Wednesday, March 2, 2022



I just don't get it...yes a  mouse in your car or van can create havoc...I had a field mouse or something like that get into my van in Idaho...He came in and ate the edge off some cheese crackers I had in my console and he got into Casey's dry food...
So I put some Pnuts outside on the ground and he left the van and then I hightailed it...the next day and he was left harm no foul...
I just saw a YouTube post by BOB WELLS of CheapRvLiving...he cruelly told his half a million viewers to use a bucket of water and drown  mice.  Use the bucket as a trap, lure the mouse up a ramp then he falls in a bucket of water and drowns...OMG is this man insane??
First off he should not be advocating 
cruelty to animals, drowning is NOT humane...I would much rather see a trap that kills instantly! BUT to me live trapping is the best way to's not hard to's quite simple.  I left a not so nice comment and I reported the cruel...I hope Youtube makes him take it down! 

That's the 3rd channel I unsubscribed from in two weeks time.  I know people who have a large following make quite a bit of money on my views are like money in the bank, so if the content is out of line with my morals or is just not in line with what the content creator says it is then wth? He is supposed to be telling people how to live cheaply in an RV...not how to kill mice.  I think he should just leave that subject alone.  His channel is not about hunting, or trapping or why would I click on his channel and see cruelty being promoted??  It's like tuning in This Old House and then seeing a murder happen on the set!! How can you trust the creator when they can flip the content like that?
So the others one was   "Solo Female Traveler" but is now in a relationship.  Ok, that's not the issue, but honestly it's not why Im there, this happened last month with another channel...suddenly there is this guy in the picture...HE doesn't even want to be in the video so when he is, his back is turned, only far away shots of the two of them...OK, not exactly the right content for a nature based channel...just leave that part out.  And then I saw she has done just that...suddenly she is not waiting outside his work for  him to arrive, she moved on, and even tho I am not subscribed again I saw one of her thumbnails in the suggested list and I did click on it because it was titled "Back on the Road Alone." 
These other 2 channels that I was subscribed to  hooked up now they are a twosome... the mighty Chrome and the Cat Van Lady...are now a word on that BORING! if I want to see adolescent type romantic behavior holding hands drawing hearts in the sand, sweet lovely dovey, than I would probably look for a channel named "how I met my teenaged love"
I certainly don't tune into a Vanlife how to Channel to find a budding romance...fine if that happens in  your life but does it  have to make the channel content? Or maybe it's click bait?  I will be wondering how this affects both of those channels going forward.  

 I admired her for her ability to make her own way in life,  being independent,  doing things her way and now all she does is giggle while he tells her what to do.  It's like "honey Im home, what for dinner" content now...very dull very boring. 

And him...he portrays himself as a macho outdoors man which is not true anyway. He is so obviously a green horn when it comes to nature, and being outdoors, and even traveling. When I first started watching his channel it was about living in a van to escape the high cost of living...That was interesting, it was creative, it was educational....Now he earns $300K a year, (not verified but presented by another  Youtube channel that crunched the numbers and came up with this estimate that sounds about right) And there is nothing wrong with that either...but now his  content is so far off the mark of what it was in the beginning, he is so materialistic, and even tho he puts his best foot forward in his episodes, when I've seen him on other people's channels he is like a different guy, a loud mouthed bully type guy...when I first saw that I was surprised...
So he is phoney pretty much and just putting on a persona that is not completely honest. And now he swooped in an  the stayed in catlady's life.  Tune it to see her you see him.. tune in to see him you see's kinda like June and Ward Cleaver.  Brain suckingly boring. 

It is not up to me to tell these people how to live...far from it, but with my click I can agree or disagree...and that's as simple as it is.  I think I want to find more channels that are JUST how to such as my channel...there is no way a relationship will suddenly pop up. 

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