All the Never Hillary's we can thank you for where we are today...I wanted Bernie, but you don't toss the baby out with the dishwater. They didn't vote, like little spoiled brats they helped to erase all the hard work MY generation did all the progress we did make. BY turning their backs on us!! Now not only do WE not have any Progressive Forward movement we are going Thank you to all those Progressives who put us Back 50 yrs by not participating. Sometimes things come forward in little steps, we must take our first steps, and that is the way life is...we can't jump all the way to the front of the line. So all those tattooed, nose ringed, binary individuals, everything goes progressives, YOU SUCK!! You are chicken shit! Where is your spine?? All those latte soaked
influencers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z.
influencers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z.
Get yourself in gear or just shut UP...So tired of hearing them moan and groan about our generation and how things are tougher for them...and yet they did nothing to help. If you're not part of the solution you are part of the problem.
You will go down in history as the generation that "Could Have But Didn't! YOU want to be carried into the future, not walk into your own future, where are the leaders? You look to our generation to continue to pave the way for Pete's sake?? We are old, we are the dying generation, so YOU will have to carry the torch like it or not. Stop whining, and get busy.
When it was time to step up they stepped aside, what wusses, spineless...Fire yourself UP...get angry, get things's your future you are gambling away. NOT MINE, I cant have a baby I don't take birth control measures, I got no dog in this fight but I am gonna do what I can to try to stop these Political and Religious Regressionists in their political tracks. Are you just gonna stand there while your rights are whittled away or you gonna get your asses to the polls in Nov and vote these Puritans OUT??
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