Tuesday, November 30, 2021



I have grown completely disillusioned with life in the USA.  I want to move to Canada.  I've been reading various news stories about the Bannon case, the Roger Stone case, etc...they refuse to obey a congressional subpoena , and yet it takes a few weeks to arrest them? The gluttony of our system has slowed the movement to a crawl. IF I ditched a Congressional subpoena they would be beating down my door before I even turned around... HOW can we get a swift justice anymore when It's a damn year to get on a courts calendar....these people who work in this system are WAY over paid for what they do.   A ditch digger could do better in my opinion.  Clear as Mudd. There are some glaring flaws in our system that need to be addressed...

Monday, November 29, 2021



Today Im thinking of so many Americans who have no home.  They live in poverty....Not just drug addicts, and alcoholics, mental cases...but families who work. 
37.2 Million people in the USA live in Poverty. I am below the line for poverty.  And it increased by 3.3 million more in 2019. 
I just watched a YouTube about the fall out of the Middle Class.  Poverty is becoming the norm in this country.  It actually has gotten much worse with Bush's recession, then Obama did not do as promised and get rid of the Bush Tax cuts, then the  Trump Tax cuts,  then the Covid...People lost jobs, they lost homes, they lost their way of life.  AND now with all those cuts from missing tax revenue that came from Social Programs, there is NO safety net. 

I was reading what some Germans wrote in comments, they said in Germany they are given day care by their employers, and if they lose their job due to some calamity...they are automatically given Unemployment compensation...they have free health care, they get taken care of till they are back on their feet...
NOT IN AMERICA.  You lose your job they(the state govt)  do everything in their power to keep you FROM getting compensation.  I know, I've been on unemployment twice in my lifetime.  It only lasts initially for16 weeks.  You will be paid a slither of what you earned. Def won't be able to pay rent on it and its TAXED....lucky for me both times I was on it I had help....first time I was married...and I used that time of being jobless to start my own business and that business paid my bills and kept me up for 30 yrs! Then I was unemployed for a few years when I lost my job at the hospital in 2007 right on the cusp of the 2008 recession.   I lived with my Mom and we paid no rent cause she owned her home.  I was able at that time to start another self employed job designing fabrics.  Lucky me my sis was in that business and she helped get me in the door, I worked from home and helped mom too. Win Win for the family and me but that didn't last and I had to go back to work in 2011.  

BUT when the Republicans got in they finished off the middle class...they see any help as a hand out. So they try very hard to stop people from having basic needs...they don't want to pay for child care...or make laws to control rent, or health care...they want the people in poverty to just disappear.  How can you pay $2000 a month rent In California, when you are only making $15 an  hr.  Do the math. We are required to have car insurance, it's Expensive, and if  you have a less than steller driving record they make you suffer.  How is that helping?  SO any unfair practices, like charging more per Kwh for electricity in Winter...than they do in Summer...That to me is Price gouging...but the companies explain it away this keeps people from "wasting" energy. Why are auto insurers allowed to punish a sector of the population...we should have NO FAULT insurance....IF these companies were properly regulated, this could never  happen.  A Utility company who raised rates to pay for building a new nuclear plant,  mis-managed the money and the whole project failed...and yet it took several years and court actions to get some of the money back to consumers...and that was only a drop in the bucket.  

As a child my family was homeless on 2 occasions my dad, my mom, me and my 2 sisters. Once we lived with a relative...and the second time, we moved into or squatted in a building that was basically abandoned.  My dad worked but lost his job...finally my Mom got a job in a dress shop she could at least buy food for us, and not until my dad got working again did we move back into a duplex apartment we rented...

They built a house but then lost it when he died and my mom didn't earn enough to keep the house...long story.  
several years later, in 1969 my mom got a job at B F Goodrich...and she worked HARD making v-belts out of rubber! She finished raising us and my husband and I helped her get a home loan, in 1977...She stuck with that job for 16 yrs and she was  one of the lucky ones who got in when companies still stood by their employees. She got a retirement package, that SHE did not pay into, the company did it for her. And she got  retirement insurance also...She def made the right choice.

We were lucky...we survived because my Mom gave all she had to the job to put food on the table and a roof over our heads...My mom retired from BF Goodrich in 1986..her house was paid for, and she lived comfortable till the day she passed.  When she retired in 1986  she was earning $18 an hr...a woman who did not finish school, who had no special training, but who showed up every day to do her shift...took pride in her work, and trusted the company she worked for to treat her fairly....that is how American companies used to treat their employees...then they sent all those jobs to other countries so the greedy board of directors could buy yet another yacht...

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Makes you want to say...


The day after the big meal on left overs day one, I got violently ill.  Stomach.  I think I'm quickly falling apart.  I won't go into the nasty details let's just say I couldn't move all day yesterday I was so weak.  I do not suspect the food at all it's my body revolting to continuing to have to support my life...it must keep doing the things it's done a million times and some of those parts are now faulty...
So after a night of running back n forth to the rest room on Friday night, I was too pooped to move another inch...so I spent the entire day on the couch moaning and watching CSI then X-Files. And ate a little bit here and there to come around...

I could not bring in the wood and didn't want to be hopping up every 10 minutes to stir, poke, and stoke it anyways so didn't bother.  This morning Im wondering what to eat...I think oatmeal?  Last nigth I did eat some butternut squash with cinnamon. How small our world can become.  

I am losing interest in a vlog that I have supported since the day he started he got so big and now he has what I call the big  head.  This happens to some people...and live stream after live stream is making my head spin, I  do not enjoy live streams that last more than 15 minutes.  I think my attention span is really stretched at 15 minutes...do you ever have that friend the one who WONT stop talking and before you know it you think you will faint if they don't shut up...that's how it felt trying to watch one of his live streams, so I just said UGH and left...so he has amorphed  into this materialistic self proclaimed king, and now I just don't relate....so I found some new youtubers who have remained grounded and I enjoy watching their van life videos, so I caught up on all of them yesterday as I laid on the couch moaning from my own worn out life and being so thankful I do not live in a van...but chose to live in my home.  Can you imagine having a bout such as that with only a bucket???  

More and more as I approach 70 my life is changing at a rapid pace.  Not gradually as one is used to...as we age.  We forget things are doubling down...the layers are heavier now and they come on rapidly...it makes me want to say HOLD ON NOW....no one said I could literally fall apart in one day!! But you can come close to it....death occurs in one second...the last second. Its actually a nanosecond. Not that Im gonna die today but yesterday brought me one step closer. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Black Friday thoughts...


US humans...My son and I had a very simple Thanksgiving meal maybe next year things will be even more simple...and we can go out...I am not really into all this cooking anymore.  It's not that I don't want to do it, but honestly Im not as good at it as I once was...I burn things, It's dry it's not the old recipe as I am now vegan and gluten free.  Sooooo that means the taste is not the same.  I have my daily things I make and Im very happy with my choices but when I have to prepare for others Im always a little bit worried since they are not vegan or gluten free...so I hope next year things will be better for going out to eat someplace.  Covid continues to make this hard to enjoy.  I  don't like being around people in close contact.  And now there is Omicron variant of the damn stuff. 
If we went out we could order what we want and not settle for someone else's tastes even if we get it go. 
Christmas is upcoming so I may go with Pizza and Beer. Im really not into holiday cooking or eating.  That's my fav get together meal to be honest, its so simple and good.  I can get a Cauliflower crust veggie pizza, and I can get him a supreme and we can enjoy that.  He loved the sausage balls my Mom used to make so I can buy the ingredients and I  can make some for him and put on his pizza. 
Im not feeling really well.  I have a cough and have had it for a while now...along with the itch maybe they are related?? I feel like my airway is closing sometimes! And I wheeze.  I know I have allergies, of cats he has a cat but Im not around him that much...my son, Im never around the cat.  And dust, makes me sneeze...Maybe I need a new mattress on my bed....I used to take my mattress outside and SUN it, havent done that in a long time so maybe that's something I should do ---dust mites???YUK  I can spray with a bleach solution also...
I was able to split my wood today but I was exhausted after.  It will be 29F tonight...so...I gotta put the heat on in my bedroom about 8 pm I will do that.  I always put my electric blanket on low and my bed is delicious and warm when I turn in.  I switch it off right before I jump under the covers.  I can't heat my home up to a cozy temp....if I can get it to 58 - 60 I'm happy...so I zone heat. 

A Christmas tree shortage? ok So don't put one up! You can make a tree out of poster board, just cut it out and paint it green...Im not even a Christian so I don't know why I bother...I don't put up an inside tree...I wrote about that once before Why Do I Celebrate Christmas? If you look back in the  Post's on the right menu bar,,,you can read WHY I do...but those reasons are fading as my family has whittled down to just me and my grown son, who never has money so it's a burden on us both...so this yr Im thinking of as I said Pizza, Beer, and a good Movie...and no gifts.  I sent a little box home with my sis for them to each have under their respective trees...just a simple gift to help keep the winter chill away. 
So I never left home today I don't shop.  Its a thing of the past for me, If I need to send a gift I get it online and have it shipped directly.  Why would you go to a mall just to get shot down by some NUTJOB??  The chances of that here in the USA are very real....Hope you can figure out your holiday stressor and deal with it as well. 


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Some Justice...


At least the people of Georgia had a fair and unbiased trail in the end, the judge was the picture of what justice should look like in the Ahmaud Arbery case, while the Rittenhouse judge was so very biased in the favor of the child murderer.  No matter what that jury said, he did murder not one but 2 men...and tried to kill a 3rd.  It took four months to get charges filed in GA??? And the first AT Gen refused to bring charges, one recused, and finally one did the right thing. Justice prevailed in the end. His mother had been inquiring  the justice system to file charges on the death of her son, she finally got her day in court.

Now if only the people of Wisconsin could take notice, when you kill people FOR no reason except you're armed and ready to kill...you are guilty. Travis McMichael admitted in his own words he has been stalking people while ARMED for a while now, just waiting for the chance to not just bully people, to impose HIS law, but to become Judge and Jury...just like Rittenhouse did.  Rittenhouse has been training to kill someone for a long time, he has been siding with White Supremacist's in photos opts and making the "white pride" symbol. He now claims he was set up for that photo by his first lawyer, excuse me, if someone told me to do that I'd say NO WAY he knew what it was and he did it with purpose...and he also said he was not part of a Militia...Well why was he there then? He testified he was part of a "force" to protect businesses from looters...he did actually run in the streets with the rioters so in effect he was an armed rioter then. 
He now claims he is enrolled in college, it's an online college in a non degree seeking status. Sooooo that sounds like BS to me. He said he was enrolled in Nursing, but the college said NOT true and he has not officially enrolled in any classes, he simply enrolled. So LIE...I can enroll...that does not make me a student and he enrolled after  he was arrested. 

Arbery was hunted down like an animal and shot dead...ALL 3 Guilty, I will be interested to see what sentences they get. 

Monday, November 22, 2021



Not a lot today as I woke up to the sky crying...buckets of tears.  We need some rain so Im ok with it...hope it stops later and I can get out to bring in my wood for the night without getting soaked.   I have a fire burning now using what was left from overnight.  

I woke up and got up at 6:30 am.  Lately my new bedtime is 9 pm so by 6:30 am, Ive gotten a long sleep....not always the case as some nights I toss n turn.  Since I've been itching and taking Benadryl almost nightly I sleep better but I dream A LOT.  The latest was me completely taking apart my riding mower and hiding the parts in a 3 story movie theater.  I was riding up and down the elevator, and in the end I dumped all the nuts n bolts and screws an entire bucket full in the trash can!  So please tell me what that meant??

This morning as I type my sis is getting cataract surgery on one eye...It's a quick procedure but she had to get up at 5 am and travel about 68 miles west.  My other sis is driving her...I wish I was there to help in some way....especially with Jimmy the dog...he is a diabetic he has to have shots twice a day and eye drops too he had a lense replacement himself last year.  So I could have done that to help out.  I am just waiting on the she is fine and its all done text.  They plan to stop at McDonalds so she can get some breakfast probably a drive thru Im not sure she will feel up to walking inside.  I just wish I was there to show my support and love...I will be on pins n needles till that text comes in. Thought I heard it but it was one of the dogs snoring.  Then I realized she has an hour of wake up from the anesthesia to go thru before I hear anything. Jimmy the dog went with them so he is waiting in the car. Life is a three ring circus sometimes. 

Meanwhile I watched Slim Potatohead's video on his continued cabin restoration in New Brunswick Canada.  It was a smash if you want to see it click here..  I totally enjoyed it and the progress is amazing from his first video of the cabin...this is the 3rd in that series.  I wish he would concentrate on the cabin and forget the travel videos for now, cause this cabin is way  more interesting.  Since I did the renovation on this house mostly by myself I can relate to what he is doing.  I lost MOST of my reno photos when Flickr got too expensive for my blood, and I closed my account and then found out later the ext hard drive I had all those photos on would not work!! So I demo'd most of the sunroom framing and started over, new windows, and completely removed the floor in my bathroom and redid all the plumbing...he was replacing a rotten beam.  I had to repair rotten places in my floor and subfloor in the Dining room, the kitchen and the bath.  I had to put down floor in the rear entry move a wall, install window and doors, and put up sheetrock, put down wood flooring in the Bar, Bathroom and rear entry...I DID A LOT electrical, plumbing, framing, painting of course and trim work.  

Sometimes I wish I had another big project to do, I actually have one that needs attention... I need to roof my barn. but I can't afford it. And my house needs a new roof that is beyond my capability at this point in my life.  Im glad I built my tool/storage/work shed while I could still sling a hammer, and climb a ladder with a 2 x 4 on my shoulder...the same sister in surgery today helped me with most of that project in early 2017. 

Many of the folks on the west side of Canada in BC are having a tough time with flooding and mud slides, sink holes and just weather disasters.  They had a lot of wild fire this past summer, so mud slides go hand in hand with burned off hillsides...Many roads are closed and there is a rush on the stores for supplies since trucks are not making deliveries, one can see HOW fast the shelves will empty in that situation...I recall when we had a black out in NYC that lasted about 3 days the shelves were nearly bare and most stores were closed the entire time anyways...without electric you can't ring things  up, you can't see, and there is no heat or AC and so they just close down...the frozen foods were dumped...Im not sure if areas in BC lost electric but I did see the long lines on a Youtuber's video. 

Our society as we know it can come to a screeching halt in a matter of days it would take only a month for the entire system to fail completely.  

Yesterday I picked up my script and then stopped at Bramblewood to do a little birding and take my walk.  It was warm I guess this rain coming in was pushing some warm air along in front.  I did enjoy myself, saw 19 species of bird. Lots of song sparrow. 

So that's a catch up on what's happening in my personal life.  

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Looks like I


The Clinic called with my test results, and all was good my cholesterol is a little high the good HDL was good tho, its confusing.   Why don't they have a range for people my age? They expect my BP,  my BMI to be the same as a 20 yr old or when I was 20...Modern medicine is so far off the base.  

But amazingly I fell with the norm boundary.   I need to lose 13 lbs, and lower my BP...so I hope to get back into walking for that.  See in winter I chop wood, I do a lot of chores outside so I don't normally walk in winter.  The weather is good for working in winter, not in summer this is why I walk in summer.  But I can and will try.  I walked yesterday today I chopped. I really can't do both on the same day I would collapse. 

So Rittenhouse was found by that jury as Not Guilty.  SO unfair....that was not self defense, he picked up a gun that he was TOO young to legally own, he had someone else buy it for him and put it in their name...then he drove across state lines to be part of a vigilante force in a neighborhood that was in complete unrest after the cops shot yet another unarmed black man.

So he put himself into a situation where HE was the only one who killed not one but two people, and tried to kill a 3rd.  So this totally inept jury didn't do the right thing, but trust me this is not over.  I expect at least 3 civil suits against him.   From this day on, he may be called a patriot by the Alt Right but in my mind and the minds of 150 million people he is a killer.  His name will forever go hand in hand with being a Killer who got away with murder, think OJ Simpson...

Without his gun he was just a scared little boy...the hero the real patriot was the man who attempted to unarm him by smashing him with a skateboard...I'd like to see Kyle out there armed with only a skateboard, he is too much a coward to go unarmed.  He is a high school dropout. (NY Post)  Now Im not gonna sit  here and blame  his mother, I have a son who is not the son I raised, I know how things get bent along the way...but the Jury?? I heard 2 of the jurors wanted to find Guilty but were afraid of the fallout in the community where they live! 

The judge was completely biased.  He would not allow the dead to be referred to as victims, yet he would allow them to be called protestors, arsonists, and rioters. YET they were not on trial, Kyle was, he made them into victims when he pulled the trigger and murdered them as they tried to disarm him.  

So we'll see how it goes for him, much like the killer in the Trevon Martin case, who went on to be involved in other crimes after he was found not guilty...Im sure Kyle will be in the news again at some point hope its not for the same infarction. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Is there a DR In the HOUSE.


The thing is no one knows how long they will live all we can try to do is make the best of the time we have.  So I had a Dr's appointment, well not really, a Nurse appointment.  Seems Dr's are now replaced with nurses...it's cheaper for them to be educated, but not for you when you get the bill.  
I made a appointment to get my yearly bloodwork done, now a days you can't even say the word Dr visit without saying bloodwork, excuse me..."LABS".
 My entire youth I don't think I ever had one single bloodtest done.  I had an amazing old school Dr when I was a kid his name was Dr Shaw, and he treated all our colds, flu,  broken bones, and ear infections, and horse caused injuries without ever getting a blood test.  I was so discouraged when he retired and I just didn't want to go to a DR anymore...

Since being diagnosed with low thyroid function in 1997 or 98 I have had to take a thyroid hormone to keep me in homeostasis.   I actually went off the medication twice, when I moved to NYC I stopped taking it, and went back on it in 2007 when I moved back to SC.  I was having weird heart arrhythmias and then I had to go back on the hormone.  So In 2017 I did the same thing and it happened again so I guess I just have to stay on this junk.  So each year sometimes twice a year I have to get a blood check to see where the TSH level is at.  

Last year in the middle of the Covid outbreak I had to find a new clinic since the one I had used at Walmart closed.  So I found this medical office and went- HATED the entire experience. The building was small and cramped and the wait room  tight...you were in masks, elbow to elbow, with 20 or 30 people as they lined the chairs in a weird S curve to make them all fit in the tiny space.  Then it took forever to get back to see the Nurse, only one Doctor's name on the shingle, and she spends all her time doing rounds at the hospital...
I was pretty sure I made posts about it, but for some reason there are NO posts in this blog for all of 2019, and most of 2020?? I swear I thought I had written. Anyways my BP was high like 160/100 and they about wanted to send me to the ER, I was so full of anxiety over being there had argued with my Son the day before and I told them I will be okay, they check it like 3 more times and as I calmed down it went down....

So it was I ended up with like 5 damn appointments as they didn't like anything about me, they wanted to fix me.  I normally just say "no" and in a moment of weakness I reluctantly said OK...to coming in for rechecks on my blood and my Blood pressure.  I kept a log, I went in 2 more times, they checked it, etc...and charged me  plenty of money for their trouble, and in the end she said I want to put you on medication for blood pressure...I said NO...which is what I should of said in the first place.

Its actually lower this yr.  Last year it was 160. this year 149, of course they don't see the progress. 

So this time I found a clinic in a small town not far away made my appointment and went yesterday.  NO people in the wait room and only 5 chairs so that means never a crowd.  GOOD.
However the PRN kept me forever in there asking me soooo many questions.  I was about to pass out as I am not used to conversing with people anymore, I've been in recluse for 2 yrs and would prefer to continue that....it's hard to pay attention... rapid fire questions spoken with some sort of accent, not sure what since all I could see was a trim woman with black hair, glasses, and a floral mask.  So I mumbled and stumbled thru the interview the physical exam ("oh you have a tattoo", yes I have a tattoo) And what about this mole it's a different color than the others "well its been there my whole life....so "
and the bloodwork FINALLY...
And of course she suggests "at your age", I hate that first off, "you need to be doing yearly, YEARLY, mammogram, colo-rectal exams, a blood pressure tracking,  Ultrasounds of  your liver, uterus, your thyroid, and bone density testing...yada yada yada....
I said "yes sign me for 3 colonoscopy exams, she looked at me with a wrinkled brow, "Im only kidding, I won't do any of that."
She then added," you want the flu shot, the pneumonia shot, the Shingles shot? 
NO, and NO....and freaking NO...
"how about tetanus, when was  your last.....
OK then I guess you are good to go...
The way I see it is this, I want to die of natural causes, not from chemo, or radiation, or "complications of surgery" 
We don't know what will take us out but I pointed out to her, all of things  mentioned are "how we die", I am not planning to fight dying. We all DIE, that is how it goes, it is a one way street! I have already had a long life in my book. I hope for instant Heart Attack preferably when Im asleep!

I think at that point she wanted to ask, "when was your last psyche evaluation..."? I told them in plain English I was not interested in being a revolving door patient, so call me if anything is awry and call in the script...Please, and I did tell her when I feel too much pressure to do what I don't want to do is how I end up off my meds in the first place....so give it to me or I will just stop asking for it.

They made an appt for March...2022
I left a huge paper trail with the 10 or 15 phucking forms I had to fill in most of which was, "HOW we will  use your info...and you have the right to...and we have the right to...."And I hope they can even read it as I was getting less and less interested as I turned the page, when it had "Which providers may we contact about your past medical history?" I left the entire page blank, 
"Who may we contact about your medical conditions"?
"Your emergency contact?"
Blank, they only want that to hound your relatives in case you don't pay your bill. 
"What gender do you consider yourself to be?" 
I almost checked "Other" cause the list was HUGE I could have been anything,  I wanted to say Gender Neutral. 
And then she asked me this....now I had on my papers  Single, Lives Alone, she said,
 "Any problems during intercourse?"
OK is that her sneaky way of asking if I'm sexually active??
"NO not that Im aware of." was my answer to that 
But there was a long enough pause before I answered that,  I think she got my drift.  
There was plenty of room for me to inject some batshit crazy stuff in there, I could of said..."Oh Bill down at the pool hall he got me good on the table last night no problemo." OMG Really? 

I did not come there for a Physical I made that clear it was a thyroid checkup...nothing else.  THIS Is why Medicine in America is broken. she spent more time FOCUSING on things I WAS NOT there for than she did on what I was there for!! IN fact she left the room then came back to palpate my thyroid area to see if it was enlarged, shouldn't she have done that first??
It's like they are always looking for something hidden and ignore the obvious.  They don't listen, and they don't care.  When she entered the room she said, "we met yesterday, outside the ER..so how are you today."
"No I've never met you."
"Yes, I spoke to you outside the ER,..." 
She was looking at a file not at ME, then she looked up and I said
"Obviously you are reading the wrong file, My name is "..." and she said, "oh yes sorry bout that." 
So excuse me if I lost interest in her ability right away....
Maybe now you begin to understand where Im coming from....THEY Are looking for CODES to check off that represent BILLING....I bet you a million dollars they employ more billing data entry personnel than they do nurses, medical techs, or lab pros.

And then when I got home they emailed me about their "health portal" and there was a 3 page "Agree to Policy" 
"the 3rd parties we share your info with..." I declined to agree and that was that. 
OMG this is WHY I hate primary care medicine...it's nothing more than beef warehousing of humanbeings. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021



To take the law into their own hands?  What if we ALL did that?  So Im watching or keeping track is more appropriate of the two trials going on currently.  One is the Wisconsin killer Rittenhouse, who killed two and wounded one with an AK15 Semiauto rifle, during protests.  He claimed to be stopping "rioters" yet he was in the street running with them and Armed with this rifle.  People saw him and tried to disarm him because he shot one guy dead and then ran, if he was really there to protect property and render medical aide, why is he running from a man he just shot??? Wouldn't  you go over to him render aide, call 911 for EMS? Not this guy, he ran down the street and others chased him to try and stop him from shooting again...they were right, He shot the next man who tried to stop him from killing people, the fallen man was a hero, if it had been a Mall shooter and someone tried to stop him and was killed in the process, that person would he a hero.  Then the third man who wanted to disarm him he tried to kill but his aim was bad and he wounded him....
HOW is this self defense?  When you're trying to stop a running armed killer, he is trying to get away from what he did.....he was not running because they were gonna kill him.  He is trying to get away from being held accountable.  That is not self defense. 

The second trial is three white men who decided that a Black man who was checking out a house under construction was stealing.  The man was dressed in shorts n tee shirt.  How could he conceal anything in that attire, a saw, a 2 x 4, any tools or supplies, he had no bag, he had no backpack, he ran because this angry white man just rolled up on him in a pickup truck and said "hey I want to talk to you." He had no right to do that, him his dad, and a friend of theirs decided to give chase and stop this man for no good reason, other than they are vigilantes and that is what they do...instead of just calling the police and staying at home.  BUT they block him in such a way as he feels trapped, then they showed they were armed, and he tried to disarm the one on the ground and the guy SHOT him with a shotgun.  Dead. Now they are saying it was self defense...

And the Defense lawyer, goes ahead and questions McMichael on his past use of gun for self protection.  He relates a story from 2011 at an ATM at his bank and 3 guys coming in who said give  me your money, and he lifts his shirt to show he has a gun on him, they ran.  Then he relates a story of a man who got in his truck and he said it was a car jacking attempt, he grabbed his gun pointed it at the guy and told him to get out of his truck...NO police reports were provided...And yet he has just outlined a long history of vigilante activity.  Another time he relates how some things were stolen from a house nearby, not h is house, but a house so he starts cruising around to see if he can find anything suspicious, and he sees what he considers a homeless camp under a bridge.  So he goes home and gets his dad to back him up and drives up to the area and a man is fishing.  The defender asks, "were you armed?"  "Yes had a semiauto pistol in  his pocket." 
He approaches the fisherman, and asks him if he is living under the bridge, the man replies no, then he tells the man things are missing from a neighbors house, and man says well I know nothing of that...and then they call the police and tell them this guy is living under the bridge looks homeless and things have been stolen. 

Her cruises around looking for trouble, he is an aggressive vigilante and he  killed a man in cold blood...for doing NOTHING WRONG...but was trying to get out of the neighborhood cause they are chasing him.   They got out of their vehicles, and yelled at him to STOP...he does not he did not obey their orders...he turned and ran the other way...and then a 3rd man who has joined the pursuit in his truck heads him back towards them....and this idiot SHOT HIM when he tried to grab the shotgun out of his hands....he pulled the trigger. THREE TIMES.

GUILTY AND GUILTY as charged...

In my mind, they think they are superior due to they have a gun, they have a gun to get the upper hand on everyone...HOW dare that man turn and try to take his gun, doesn't he realize he is the one in charge?? They both  said he could have run the other way but he ran at me and grabbed at the gun...HOW dare he do such a "brazen" thing...using that word the Judge in the Rittenhouse case used, A right winged judge for sure, his ring tone is the same as the one Trump uses in his stupid rallies.  So this white man sat on the stand and says He was closing in on me, he was coming at me, I had to KiLL HIM...

Now his very words, to me, tell the truth, "He sees I have a weapon, and he kept coming." in other words, he disregarded my "authority" I have a gun....I am GOD! 
My words to people like this is: 
Fuck YOU!! And I hope the jury is not filled with right wing nuts who think the same way as these nuts do, its 7 women and 5 men only one person on that jury is a Black person.  

It's not even revenge, cause in both cases the killers did not even know the people they shot dead. 

Monday, November 15, 2021



to roll back the clock...if you recall last yr in 2020 I found a new medical place to go get my bloodwork done etc for the low thyroid I have had since 1999.  I was not  happy with that place.  It's located in an old house building converted to a medical clinic and the waiting room is from a 1940s front parlor.  IT's tiny and we are all in masks with our shoulders touching? And here is how they do things, they don't make one appointment, they make 3.  Well I was not impressed at all as the NP (not a DR) keep wanting me to come in for BP checks, I told her I do not like being in a medical setting I have PTSD from my days as a Paramedic and my BP is always UP when Im around even a BP cuff.  She seemed to not believe me?  I guess she never had someone DIE that she was trying to help. 

I have worked hard on that, trying to talk myself off the BP ledge when things upset me, and I have made progress...I lost a few pounds, but I also found a new Medical Clinic to try this one is in the SMALL one stop light town of Bethune, it's about a 20 minute drive for me, but I don't expect to be in a crowded room at all...in fact when I called they said the entire day this Thursday after 9 am was wide open...HIP HIP HOORAY. 

Now I don't know if they will get on the BP wagon, I will try to make sure my BP Is low when I arrive, or at least in normal range...I have a few tricks up my sleeve.  I really liked the way the Walmart clinic did it, they took my blood they gave me the script for the same dose I had been on and if the results of the blood test warranted an increase of decrease of the dose, they called in a new script and called to let me know, and I did not have to return for a "consult" which is another $130! 

But they closed down. Where I went last yr, my one appointment turned into 5 or 6 and finally I just cancelled and said "don't call me I will call you." Now Im down to one month supply of my meds, I am not going to mention the ITCH I have had for 2 months now due to the Hashimoto's I will put on my paperwork I have Hashimoto's I am managing the itch with Benadryl, I am eating way less gluten, which is bad for my thyroid, and Im back to using iodine salt when I need to sprinkle it on my food.  Even if the itchy hives are not from the Hashimoto's HOW are they going to figure out what's causing it. Poke, prod, make another appointment?  That is now how I want to live my life.  
Okay if they see something really wrong in my bloodwork they can let me know what it is...let the blood speak for it's self. 
Im still in a really bad mood and Im trying to not let it get the best of me. 
There is only so much self talk  you can listen to till you scream SHUT UP...

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Do I know....


There's a couple of issues I have to make decisions about...one is whether to stay here in SC or sell my place and leave, just so I can be free of the chains my son seems hell bent to keep adding onto me.  Im so over the whole supportive mother bit.  I am no longer anyone's cheerleader. I AM for me now and only me.  Not like I have not tried I been helping him out for 4 yrs now and I see there is no end to the AIDE he wants...he wants me to bend over backwards, yet he will not do the same. 

The other thing is Covid.  I have no plans to get the booster.  Im done with the whole thing, just put on a mask for life when in public, and just put it down as this virus is here to stay and no one is gonna make it go away...the govt wants to keep adding chains and hoops but honestly if only half the population is gonna do it then we will not be successful. 

See it's the same thing...One half of us is working toward a good outcome while the other half just doesn't give a damn. I am ready to break the chains that are not helping ME, The Covid protocols is not helping me, it's frustrating me, and my son is not helping me he is hell bent to make me crazy and destroy my peace of mind and my finances...he got a good paying job and walked out when a tire fell on his face when he tried to put it on the shelf....OMG I busted my ass for 26 yrs I had everything from stitches to bruises, to strains, and busted knuckles, to broken bones...and yet I showed up every single day never took sick days and was always on time and did my best...because I had a child to feed and house!!!!!!

Im so done being a parent...Im so done being a cheerleader for Covid prevention. Do whatever the hell you're gonna do and just leave me out of it. My Mom never gave up on me, and I never gave up on her...we worked together with the same results in mind, we worked for the same goal...when one is going one way and one the other all you get is a tug of war and I give up and let go of the rope. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021



Now it's hot again....currently I had to open the windows, put on short pants and open a cool drink.  There is a rain event coming so I guess it contains hot air...Speaking of  hot air...
So I watched some of the Rittenhouse trial on TV...what a drama rama...the defendant and the judge! The kid went into a bawling fit, which was completely fake, and then the judge who by the account of witnesses says he is a right wingnut, his cell phone ring tone is the theme song of Trump rallies, that is what several people on the MSNBC forum said they had watched the entire thing I guess...
HE got all bent cause the prosecutor asked the kid, You have said  nothing until today about your actions that night...the judge got bent and said, "dont you berate me." Seems the defendant's right to remain silent is not up for discussion.  Damn, that judge should be removed from the bench he is not an Unbiased judge.  I had no idea Wisconsin was such a prejudice state!  White Supremacists seem to be in the majority there.  

So the defense asked for a mistrial with Prejudice, which would mean they can't retry him but I see the trial is on live so I guess the judge opened his eyes and saw that it was he who was out of line all the had to do was ask the Prosecutor to approach the bench, but he yelled out like a mad hatter suffering road rage! 

He said he was in fear for his life a guy chased him with a skateboard, WOW...and so  he shot him dead 4 shots..

Wednesday, November 10, 2021



This one is a state representative, a Democrat and a lawyer...and above all else, an idiot.  He has filed a bill to lower the drinking age to 18 in SC.  What an insane idea....some people 18 are still in high school.  I told him he is crazy basically and asked if he has stock in an alcoholic beverage business or some other personal interest...he said: This bill will stimulate the economy?????????????
And he left out the part about the families it could destroy, the lives it will cost, and the havoc it will wreak in young lives that may be changed forever.
He said they can enlist in armed services, they can carry college debt, they can vote so why cant they drink??? Excuse me, drunks don't get into college, and drunks don't care to go vote, and drunks sure don't make it beyond the armed forces...
I am still shaking my head.  How do people like that sleep at night?
Don't we  have enough teen pregnancy, enough drunk driver hit n runs, enough homeless people?
J Todd Rutherford, is his name by the way.  If I ever see his name on a Ballot in an election Im voting in the answer will be NO WAY.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


ITCHES are real 

Only they are just super evil humans...
Speaking once again of the stepson whose girlfriend estranged him from the whole family... even his kids....I was just speaking via messenger to the mother of his 2 children, and she told me that he signed his house over to the GF in 2019, then he went on Medicaid and had home health coming in he had Parkinson's disease.  2018 is when they stole My X's bank account....then she had the sick son sign his house over to her in 2019 and he died in 2021.  HOW did she get that deed made out to herself??  I just learned he has not even been able to use a telephone for 2 yrs? How that be competence? A POA does not have the authority to change deeds or buy or sell any real or personal property.

And she is making all the decisions about his remains and his children are not even being included in those plans...the whole thing sounds very sketchy to me...
They were not married...so even if she was his POA that ends at death...so maybe he had her made his executor.  I was told right after she got the house in her name she put a mortgage on the house and I don't know if she also had a life policy on him they don't know.  

It's all very fishy the children should be included.  IF it was ME I would hire an investigator to look into that.  

Monday, November 8, 2021


here do the stupid people come from

I just saw a you tube well actually I didn't watch it because it was only for subscribers, but I could read the chat that was on...The video is the Rittenhouse trail.  Some of the comments in the chat had me shaking my head!! One person said ONLY guns keep us from being like Russia, China, or Korea.  YET the accused who they seem to be saying acted in self defense TOOK a gun and killed innocent people who were not armed with an auto rifle.  So dont those chatters see it was Rittenhouse himself who reacted in the way China, Russia, or Korea would....if you go to protest they shoot you, HE SHOT protestors!  Stupid people. 

Then others said "this is the Democrats trying to take over the system." OK...wasn't it Trump a Republican who tried to Overthrow our legal election?? I blame FOX news for the retarded right. They have laid these people's brains useless.  They do not think for themselves or logically. 

I say Im a Democrat but honestly I am trying to be on the side of the people who seem to be logical.  Do they sometimes go overboard, yes.  They however they dont' make shit up and try to force feed it down my throat.  I want to be as decent a  person I can be, I want to follow the law not to the letter, I speed sometimes, I have told a white lie to so as to not get into trouble, I have tried to report as little to the irs as possible when I had my business...IM NOT perfect, far from it....but I won't go out of my way to mislead someone in order to create a pool of idiots that I can manipulate.  There's some bad Democrats, none of them have made me into a puppet. 

I have been made a fool of and as soon as I realized it, I got myself out of that situation....when I could sometimes it's my own family who has made a fool of me...But people when a man kills another man with a rifle because the other man is getting ready to throw a skateboard at him....that is Murder.  IF the little shit hadn't fallen down he could have run away!! HE turned and AIMeD and fell down then fired.  If it's self defense why didn't he just keep running that is how you escape someone chasing you with a skate board...Even if he hit him with it, probably not gonna be a life threatening wound.  
These people are using the most dangerous weapon of all 
Making the rhetoric fit their agenda. 

The kid is a cold blooded killer.  

Sunday, November 7, 2021



My Trip went very well the dogs did make it a little more difficult but it worked out just fine.  Had a wonderful visit with the fam, and my sis and I enjoyed several bird walks...and I got a new bird The Salt Marsh Sparrow. So now Im at 461...getting closer to my 500 goal which I had planed to get to in 2018 didn't happen.  

Sadly today I got news that the step son has passed away.  As I mentioned before he had Parkinson's Disease and was in nursing care already about 4 months maybe.  I was not close with him.  He lived with us for about 4 yrs 1978-1982 and did his high school years living here...he was raised by his aunt in England.  After he graduated he got a job in a local store and then a transfer position came open and he took it and moved to VA.  After that we rarely saw him. We did attend his wedding when he got married, and he had 2 children, then when his youngest was about 6 they divorced.  She and I have stayed in touch most of that time she remarried, he had a live in girlfriend who was the one who manipulated him into getting my x to divorce me....so there was some estrangement due to her.  And she also caused the estrangement of his children and his x wife.  So she basically was abusive in that she kept him sequestered from  his family! That is what manipulative people do.  So I was told he will be cremated and no clue on any service. 

I will have my first fire of the season tonight I have it ready to light.  I've had to use the heat a few times already I have not filled my propane tank, not sure I will do that this year...I don't like the "gunk" it left on my windows and that makes me think it's being breathed in by me?  So I don't know it depends on how the weather goes...I was not a good squirrel this year and I have very little wood gathered up...so I guess I will be freezing my ass this winter!

My son started a new job last Wednesday so I hope this one works out...he has had little to say about it up to now...but I will get a discount on birdseed!!Yippie!