Sunday, July 26, 2020

Labor of Love

eekend finally..

Not that it really matters to me, but it means I am at home.  I just don't go out on weekends anymore since 2 things:
1. Its too hot to enjoy being out doors
2. The population has tripled since Covid

I don't know where all these people came from?  I really don't understand.  My close by spots I used to go like Goodale Park, The River Park, if you go on weekends, you can't even find's crazy..and before Covid I never had an issue with crowds.  

Anyways I have plenty of homestead chores to deal with.  The morning walk this day started at 07:30 and it was clammy to say the least..I wore my floppy hat to keep the sun outta my eyes on the return trip, since they cut all the trees on both sides of the road it's very exposed for the majority of the walk.

Poor was clipping day.  I'm pretty good at many jobs, clipping is NOT one of them.  I used to clip horses as part of my job when I worked at the Hunter Barn right out of high school.  People would bring their horses in and pay us to clip them  I have clipped MANY a horse, been bitten, almost kicked and stepped on in the process...Many of the horses had to be given a shot of tranquilizer  about 30 mins prior to the clipping so they didn't get too stressed and start to panic, and we put cotton balls in their ears so the sound didn't scare them..

It was not  difficult but you had to know a little bit about what you're doing...DOG clipping completely different ball game.  Their hair is soft, a horse has coarse hair,  Flossie will not sit up or stand she insists on laying down...and did I say it's 100 in the shade, so my glasses puddle with sweat and  it's like I just want to be done with this; Poor Flossie..

She looks like she had a really bad fight and Lost with Edward Scissor  One thing I noticed is dog clippers are JUNK...I can't tell you how many pairs Ive gone thru in the 12 yrs of having this dog. IF you know what's good for you Never get a long haired dog unless you can afford the $120 grooming bill...every other month.  I sure can't so I do it myself...thank goodness it does grow back..

IF she would be still it would help she moves I dip the clipper and Oppppsssss
"don't worry, that will grow back."  Good thing she is not going anywhere anytime soon we did the whole shots things last month. That was a rodeo.  First mobile vet to do a clinic since the pandemic started so the line was triple the norm...

Most dog owners can not control their pets...and when you see a 150 pound lab making a bee line for you and your dogs in a LINE of dogs,  as he is dragging his leash behind him and an elderly man is running trying to catch him, all hell breaks loose!  Pitbulls being held by 6 year olds charge, while women holding  Chihuahuas scream, Collies bark , Beagles break into song, bitches with pups growl , uncut males attack each other, even CATS in carriers all suddenly in fight mode.  Run for  your's Gawd Awful stuff..

Between all of us we managed to get the scattered line reformed and the lab under control and the old man running didn't have a coronary right then and there... my biggest fear!  

I suddenly called from the back of the line "is my test result done Im ready to get outta here." yes it was and finally I paid for my heart worm tablets got my papers and GONE...omg what chaos.  They take the cats inside the mobile van and close the door, you can sometimes hear the ruckus as the cat zooms out of the crate and attacks the  they literally can't give the shots, so they give the owner a tranq. tablet to give the cat and come back next time.

So it is that Flossie looks like fresh roadkill I feel bad but it's better than all that long hair making her hot and I can not bath her with all that long hair the water never gets to her skin...she has some Flat Coated Retriever in her mixed with possibly some Irish Setter, and Lab, she is real mutt but a lovely dog. 

Flossie 2012...

This is her normal coat between clippings I take the scissors and have her lay down and trim around her like a cardboard cutout...that helps keep debris from getting in her fur, like briers, leaves, and twigs, but she brings all kinds of trash in with her every's a given pine needles will be in her tail  or leaves in the back end I call it the Bustle...omg its a job keeping her free of tangles and hair mats. I check her often and I just clip them out with scissors. 

She hurt her ACL a few yrs back and so she limps around and now at age 12 she has a lot of white in her muzzle and face..

Here she is relaxing inside after the clipping today...I can't hold out to clip and shampoo her in one day so I will try to shampoo her takes for ever for her to dry...and I have to keep her in the porch or she will wallow in the sand and be a mud pie..


IM so glad she cant see what I did to her back,  It will grow in a bit in a weeks time...It's like when you get a bad hair cut and you have to wear a baseball cap!

...and down below...this was 2 days ago trying to find her nails  under all this hair to trim them..

And here is what happens when I try to work on Floss's feet ANNIE sticks her head in between my legs to try and watch omg...

Once when I trimmed Flossie's feet up I got side tracked and only did 3 of the feet, the hair becomes like a "furry slipper" and she walked around with ONE big fuzzy slipper for about a month it grew so son finally said "if you're not gonna finish her feet I will do it...So I did 

When I took these dogs in 12 yrs ago I promised them 2 square meals and a snack a day now they don't even get the they are both too fat!  She has always been a goof ball...

here she is doing her upside down dog act..

I love my dogs and I try to take good care of them but no one said they had to LOOK the part, they trust me to know what's best...we have shared some wonderful times together...

Floss in front and Annie in the back at one of the Many Waterfalls we hiked to...2013

They are my family....Annie's hair is easy to care for just brush her out and she is good to go...
IT's a lot of work...but they are worth it. I Lost my precious Casey on Apr 17th and I still cry every single day for him, what a wonderful little light he had inside...losing aging pets comes with the program but I'M so not ready for it...Casey's passing threw me for a loop and I'm still in mourning for him. 
I want my girls to be happy and healthy but I know if nature takes it course within the next 3 to 5 years if I don't go first they will probably not be with me anymore.  So I cherish each day with them..

I know some of my Writtn's post get pretty heavy, I don't like to censor myself so it's always gonna be an Up and Down Highway, so keep your seat belt handy it can get bumpy.

So now it's evening and I'm done for the day...Im currently watching PBS and a show called Walk in the Park about the Rocky Mtn National was not that long ago I traveled thru that park, camped and enjoyed myself I had all 3 of my dogs with me, so  it was a challenge, but I pulled it off and we all had a good visit into the park. Before we arrived in the park we boondocked in the National Forest and the girls and Casey played in the snow...swam in a mountain stream and barked at moose thru the window...

Me and My family. 

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