Monday, January 4, 2021

Give me Liberty...

So too will some of the drama this nation is being dragged through by the Thug Party aka the they're attacking the state of GA, it's their way to lie, cheat, or steal the control of our US Senate.  IM so tired of these jerk offs, and they actually have convinced their base that Democrats are Communists and are in bed with China, funny how its China not Russia, cause they are in bed with Russia,.lol Trump loves Putin Trump is Putins boy. Trump wants to be like Putin,,,,and is  his right hand man in the USA.  
So they lie, they twist the truth till it squeals and they are just plain deplorable, and I wouldn't give one of them the time of day...HOW can we come together when they behave this way?  
They are in GA telling people not to vote it's rigged, etc, this way they can contest the results due to meddling, their meddling.  HOW insane, WE need someone to step in and put a stop to this!! 
And now more senators plan to contest Biden's win, saying the swing states cheated in some way even tho those States have sworn NO it's just you saying that, which is exactly true the GOP is simply saying it was election fraud, rigged, etc....and they just keep pushing a fake story hoping it will work...AND my question is WHY? 
There must be some huge prize in it for them. 
THEY do not care about American people...that is obvious...McConnell didn't want to give Americans $2000 to pay their rent and buy food, yet he keep pushing this Law that Americans cant sue their employers if they are forced to work and catch Covid and die...
That is BS, no one should force someone to work in any dangerous situation that cost them life or limb...or lung. A workforce walkout may work, it could be the answer to make them STOP...

The lengths they have gone is stupendous
 and I for one want them held accountable. An indictment  to force them to resign, due to sedition. Then face hard time for that Crime. Treason to the Democratic Republic of the's only a republic if  fair elections are held.

Steve Bannon is getting what he wants to destroy our democracy and rebuilt it with a White Supremacists' Constitution,  This was his plan all along burn it to the ground, the man is pure evil...and Stupid Trump is letting his plan go forward because he is in it for HIMSELF.  
Thank you FOX news Thank you Limbach is this what you wanted --->NO America due to your hatred of Blacks, Hispanics, Indians, and other Immigrants in this Country it's all about hate and the power to destroy. 
Welcome to the possible  last free days in this nation...
I AM A NEVER TRUMPER I'd rather die than swear any oath to that Bastard or his kind. 
God Save America is more what we should be saying now.


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