Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Dictators need not apply...


Will Trump ever just GO the F' Away?  I for one am really tired of his BS and the people who would insanely follow him! WTH? And I would like to know this, I have found no evidence of him DOING any GOOD while he was in Office?  When I interact on social media with his supporters I read stuff such as "he did so much good for this country." OK like what, please list it in order of the accomplishment.  All I saw was him do was: Rolling back environmental protections, building a wall that changed nothing in the long term, he created tariffs that meant ALL our Domestic Good rose in Price, he cut Taxes for the wealthy which means we had less money to do what we need to do, he tried to CUT Obamacare Health Insurance meaning more Americans would go without Insurance and Health costs continued to Soar. He did not strike a deal with Big Pharm as he promised he would, he Misled Americans about the Pandemic...and he LIED soooo many Lies.  HE gutted the Budgets of Federal Cabinets, and Fed Departments...Like the EPA, US Post Office, The FAA, SNAP,TANFF, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the list goes on and on the cuts he made that hurt the poor, the sick and veterans, and the national debt rose to $22 Trillion. 

He cut back on Public Lands that were to be protected, he allowed the expiration of the Crimes Against Women, he forced in 3 Hard Line Right Wing Supreme Court Justices, He neglected and disgraced our Allies in the World.  He withdrew us from the World Health Organization, he constantly threated to withdraw us form NATO saying the Allies were not pulling their financial weight, He Pulled out of the Iranian Nuclear Deal,  He withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord, he withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council, and the UN Relief and Works Agency, and from UNESCO, Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, The Treaty on Open Skies,  and he tried to pull out of many more treaties that was not ratified by congress....  Many of these organizations and treaties are not so easy just to get back in NOT just simply able to say oh by the way we want back in...what I have named above is only a smattering of how he turned his back on our Allies, and Nations depending on US support. 

His conduct was hideous and he was suspected of misusing campaign funds, he put his family and friends in roles they were not qualified to hold, emulsion clauses were probably broken, and he lied lied lied...And he pressed the Q-Non BS as real!

He advocated and aligned and praised White Supremacist's who murdered and maimed innocent people in more than one incident, and he used them to harasses other members of the GOP Party who refused to do his bidding. He sent the Goon Squad in to get them. 

 He tired to glorify himself as a Military Leader, which he was never.  He tried to Tarnish and created Trumped UP lies against his opponent Biden by trying to use the Ukraine President to lie about Biden and he used his Lawyers to Trump up bogus "secret laptop" BS on Biden's son...all in an attempt to discredit his opponent. 
He tried to rewrite States Law to pave a way for him to overturn the election in AZ and GA. HE thought he could change the electors and then let it go to the Supreme Court, which he felt he had it padded well enough to certify in his favor! 

He tried to force his way into office when he lost the bid for re-election...he lied about his numbers, he lied about his actions, and he tried to overthrow our Presidential Election.  He lied to the public and he tried to use a "Militant Militia Group" in an unlawful attack on our Capitol...He tried to illegally replace Electoral College Members in AZ by removing Biden Electors and replace them with Trump electors!! IF he doesn't go to jail for this one, then WTF?

SO that is just a short list of what I witnessed him doing...so I ask again WHAT GOOD DID HE DO?  I need not look far to realize that Sectors of the  GOP have supported  his goon and I would never SUPPORT a GOP candidate not even for School Board, JIC they are actually more aligned with the Neo Nazi Far Right who are the real Supporters of Trump those are not the GOP and they should be running on a 3rd party ticket!! They do not represent what we knew as Republicans. 

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