Sunday, November 28, 2021

Makes you want to say...


The day after the big meal on left overs day one, I got violently ill.  Stomach.  I think I'm quickly falling apart.  I won't go into the nasty details let's just say I couldn't move all day yesterday I was so weak.  I do not suspect the food at all it's my body revolting to continuing to have to support my must keep doing the things it's done a million times and some of those parts are now faulty...
So after a night of running back n forth to the rest room on Friday night, I was too pooped to move another I spent the entire day on the couch moaning and watching CSI then X-Files. And ate a little bit here and there to come around...

I could not bring in the wood and didn't want to be hopping up every 10 minutes to stir, poke, and stoke it anyways so didn't bother.  This morning Im wondering what to eat...I think oatmeal?  Last nigth I did eat some butternut squash with cinnamon. How small our world can become.  

I am losing interest in a vlog that I have supported since the day he started he got so big and now he has what I call the big  head.  This happens to some people...and live stream after live stream is making my head spin, I  do not enjoy live streams that last more than 15 minutes.  I think my attention span is really stretched at 15 you ever have that friend the one who WONT stop talking and before you know it you think you will faint if they don't shut up...that's how it felt trying to watch one of his live streams, so I just said UGH and he has amorphed  into this materialistic self proclaimed king, and now I just don't I found some new youtubers who have remained grounded and I enjoy watching their van life videos, so I caught up on all of them yesterday as I laid on the couch moaning from my own worn out life and being so thankful I do not live in a van...but chose to live in my home.  Can you imagine having a bout such as that with only a bucket???  

More and more as I approach 70 my life is changing at a rapid pace.  Not gradually as one is used we age.  We forget things are doubling down...the layers are heavier now and they come on makes me want to say HOLD ON one said I could literally fall apart in one day!! But you can come close to it....death occurs in one second...the last second. Its actually a nanosecond. Not that Im gonna die today but yesterday brought me one step closer. 

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