, 2012.  I recall seeing the news reports about it when it was happening.  Jake Ziegler, and Ray Pierce, friends who had just graduated from Bandy's High School in Catawba County NC.  They attended a party and had plans to drive to Myrtle Beach for more celebrating of their graduation..

Their family reported them missing when they didn't hear from them since they left Charlotte, NC driving South along Interstate 77 and they were to let family know when they arrived safe at the Beach.  That call never came in.  So searches began to comb the route they would have taken to get to Myrtle Beach the next day.   

A citizen organized rescue unit called Community United Effort Center for Missing Persons was leading the search.  It was formed by a man whose son went missing 4 yrs prior and was found murdered!  Each day I would hear on the tv news updates about the search as it continued one week, then two and then finally they found the boys!

Fifteen days after they went missing they were found right here in my home county! About 3 miles from unreal.  I-20 exit 96 about a mile west of that exit is where  a couple bridges span the Wateree River and for some reason they had swerved into the median and swerved back to the other side of the highway and narrowly missed the guard rail and plunged into the river, the car had flipped and was laying on it's top submerged. Some say he fell asleep at the wheel possible. 

Cause of death was drowning...So very sad...they were found on Oct 28th about 4:30 pm, when  a fisherman reported seeing a car bumper in the river...the car had floated down river a bit, but was eventually found. 

The crazy thing is that during the time they were excavating the car from the river a man who was rubber necking the scene hit the concrete guardrail and was killed...what tragedy!!!

the missing poster:

18-year-old Jake Ziegler and 17-year-old Ray Pierce (Source: WBTV)

Every time I am on I-20 I pass those 2 little wooden crosses by the edge of the road where they went off into the river and I think of these 2 lives snuffed out so quickly...

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