Thursday, January 28, 2021

Hump day over...

ednesday shopping trip...

Was raining when I awoke, so I really didn't want to do anything  I rolled back over and slept another 20 mins then the rain stopped.  The girls got immediately into their routine of sister play they do that each morning, normally Annie starts it, she walks over to Flossie and starts to play, and they roll around on the floor and they snort and make weird noises, and if I don't get up Annie will come rear up on the bed and basically tell me "its time for breakfast'.  

My dogs are not allowed on the furniture, they have never slept on my bed, or been in my chairs, and they won't get into my seats in the van, they will jump up on the bed in there so I keep it covered with a sheet just for that purpose it gets folded up at night so I don't have a dog slept bed to get into...even Casey who was small was not allowed up on the furniture...I just don't need the extra wear and tear and dirt in my living space.  They are great dogs and they have always been. 

They get their breakfast asa I make my coffee, then out the back door they go.  Flossie stays out most all day but Annie follows me in out and around where ever I am in the yard or in house.  Today tho I got dressed and out the door to grocery shop.  I grabbed my shopping bags, my mask, my pocketbook, keys and gone...

Gased up the van I stopped pumping at $42..that gave me 19 holds 25 gallons.  

Then I stopped and got my oil changed, the usual guy he has been in business for a long time just one guy with one lift.  He has 3 goats out back he bought the building next door and rents it out to an antique dealer.  I know his sister who was head librarian at our town library but she retired last year.  When he was a younger guy he used to work with my Mom at BF Goodrich.  He charges me $34 and that included the oil, filter and he fills the fluids under the hood if they need it. He said he will sell soon and retire...Gosh I hope not I will miss him. 

Walmart today, because I also needed an SD card for my camera.  OK I bought another camera did not like I dropped that off at the Walgreens drug store it's s drop off spot for FedEx...I thought I'd be able to return it to the store I bought it via not this time I had to rebox it and ship it...they sent me a label to print.  SO when it arrives I get my $500 refund.  I can tell you the 3 factors that made the decision for me..
  1. The view finder is too small
  2. the zoom motor is too slow
  3. the on/off button poor design 
So back it went....I will keep looking.  Im considering a Nikon D3500 

The store was not too crowded today I was able to get what I wanted without too much trouble one lady did blow her horn when she nearly collided with me...OK  It was her voice horn, "BEEP BEEP" we were in the
I don't know about some people. 
I took my time when I came out of the store, it was raining...Great.  So I got wet.  But by the time I got home it had stopped and now it's cooled down and it's cloudy.  Dinner is over I ate right away because I was hungry.  The dogs are waiting for theirs now.  I have not had to build a fire the past 3 days it's been warm but now I have the gas on it got chilly in here.

So it's just a Wednesday, Im trying to stay clear of most political talk for a couple weeks, I am letting Joe, Kamila, and the New Democratic Senate handle it all for Im so happy to know they will do what is in my best interest and the best interest of the country and not what makes them richer or shows some favor to some big donors, or to some crap media mogul.  It has freed up a of space in my head. 

Hope the sun comes out tomorrow. 

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