Thursday, January 7, 2021

the little dictator------LOST AGAIN.


Not me, yet it was the DC Major who said 'we got this" uhhhh no  you didn't.  HOW stupid. IM not  in power but I sure would have had the National Guard in that plaza and no body would have gotten in there...sometimes I think the  leaders are so disconnected they don't even know what the hell is really going on.  

The good news is the ones whose face is recognized in photos and video will be arrested eventually...if not then wth NOT? 
Trumps so called stand down speech was garbage, he still said it was his win, they stole it, they put in the fix, etc.  But we all know that is bunk.  Trump tried to use his Thug militia to over throw the Capitol...Our Capitol was not secured...Trump keeps calling them patriots, but he is wrong and he should be arrested for his actions. AND so should they.  He is inciting violence, even tho he said go home peacefully, he swore he WON...big FAT LIE, 
WHO will hold this thug accountable? 

McConnell is just as guilty, and all those mouth piece republicans are responsible for this...It will continue to be like this until Biden restores order to this country.  
A woman was killed, she should not have been there...she took a terrible risk and her blood is on Trumps hands. 

Trump calling on Pence to Change the electoral vote...and he said he is never conceding, and McConnel too little too late...he should of spoke up sooner, this is what happens when NO One is willing to speak up to the ones in Power. THEY must be held accountable.  
Trump will never say he lost to do that is to admit he is lying. 
He should be walked out in chains.   

Then later he Tweeted again same thing Horrible that we WON and we have to give in to them...or something like that...and Twitter PUT A block on it saying it's false you can't comment or share it. they should cancel his account immediately. 
NOW a 6 pm curfew is being enforced...and yet they destroyed property, and injured a Capitol office may lose an eye when something hit him upside the head...

IF the Republicans ever get power again, Canada, step back we're coming your way. 
The news said thousands were there it looked like hundreds to me, I don't want the news to inflame it even more by giving it more credence than is necessary.  

ONE Republican Senator said these are not all Trump supporters, but why did they have on Trump hats, shirts, and carry his f'n flag? It was his supporters...they are all thugs, they came out of trailer parks and rural slums...and they showed their asses. 

NOW they are saying Dems had a lot to do with it...NO WE DIDN'T 
YES the Republicans DID create this...This was Trump supporters, and the Republican party did this.   Trump has hated the Democrats since day ONE...he said there was fraud in the election he we know how is to blame. Her got his base to hate Hillary, and now Biden.
Twitter closed his account, and will not open it until he removes the lie posts he made and the instigating video...THANK GOODNESS. NO more tweets from the little dictator. 

BUT what you saw was not Trump taking siege of our HOUSE, it was US taking it Back. That is what you saw.  
So he lost the election, he lost his court cases contesting it, he lost the recounts, the Republicans lost control of the Senate, and his  little Siege FAILED TOO..
The little dictator that couldn't.  
HE can never be allowed to run again...NEVER. 

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