Thursday, February 24, 2022

Always Spaghetti

It never fails...spaghetti sauce has a magnetic force to it...Just hope it comes out when I wash it.  Today I hung out at home listened to the birds sing all day, did some work on my garden plants. Repotted the pepper plants I over wintered, some didn't make it but some did..So hope they will come right back out I put some additional soil in the pots and a light feeding. 
I put some seeds in pots that I can bring in if it goes too low at night..Some green beans, sweet peas, transplanted some Swiss Chard seedlings...
The onion sets I put out a week ago are coming up and the broccoli is almost big enough to cut.  I picked the last of the Spinach leaf, and the Arugula, had a nice salad of that for lunch, and have enough for at least 2 more bowls of salad. In one of the pots I put the Swiss Chard transplants and in the other some radish seed.  By the time the chard and radish are done it will be warm enough to put the Zuke transplants in the pots, that is if the seeds sprout.  
The over wintered eggplant did not survive, so I will buy some transplants.  

Back inside I am trying to make my own coffee creamer, so I used coconut milk, which is thick by nature...and almond milk, I mixed it at about 3 to one ratio. So I hope it works.  Im doing this for 2 reasons.  One is so it's non dairy and the other is to not buy the plastic jug. So we will see.  

My dog Floss continues to not do too well.  She can barely get up from a laying or sitting position I have to help her..I've put a ramp at my back door it's been there for 4 months...and more and more she just cant stay up.  I have her on anti inflammatory dog meds..I just increased her 1/2 a tab daily to 1/2 tab twice a day.  More and more she is incontinent.  She goes out and she does #1 with no trouble...but then she doesnt want to do the walking required for her bowels to work.  She lost weight and she looks awful.  She is 14 in a couple months.  Annie is doing pretty good.  She has a bad ankle on the front leg, which means she can't do a lot of walking without going lame, but she can still run a little bit and she has no problems with steps..she has a good appetite, and she is plump and alert. 

I know they both came from the same Mom but did you know that in a litter of pups each pup can have a different father?  The reason is each pup is in it's own placental sack...So a dog releases many eggs and if the dog has multiple mate different sperm can fertilize one or two eggs.   So I can only assume they are half sisters.  Floss has long hair Annie's is more medium, Floss has long legs, while Annie is shorter. Annie has some chow in her with dark spots on her tongue.  Floss has some English Setter in her since she has the reddish tinge to her hair.  She looks like a flat haired retriever...While Annie is like a border collie mixed with lab. 

On the World Front...
Im really a bit afraid of what shape the world will be in when another couple of weeks passes.  I don't even understand WHY Russia is attacking Ukraine, other than they want to steal what they have.  I was not surprised that Trump said that what Putin did was genius.  Im sure he would have helped him get whatever it is he wants. NYC is the home of the Russian Mob, you could not convince me that they don't have some power over Trump...two of his wives are from the region Slovenia and Czechia. Both are south of Poland with Ukraine  to the East.  Ukraine is just a stones toss from Europe! It's less than 1500 miles from Paris to Kyiv. That's like from Tampa, FL to Ottawa Canada. 

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