Time is a measurement---and we humans have developed many way to keep up with it! The ancient people knew more about time than we do! I've talked about this before--it seemed that they were more in tune with the passing of time than us modern day humans are...and it makes me wonder why? I cant answer that question...but think about this--
In the days of yore when explores such as C. Columbus were venturing beyond the known some rumors circles around that the world was flat! Meanwhile the Ancient Mayans had created a calender based on the movements of the planets and they did this based on their knowledge of astronomy! So how did civilizations separated geographically come to such different conclusions? Some research I did states that during the Middle Ages--religious leaders suppressed the knowledge that ancient Greeks already knew-- that the Earth was spherical in shape.
The space time continuance states the theory that space and time are relative to each other...meaning one cant exist without the other...to me its like time is a river and space and all matter in it, (US) are moving along that river like a bobber! Time runs only in one direction!...
We know that time is relative to speed---just travel to the west coast! Animals are on different syncs than we---so are many other aspects of matter much of which we are unaware of! The lifespan of a mouse is about 3 years--ours is about 85--- a mouse's heart beats at 700 times a minute! So another good reason to keep our rate within norms. I am wondering where is the heartbeat of the Earth and how fast is it beating?
In the book Fractal Time by Greg Braden he discusses the upcoming alignment of 2012 and how it is basically a cycle completed and new one beginning, everything in time is on a cycle! We are part of that cycle and recycle! When you really think about time---its the only thing that has no beginning and no ending..it simple goes on forever, and any matter that happens to move along with it...well its only a matter of time!
I saw a movie called the Event Horizon, (1997) that movie really made me think...In reality the Event Horizon Theory is a boundary in Space Time... that surrounds a black hole...I know this is probably not something you think of on a daily basis but just for today lets explore this whole notion...the speed that light travels through time. If something is traveling at a higher rate of speed than light travels we cant see it! Like the hummingbirds that fly around from flower to flower...when they are at full speed I cant see them, I hear them go past me, but when they slow down I see them...NOW what if I began to travel faster??? Then I may see the hummer because the difference between our speed is now less! SO in reality if WE begin to move faster we are moving into the future and if we sloooowwwww down we may actually be able to travel back in time..
Our own universe may be expanding but we cant see it! That is an EVENT and its Beyond our Horizons!
Just stuff to ponder--:0)
Fact- the speed of light c in a vacuum is determined to be 299,792,458 meters/second or c = 299,792,458 m/s
A Light Year is 9,460,730,472,580.8 km (distance light can travel in one Julian yr in a vacuum)
DID you know there is such a thing as a Giga Light Year?
One GLY is one billion light years!
NOW thats far out!
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