Friday, December 31, 2021

Something to...


in an old fashioned way...I had gravy and biscuits for breakfast...of course I burned the biscuits.  I got so tired of the no gluten thing so I got some flour and make myself 2 biscuits they were going great then I got distracted and they came out kinda hard...but sure tasty...not like mom's tho. She used real milk...I used Almond milk.

BAD news my sis's dog Jimmy has been diagnosed with tumors that are inoperable, and the vet gave him only a week to live.  I think Jimmy will def make make it longer.  He is a fighter.  Sis is going to the weed shop today to get him some of the good stuff whatever they recommend for him.  Pot is legal in Colorado...I tried to order some for my dog and could not...she is going to see if there is a way to get some for dog. 
I feel so bad for my sis, she has done everything possible to help Jim.  He was diagnosed with diabetes in 2020, then he went blind, and 2021 he had his lenses replaced, and she had to travel him back n forth to Denver so many times and then not only 2 shots of insulin a day but many eye drops...then he began to vomit and would not eat...So he was diagnosed with Pancreatitis...he spent a day in the hospital over Christmas.  Then he got worse on Wednesday so she took him in and they kept him over night to test his sugar and they did an ultrasound and some x-rays and found 2 tumors one on his kidney and one inside his abdominal cavity that has displaced his stomach and is not  operative. 
I really had hoped I would get to see Jimmy again....I Hope she will take a movie of him for me..
Back to my dog...
If you recall I shaved her and she still looks horrible.  Her coat has grown back just a wee bit but the naked spots are still I watched a Youtube on the proper way to groom a dog....well found out right away WHERE I went wrong.  See the blade that came on my clipper is a size 10.  You should never shave a dog with a size 10 blade only the feet, ears, and private it came with these little comb attachments but with her coat NO WAY those combs would go thru her coat...
SO I ordered a 4 FC blade, this should go thru her long long as I keep it combed out good...and the groomer recommended 2 detangle sprays  to use I will go to Pet-Sense and look for that so in the future I won't have to butcher my dogs coats.  Annie I don't clip except sometimes her belly...

I learned a lot about the whole process and should have done that long ago. The new blade was $29 all paid on Amazon...and it will be here Jan 5th but I won't need to clip her for a long while yet...
I have no plans I did add a movie to my Tubi list for tonight...a good Sci-Fi, Alien attack type genre.  

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