Saturday, January 23, 2021

Line in the Sand


When I went shopping I put 2 unbaked pie shells in my cart, because I had some apple pie filling I wanted to use...the pack had 2 shells in it for $0.96 cents.  By the time I was heading to check out, I had talked myself out of that pack of pie I put it back..

An hour ago I had flour all over my kitchen, had dough on my fingers, and under my nails, the shell was too small and it has thin and thick spots, it took me 30 minutes...all to save  48 cents...the cost of one of the shells...LOL BUT I did it for the rain forest. 

Let me they are clearing the rain forest at the speed of light to make room for palm tree plantations...why? Because everything has freaking palm oil in it.  So when I checked the ingredients there was palm that was the main reason I put it back.

Sometimes I just do the wrong I put my cousin on 30 day snooze on FB... why? She is a Trump voter, she put up a Anti Liberal sort of post so I know I was going to say something I shouldn't so I decided to answer, "really"?   That was snarky I really wanted to respond to each one of the issues the post pointed to...

Like it said any Immigrant who crosses the border illegally  in Cuba goes to jail
But in our country you get a job, a drivers license, and food stamps.  
Cuba is a communist country...soooo the residents have NO say in any of the laws, they also cant leave their country, they are hostages.
 I went to Canada, all I did was show my passport and answer 2 questions...took me 5 seconds. I want to be welcomed with open arms...A Democratic Country has elected officials in office to represent OUR wishes, this is why it's so important to make sure what they represent is WHAT we want. 

But her post had like 15 issues, It would take me all day to type out a response...but I had one for each issue...I may do it and put it up later....when I have time to not do it with no snark in my tone, Because setting the record straight is the best argument. It was supposed to be quoted from Jeff Foxworthy the comedian...the thing is it was about poor people and immigrants, he bashed them and incorrectly make statements about the life they lead...HIS family originated in Essex England, Immigrant roots.....he  is the son of a well to do family his father was an IMB executive, Foxworthy got his first job via his father giving it to him...yep he worked on a mainframe computer at IMB so looks to me like he got quite a hand up from his family OH and did I mention he is worth 100 Million Dollars??? Hypocrite. 

She lives in another state we don't spend time together so  I think a cooling period as tempers are high now; one lost - one won...last yr I unfriended my neighbor, BUT I had been considering doing that for like a year and the whole thing came to a head when I took my flag down after Trump won, she told me in public on a FB Post that he won and I should get used to that and get over it.  So I told her I don't need her to tell me what I should think, feel, or say.  And I unfriended her on FB and in real life.  

So do I regret that? NOT one single day...I was fed up with her.  She told me she had an abortion when she was 38 because she just didn't want to raise another child...Ok, that is HER decision to make...but she pretends to support the Right to Life movement.   That only made me question what else is she lying about? I wanted to say: SO you support taking that right away from someone else but it's OK since it was YOU?  Call me what you will but I have standards of who I spend my time around...I didn't tell her to change, I didn't say anything I was very surprised, but when she told me I was wrong to take down my flag, and in public, knowing what she had told me in private, and I didn't put her down or tell her how she should have behaved....I knew I was not going to have that person in my life. 
I have not said one to word to her if she passes me on the road I do not look at her I don't look away I just treat her like anyone else who I don't know...I respect her right just to be who she is, but that doesn't mean she will be in my life. 

So I ate 2 pieces of my pie, the crust was to be honest the weak link,  poor but it worked...and
My condolences to the family of Hank Aaron.  He was 86  he was a fantastic player and yet got death threats back when he was playing,...why? Because he was Black.  
So not right.  He was worth $25 million.....$75 million less than Foxworthy...and Aaron was a Legend.
That hardly seems fair. 

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