Friday, November 26, 2021

Black Friday thoughts...


US humans...My son and I had a very simple Thanksgiving meal maybe next year things will be even more simple...and we can go out...I am not really into all this cooking anymore.  It's not that I don't want to do it, but honestly Im not as good at it as I once was...I burn things, It's dry it's not the old recipe as I am now vegan and gluten free.  Sooooo that means the taste is not the same.  I have my daily things I make and Im very happy with my choices but when I have to prepare for others Im always a little bit worried since they are not vegan or gluten I hope next year things will be better for going out to eat someplace.  Covid continues to make this hard to enjoy.  I  don't like being around people in close contact.  And now there is Omicron variant of the damn stuff. 
If we went out we could order what we want and not settle for someone else's tastes even if we get it go. 
Christmas is upcoming so I may go with Pizza and Beer. Im really not into holiday cooking or eating.  That's my fav get together meal to be honest, its so simple and good.  I can get a Cauliflower crust veggie pizza, and I can get him a supreme and we can enjoy that.  He loved the sausage balls my Mom used to make so I can buy the ingredients and I  can make some for him and put on his pizza. 
Im not feeling really well.  I have a cough and have had it for a while now...along with the itch maybe they are related?? I feel like my airway is closing sometimes! And I wheeze.  I know I have allergies, of cats he has a cat but Im not around him that son, Im never around the cat.  And dust, makes me sneeze...Maybe I need a new mattress on my bed....I used to take my mattress outside and SUN it, havent done that in a long time so maybe that's something I should do ---dust mites???YUK  I can spray with a bleach solution also...
I was able to split my wood today but I was exhausted after.  It will be 29F gotta put the heat on in my bedroom about 8 pm I will do that.  I always put my electric blanket on low and my bed is delicious and warm when I turn in.  I switch it off right before I jump under the covers.  I can't heat my home up to a cozy temp....if I can get it to 58 - 60 I'm I zone heat. 

A Christmas tree shortage? ok So don't put one up! You can make a tree out of poster board, just cut it out and paint it green...Im not even a Christian so I don't know why I bother...I don't put up an inside tree...I wrote about that once before Why Do I Celebrate Christmas? If you look back in the  Post's on the right menu bar,,,you can read WHY I do...but those reasons are fading as my family has whittled down to just me and my grown son, who never has money so it's a burden on us this yr Im thinking of as I said Pizza, Beer, and a good Movie...and no gifts.  I sent a little box home with my sis for them to each have under their respective trees...just a simple gift to help keep the winter chill away. 
So I never left home today I don't shop.  Its a thing of the past for me, If I need to send a gift I get it online and have it shipped directly.  Why would you go to a mall just to get shot down by some NUTJOB??  The chances of that here in the USA are very real....Hope you can figure out your holiday stressor and deal with it as well. 


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