Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Can Time Stand Still?

ELL...I keep turning time over in my mind, and here in the think tank blog is a good spot to put these thoughts out there...so I can remember I had them! My fascination with time-space- goes way back to Jr high school when I had a really fantastic science teacher who was always throwing interesting ideas out there for us to think about...he didnt throw time out but what he did do was remind all of us that we had a brain so we should use it, not just to go about our daily life but to explore the unknown, no matter how critical others may be of these ideas!

You know how Earthlings are always searching outer space for aliens....well guess what-- we live in outer space and we are aliens! LOL that always surprises me when I remind myself we are just as much a part of this Universe as our mighty Sun is!

Time=movement in space! That is a proven fact. NOW this is all just my thoughts and I have not googled up this whole idea and dont really plan to...I want to allow my mind to come up with ideas that are spawned purely of thoughts Ive had and assembled into theories of my very own. So this idea came to me...

My Mom is a bible scholar and I learn things by having discussions with her. She believes firmly in creation, and I still dont know what I believe! I am always evolving in my ideas about that...but here is what we discussed. Im certain the writers of the Bible were real, they wrote their ideas and experiences and passed them on. It is at the very least an Ancient writing we all have access to...just as the Koran, the Torah, etc.
Mom told me of the old ones in the Bible and how they lived for centuries some as much as 900 yrs. So I said "well I guess they were closer to the source therefore they were not diluted and had more of the good stuff running in their gene pool." Much like a river its the sweetest right where the first bubble comes from deep inside the Earth, it has not been poluted and it has not been diluted...its almost perfect!

She agreed with me. Then I said, "maybe back then the Earth revolved slower..therefore time passed slower, and people aged slower and lived longer!" We sort of looked at each other, then she reminded me that "in the Bible it states that it took God 7 days to create the heavens and the Earth. Yet to God a day is 1000 yrs." So I said "well maybe in the life of early man it took 1,000 yrs for the Earth to make one full turn, or a day to pass." Who knows this could be possible...we have no way of knowing just what speed the Earth moved at 2000 yrs ago.

The Sun does not move so to me that means it hangs in timeless space--space that is not moving---so time is not moving, so it is timeless! So-- if the Earth should stop revolving---and stop orbiting....there would be a dark side of the Earth...everyone would have to move to the sunny side of the Earth and we may actually stop aging...time would stand still.
Its just something to ponder!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Working for the machines!

OLd Washer

ONDER what it would be like to live the way our ancestors were living 100 yrs ago. The year would be 1909--just on the brink of the industrial revolution life was not animated...yet the cities were already busting with activity and immigration was booming in the USA. Many came to stake a claim to their own future and actually began building the empire that this country enjoys today...sadly I don't see it as progress for all.

This blog is my think forum, and today I'm thinking about progress and how far it has taken us away from the planet, our connection to it that is. This is kinda kinky, but here is what happened...I was visiting our bathroom the other day where we have developed leaks in both of the sink faucets and the toilet has a small drip also that will create a very annoying puddle on the floor so I have to keep constantly tightening the plastic nut at the back located in a very tight spot...so just contorting to reach it is a chore in itself. It caused me to say out loud...modern conveniences are a pain in the *ss.

The picture that popped into my mind was my grannie's outhouse...she never had to tighten one bolt, replace one faucet, or mop up one puddle!! She simply went out with her reading material and had a relaxing visit to her outhouse! No Stress involved...her mind must have been so clutter free...she had no running water, no electricity..she cooked on a wood stove and heated her home with a fireplace and a woodstove, she farmed and raised her own food, she worked HARD...but she had so much freedom and stress was not in her vocabulary....
Maybe she would have to oil the door hinge, and clear away some spiders webs from her outhouse but that's about it...she never had to mop it, never had to scrub the tile, never had to buy all those glass, tub, tile cleaners, never had to replace the flooring due to a leak ruining it....it was a NO STRESS solution to one of life's little problems...

So take our Modern bathroom for instance.
The tub is old n yucky and needs to be replaced we want to take out the tub altogether and put in only a shower..we never take baths anymore...because we don't have time to relax! So replacing that tub with a shower could cost upwards of $800
We did replace the toilet last yr, I did the labor myself  with my sis's help so the toilet was $108.
We replaced the vanity top about 5 yrs ago, it had to be custom made to size that cost about $100.
Now today I have to purchase 2 new faucets and I know its going to be at the very least $100.
The modern lifestyle has taken away our "time" and taken away tons of thinking time that we may have filled with lots of joy, wonder, and meditation but instead we spend all our time trying to earning money and our energy and the money we work so hard to get, trying to keep all the modern conveniences going and up to date...I'm thinking a shovel, a bit of lumber and a couple days of sweat equity would give me a deluxe model outhouse---that would last for years to come and I may never have to invest another dime or thought on it!..

So anyways thinking of all the modern conveniences of our daily lives got me to thinking of how we occupy most of out thought process on solving the problems of keeping these so called conveniences going! Like the fridge, if it fails to work we have to replace it, if the air conditioner breaks we have to replace it, (these items are hardly cost effective to repair these days) if our car stops or has problems it cost a lot to repair it!.. The other day our electric power went off for about an hour...we didn't know it was off--so Mom was putting a load of laundry in the clothes dryer and when she pushed the start button, nothing happened...she immediately panicked and said "OUR dyer is broken." My mind immediately went into overdrive counting up how much money it would cost to replace that dryer...and it gave me about 5 minutes of very heavy stress...then I realized there was no power in the house...the dryer is working...but for that 5 minutes I was very stressed out...when in actuality all I would need to solve that problem is a length of rope and 2 trees and some clothes pins--maybe at a cost of $2.00 and that's all it would ever cost me! Problem solved for a lifetime!

Most of us have to work many hours of our life at a job that many of us don't enjoy, we trod off Monday-Friday begrudgingly...just to keep a modern lifestyle (the machines) going.

For many years I've entertained the idea of living off the grid just to see if I could reconnect to the natural state of mind and being that we humans were meant to live and if I could once again find comfort in that lifestyle. It would not be easy knowing that these "wonderful" machines are out there and for a price I could bring them into my life...and then it starts the constant struggle to keep them going, keep them performing to the standard that I wish them to perform at....If only we could create machines that could give years upon years of service, say a lifetime of service, that would be a different story...but the way we give up our lives (time=life) to keep these shoddily built machines going really puzzles me for what is the purpose???

I could get a bucket of water, wash my clothes, and hang them out to dry at the cost of maybe 2 cents...the way it is now I'm sure I have to give up a year of my life working at something to earn enough money to pay for the detergent, fabric softener, washer/dryer and electricity it takes to keep my clothes clean over my lifespan.

So you could say we give up our lives (our time working to earn money to keep our modern life going) and in the end we pass away and our life is over and all we have to show for it are 4 walls holding all our broken down machines-- that have to constantly be replaced, and another soul is born to be lost and enslaved to the machines.

I just think its bazaar

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Bright Light-Exploring The Unknown

hat happens to our soul when we pass away? Does anyone truly know the answer to this question? I for one am not afraid to pass away, of course I don't want to go today or tomorrow but at the end of a long and eventful Earthly Life.
If I had a choice I would prefer to pass away in my sleep...just to drift from one plane of enlightenment to another silently and without drama and quickly without a determining factor. No murder, no trauma, no horrible long term disease...just died of old age! Life over and done with-gone. What more could a soul ask for? A body riddled with the mileage of living--is our ultimate goal.

Do we even have a soul? When a piece of wood is burned there is smoke--that smoke rejoins the atmosphere and in some way is recycled back into the Universe..the energy of the wood is reabsorbed.

I am not nor is any mere mortal qualified to answer that question and our words can't be the final ones on that subject. Until such time as we pass and the energy that is US is passed over to another reality can that mystery be solved. In the Bible it is stated that the living and the dead can NOT communicate...that the space (distance) is a wide chasm that separates the two and one can not be in both spots at the same time. I'm no Bible scholar so I don't know the exact book or verse but its there--Google it.

What about this? Going back to my post on time what if--this.
You know when people have this near death experience they all have a similar experience I bet you can tell me right now without reading my next sentence that they all say what??

YES they saw a bright light and they were drawn to it, they wanted to go to the bright light. So if we explore that whole idea { bright light} maybe it's the mass of souls a well of souls shining so brightly as we approach the chasm that open pit where we go to wait our next turn at life here on Earth or someplace unknown in another solar system.

Maybe we don't start here at all maybe we start in another Universe one that has no structure, nothing solid that you can reach out and touch...maybe we start out as pure energy.
Lightening is energy--we need very fast photography to see it...I recently watched on the NGG the Raging Planet and it was all about lightening. Fast high speed motion cameras showed frames of a bright light coming out of the clouds a leader first and then it webbed out reaching for positive ions to react with and the ensuing contact created the BRIGHT LIGHT! So bright it hurt the eyes. As the leader branched out like a tree of life not only did the arms reach outward but from below from within the soil of this planet limbs of light reached upward to meet the leading strike...and the union was dramatic.

So when our soul is nearing the end of this Earthly journey maybe a leader is reaching to us, to bring us to connect with other bits of souls--in a gathering spot--and from there we will continue to grow and glow as the Energy we truly are. Maybe we ride out of this life on a bolt of lightening reuniting with pure energy to continue to unite with cosmic forces we know nothing about.

Photography and editing by S. Hickman

Saturday, August 8, 2009


hen does one throw in the towel on a relationship? Personally I've never been good at maintaining relationships. Either I get bored or I say the wrong thing or I break the ultimate taboo and talk about politics or religion. I mean no body in their right mind would do that correct? Well guess who did? Yep it was me last year--during election time I decided and announced that each of my blogs up to and including the day of voting, Nov 4th--I would make a political facts statement with my blog. (Multiply Blog) I had seen some remarks made that the facts didn't support so in my effort to set the records straight I found that people take it very personally if you try to discredit their candidate!

I was supporting the Democratic candidate (and so was most of the population of the US and the World) and some were supporting the opposition. I claim to be a fairly intelligent person therefore there is no way in my right mind I would have supported the platform of the opposition which was as follows:

On the Economy
"We know how to fix this"
On Natural Resources & Energy
"Drill Baby Drill"
On National Security
"We will destroy them"

Well I could go on but you get my drift. Then when the Opposition selected his running mate, I had to question his sanity! "You have got to be kidding me" was the first words out of my mouth and I doubled up on my politically "dangerous" blogs! Soon the trouble started-- not from strangers that happened up on my blog although there were plenty of those-- but by the very tight group of my regular contacts...one by one they made remarks such as "I don't trust him" and disappeared. I don't know how that figures into the mix, "Why," was my follow up question, to which I got no fact supported reply. I was of the nature to allow the facts to speak for themselves.

Of the 5 that left my ranks only one was a US Citizen and would be voting the others didn't even have a dog in the fight (Two Canadians, One Swede, One Britt) so I didn't quite understand that, but I think it was coercion on her part that split the blog party line.

See this is exactly how politics works...one group gets it in mind that the other must be defeated and by hook or crook they go about it...so I threw in the bi-partisan towel on that relationship and kept my political candidate and did not give up my belief system nor my political ideas and standards under pressure-and my candidate did succeed! Thank goodness--

Maybe I should run for office?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Matter of Time

hat do you know about time? Time has fascinated me for--well a long time! When I think about the Earth and how old it may be and how old it will become--I realize that my life span is equivalent to one breath! One intake of air that passes through our atmosphere! How fortunate we are to have a planet with an atmosphere!

Time is a measurement---and we humans have developed many way to keep up with it! The ancient people knew more about time than we do! I've talked about this before--it seemed that they were more in tune with the passing of time than us modern day humans are...and it makes me wonder why? I cant answer that question...but think about this--

In the days of yore when explores such as C. Columbus were venturing beyond the known some rumors circles around that the world was flat! Meanwhile the Ancient Mayans had created a calender based on the movements of the planets and they did this based on their knowledge of astronomy! So how did civilizations separated geographically come to such different conclusions? Some research I did states that during the Middle Ages--religious leaders suppressed the knowledge that ancient Greeks already knew-- that the Earth was spherical in shape.

The space time continuance states the theory that space and time are relative to each other...meaning one cant exist without the other...to me its like time is a river and space and all matter in it, (US) are moving along that river like a bobber! Time runs only in one direction!...

We know that time is relative to speed---just travel to the west coast! Animals are on different syncs than we---so are many other aspects of matter much of which we are unaware of! The lifespan of a mouse is about 3 years--ours is about 85--- a mouse's heart beats at 700 times a minute! So another good reason to keep our rate within norms. I am wondering where is the heartbeat of the Earth and how fast is it beating?

In the book Fractal Time by Greg Braden he discusses the upcoming alignment of 2012 and how it is basically a cycle completed and new one beginning, everything in time is on a cycle! We are part of that cycle and recycle! When you really think about time---its the only thing that has no beginning and no ending..it simple goes on forever, and any matter that happens to move along with it...well its only a matter of time!

I saw a movie called the Event Horizon, (1997) that movie really made me think...In reality the Event Horizon Theory is a boundary in Space Time... that surrounds a black hole...I know this is probably not something you think of on a daily basis but just for today lets explore this whole notion...the speed that light travels through time. If something is traveling at a higher rate of speed than light travels we cant see it! Like the hummingbirds that fly around from flower to flower...when they are at full speed I cant see them, I hear them go past me, but when they slow down I see them...NOW what if I began to travel faster??? Then I may see the hummer because the difference between our speed is now less! SO in reality if WE begin to move faster we are moving into the future and if we sloooowwwww down we may actually be able to travel back in time..
Our own universe may be expanding but we cant see it! That is an EVENT and its Beyond our Horizons!
Just stuff to ponder--:0)

Fact- the speed of light c in a vacuum is determined to be 299,792,458 meters/second or c = 299,792,458 m/s

A Light Year is 9,460,730,472,580.8 km (distance light can travel in one Julian yr in a vacuum)

DID you know there is such a thing as a Giga Light Year?
One GLY is one billion light years!
NOW thats far out!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Plus or Minus

hen life gets you down how do you try to climb your way back to the top? Ive done a lot of reading and research on various theories concerning the way we think and how that affects the way we live. If you are negative you bring negative things to you, if you are positive you bring positive things to you...it all sounds good in theory, but is it true?

Sometimes I get angry to think I bring bad luck or negativity to myself...I would rather believe its just random--not due to my thinking...but just a random thing...like water falling from the sky during a rain storm...no one can predict how much rain will fall or exactly where it will land...we know its coming but how intense is it going to be?

I used to not allow myself to get happy, thinking that soon a non happy time would follow and those thoughts didn't help me to feel better when the hard times came, only made it worse...so now I try to live in the moment...try to enjoy that moment, and push whatever may be giving me reason to become unhappy back far away from my NOW moment. This way I'm not experiencing the negative...preferring to stay in the positive as much as possible and if and when I'm drawn out of that happy state, I wish to get back to a state of balance as quickly as possible!

My Mom has suffered with depression much of her adult life...for one reason or another. She often picks the sad parts of life and dwells on that. I try to fix up sad things and make them better, so whatever is making me sad will be more in alignment with my happiness than the other way....bringing me into alignment with the sadness. If you chose to draw it in, then you have to own it, but you can change the way you see it.

The recent event of the dog not getting proper feeding....my Mom chooses to feel really bad for the dog and experience sadness, I chose to make a call to animal control and try to change what is making me sad into an opportunity to make a difference to another being. Whether my action will have a positive result remains to be seen, but I don't feel sad, I feel good about my action.

Positive thinking can be undermined by forces working against us. Negative people will try to sway you to their camp...but don't let that happen--If you have to make new friends...ones that make you feel good and support who you are. Accentuate the positive!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Smokers Debt

HEN I get out of debt! I say that all the time, and Ive done it a few times and I guess I have been like so many others and tried to have more than I deserve! I get angry when I think about things like this-

An Internet friend is trying to quit smoking. A hard thing to do, a very powerful addictive drug to break away from. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin yet its legal? That always blows my mind. Well this friend of mine is not a rich woman, she has a disabled husband, and although she has not said so he has a respiratory disease that could be related to smoking. So they have his disability income and she runs a small shop in a flea market.

She has a very active blog she enjoys keeping up and she loves photography and so she uses her computer for most of her fun activities...and now its giving her problems. She has made the decision to try and quit smoking, kick her own habit, to save money!...How much money can she save...Check this out! TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH...

Now let me just be the devil here and point out how so many Americans complain that the medication they are prescribed can cost as much as $200 a month...And yet there are some of those very same Americans purchasing cigarettes and they say nothing about how much it costs...let alone the costs of health care to try and offset the damage done to their lungs costing consumers trillions of dollars!

I know smokers make all kinds of excuses for their destructive behavior...they say things like,
"It's my body, I can do what I want."
"Everyone has some vice, this is mine."
"It's my business not yours."
There are many more, but the truth is they are hurting themselves and they are part of the driving force in rising health care costs to the Medicare and Medicaid system. Billions and Trillions of dollars! The reason I can say all this is Im an X-smoker!

If it were up to me, I would Ban smoking---NOW before you go writing me letters, lets just think about it. Its only legal because it brings money into the system by way of taxes and jobs..but it takes out just as much in health problems and costs to individuals and health care organizations. People say its not harming anyone---but it is--smoking causes cancer adds to heart disease, causes lung disease, birth defects, and second hand smoke can cause problems for non smokers! People use money that could be earmarked for other uses in their budgets for cigarettes! It is costing most smokers about $3000 a year to pay for their habit! Imagine if that $3,000 was put into general circulation, groceries, movies, clothing stores, books, games, computers...the list is endless, in fact that's the price of an individual retirement account! Its a credit card debt paid off!

The CEO of RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co's salary for 2008 was ---
$1, 190, 350 dollars, and a bonus of $4, 243...

Wow...someone was blowing a lot of smoke!--so my friend spends $200 a month for the cheap cigarettes, thats $2400 a year, she could put that in a money market account and when she retires in 10 years she would have a nest egg of $24,000 dollars+ interest!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Can you Have Fun in 2009?

here have all the good times gone? That's a question I ask myself more and more lately, wondering how people in this day and time are enjoying life? It seems every one has to work 24/7 just to make ends meet! Unless you are in love with your job, where does that leave the inner you? Families are hard put to keep up with everyday living and there seems to be very little money for vacation, entertainment, and many other parts of life that we used to think of the good things. Movies, shows, travel, dinners out with friends...its almost out of reach for the average family.

Make use of reward and sky miles points to get free stuff and free travel. You have to pay your cell phone bill and buy food anyway so why not use a card that pays reward points for your trouble...just be sure to keep close track of your spending so you can pay it all at the end of the month! The idea is save money not pay interest or late fees! Rewards points can be used to purchase gas, gift cards, and so many other good things. Sky miles add up fast too! One car repair job cost me $385, I paid with my sky miles partner card and that gave me another 385 miles added to the kitty! Since some charges are good for double miles take advantage of it whenever possible! Pay for work related travel with your own sky miles card and get reimbursed, this can help rack up even more miles.

Singles are looking for freebies which is a great idea and a way for everyone of us to continue to enjoy the Good Life! Movies are expensive but matinees are still cheaper than prime time, rent a video, add a bowl of popcorn, make a pitcher of iced tea, chill a bottle of soda pop, or a pitcher of koolaide and for a few bucks you can enjoy an evening with as many friends as your living room can hold!

Everyone wants to go to the party, but why should one person or one couple have to foot the bill? Invite your friends and make sure they know you plan to pass the plate for contributions to help pay the expenses! With everyone chipping in a few bucks its a great cheap night out!

A new word this year is the Staycation---or stay at home vacation. Maybe you enjoy camping, or backpacking, well it's practically free to enjoy these outdoor activities. KISS should be the motto of anyone who wants to enjoy life but not pay a high price! Keep it simple stupid could include a visit to a no fee park where you can enjoy wildlife watching, photography, hiking, picnicking, and many more activities. Some parks have boat rentals for as low as $5 an hour...you could bring along your fishing gear or your sweetheart and make an afternoon of it.

What about free entertainment? Almost every community has something FREE going on, don't forget to check your local news section of the paper and local TV station websites keep track of many community events for you, all you have to do is click! Whether its Art in the Park, a Free Summer Concert Series, or Street Festivals there is always something interesting going on, and if you KISS it wont cost you a dime!

We all want to stay fit---but Gym Fees are getting up there and most want you to sign contract! Wow-that can add up! A bike is a great way to get a workout and if you live within biking distance to your job why not ride to work, it saves money, you get a workout, and you help the environment too--what a deal! You can get everyone on board and organize weekend bike events! Arrange a meeting place, map out a course and have a cooler of chilled drinks waiting at the end, sounds like fun to me!

A yoga mat can be a great investment in your health, yoga is a great way to tone up and reduce stress that makes you healthier to boot. Put on your favorite CD and work out at home, invite a friend to join you and make it even more fun. Taking a walk with fido or a companion is another way to beat the price of a gym membership. A good brisk walk 3 to 4 times a week can do wonders for high blood pressure, and to help shed unwanted pounds. Bring along a refillable bottle of cold water and enjoy!

Another great form of exercise is gardening! The physical labor can get pretty intense with digging, raking, hoeing, weeding, pushing the wheel barrow around, loading and unloading bags of compost and you get beautiful flowers and delicious veggies for your trouble...more money in the pocket and less out!

Lastly...just a backyard picnic and a dip in your own backyard splash pool can seem like a vacation when you've had a really hard week of 21st century stress. Bring out all your favorite festive picnic-ware, get a big watermelon and cool it in a tub of ice and dust off the BBQ, invite some friends and ask them each to bring an item, the beer, the buns, the veggie burgers, and don't forget the onions!

Hopefully we can still find the good times in 2009!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


hat is fear why do we have it and why does it control so much of our thinking process and why do we make decisions out of fear?

I looked up fear--and it is worth noting that fear is a response to help us escape danger and anxiety always relates to future events, such as worsening of a situation, or continuation of a situation that is unacceptable. Anxiety is a state of fear--and fear falls in the same category as joy, and happiness! So right in the same box of emotions we can choose fear, anxiety, joy, or happiness! But why do we let fear force us into a state of mind we don't want to be in? I always ask this question--what's the worst that can happen? Unless my answer is Death...then should I still have fear and be in a state of anxiety? Stress leads to fear and that leads to anxiety and that's a circle complete...-Stress to Fear--Fear to Anxiety--Anxiety builds more Stress...and on and on.

Fear is a way to protect ourselves, control others, and is not a good state of mind to be in. When we are in a state of fear or anxiety, our heart rate is increased by adrenaline, a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland and also known as Epinephrine...its one of the neurotransmitters. I had to learn all this when I attended the Methodist Hospital's Paramedic Training Program, in 2002 in Brooklyn, NY. As a medic student we had an A & P course same as Doctors it was one very intense year of training. I remembered much of my Anatomy & Physiology from high school, I always loved science and biology...but learning how Epi affects our body was an eye opener for me!

Not only does it increase heart rate, it constricts arteries throughout the skin and digestive tract and floods the core of the body with blood. (this is why anxiety gives you numb feet and hands) It also elevates blood sugar and glucose levels and suppresses the immune system!.. SO being in a state of fear can cause tachycardia, palpitations, arrhythmia's, anxiety, headache, tremor, hypertension, hyperglycemia, pulmonary edema and other symptoms and illness!

Fear symptoms can mimic other problems! Many times I responded to calls of chest pain to find a patient really stressed and having a panic attack! Sometimes just the calm demeanor of me and my partner helped the patient and they began to have relief from the attack.

But why should paying car insurance, putting a kid through college, dealing with our mate cause fear and anxiety? Can we control this ? The fear of not being where we need to be in life can cause a stroke, heart attack, hyper anxiety, and can lead to suicidal thoughts!..THESE are good reasons to chill out! Think about what you can let go and what you must deal with and deal with it as soon as possible to relieve the anxiety and let go of the fear. Don't take everything so seriously...and by all means simplify your life to include down time!!!

We can control stress, fear, and anxiety if we really choose our thoughts...pushing back negative emotions or thoughts can keep fear in controlled levels. This is another thing I learned while working as a paramedic---allowing calm to overtake fear--in order to think more clearly and not allow adrenaline to rush through my system and put me in a hypersensitive state of mind, I choose to remain as calm as possible.

When we allow stress and fear to control us we are in a constant hyper-state! Our heart is racing, yet its not an aerobic workout --we get very little physical benefit from this state...we get headaches due to the crash that comes after an epi-high--the epi hangover! Some people have to stop and rest for a long period of time to recover from this hyper-elevated state of being. This can bring on PTSD in soldiers and Paramedics,...and its why I got out of the Emergency Medical Field...

To beat fear and stress...I walk, spend as much time in nature as possible, I have pets to help keep me in sync and I do believe Yoga is a great way to handle stress, although lately Ive been a real slacker with that---just writing this encourages me to get back to dealing with stress and not allowing it to become fear.

~Let each be his own and you be your own, and let us share who we are~