OULD it be so awful to show us the truth?
WHO Is they you say? Well if watch any TV, thumb through magazine, drive past billboards at all, its them those advertisers. For one thing why are we having to watch ads when we pay for TV now a days? We keep threatening to turn our satellite off, all we get are Law and Order reruns, NCIS reruns, CSI reruns...NOW I do like a few of the series, but now a days they create 6 weeks and then its gone for 10 weeks,,,,can hardly recall what was going on.
BUT the ads where they put the Hook in big letters and the Sinker in print so small you cant read it right at the bottom, WHY? What are they hiding? Is their product or offer so horrible that they keep it hidden hoping you will spend your money BEFORE you see that small print? Is it so untrue they dont reveal, its so dishonest they are ashamed to honestly reveal it? I think its all of the above. Why do we stand for that?
The car ads, $159 a month, WOW what a deal. ANK!
Its a lease, read the small print, $2,650 down at signing and then after about 3 years later you still owe a lot for the car.
The details are in that small print. The truth is there but so small we are not able to see it...on the radio they speak it so fast YOU CANT understand it? WHAT on EARTH? That to me is just plain insulting....Imagine if it were reversed...what if they put the truth Big AS LIFE for us to read and hear.
I for one would like to see a company who is NOT afraid of what they are selling, who are so happy to show you that they PUT the facts RIGHT Up in BIG letters for you to see. How refreshing that would be...to feel that you are not getting screwed when you give up your hard earned money for a product or service. TO really trust that the company, store, or person you are dealing with one who has your best interests at heart and they really DO want to give you a good deal. Imagine that?
We say nothing as the small print continues to be a loophole for us to be taken advantage of. Complacent...tired...fed up...jaded?
Yes to all of the above.
I haven't been very attentive to Writtin's. Not that I haven't had anything rattling around in my head I have, its I haven't had anything GOOD to say. IT was a very challenging year for me,, from start to finish....
Some random ideas that have been ping ponging around in my head lately:
So 2012 is gone! That sounds like such a far away time~ when I was a kid back in the 1960's I thought there would be colonies on Mars by now. Didn't you?
What has held us back?
We have held onto old ideas such as gasoline engines, coal burning power stations, and a 9 to 5 lifestyle. We have milked the gas and oil cow till she is nearly dry and now we are MILKING it for all its worth. As a world population we are stagnant as the super rich control the world we live in and we continue to be players in an economy that was created to keep the upper tier rich as the rest of us struggle to make the best of the lemons disguised as "THE AMERICAN DREAM"
I was recently reading a copy of the magazine Prevention. By the time I finished reading it I felt doomed to a life of anguish and unanswered questions. Headlines such as:
When I read these shock-lines I realized we Americans are a mass of sick people. We are in constant pain both physically, emotionally, and most of all spiritually. The American way of life is what is giving us fatigue, gives us a horrible diet, wont allow us to sleep, and creates a body riddled with all sorts of complaints.
IF we could fix the spiritual problems first that would give us the strength to deal with the emotional, and then the physical would fall into place. WE think we are a sick society now, wait until the kids of today grow up...they are being raised by cell phones and x-boxes. When its their turn to be the Dead Beats in the House and Senate what will be important to them? Will they care about the natural world at all?
They had a "take your kid hunting day" here yesterday and today! SO the only time a kid is encouraged to go into the woods is to kill something? To me that is SICK!
9 to 5 keeps people enslaved. A life is like a flash in time...when compared to the Universe our existence is a nanosecond! We spend our most productive years working to earn money. I was thinking of this; what if instead of retiring at 65 we retired at 50? Reason being...if people moved out of the jobforce at age 50 younger workers would move into these jobs, it would keep the tax foundation strong and steady, a young workforce is more productive, and as workers age they are more prone to disease! AS we enter into that pivotal age we need time to work ON US, a job takes precedence. IF we had 16 hrs a day to work on our own health, we would become healthier people! Less fatigue, less emotional issues, stronger physical bodies, and we could discover who we are spiritually! IF we wait until we are 65 years old we are pretty much at a point of no return!
...By this time workers are so beat down by the work a day life style, they cant/dont make time for exercise, we dont make time to relieve stress, we dont have time to cook and eat right...just going to work and staying on the wheel takes all we have to give. Not everyone is able to tap into our inner Super Man or Wonder Woman. Some can and my hat is off to those people, but I dont want to be like them.
The Medical machine is draining us dry....if we didnt have to work away the best years of our life, we would be healthier! IT would cost US less for workers to retire early! Happy people are healthier!....IF our system included saving for the future...we could retire early! We are not told HOW important it is to save money, we are sold an "investment idea". SAVING money is the key to financial security! Investing is like playing the lotto.
Pay yourself first should be the most important thing we learn in high school! But I dont recall a class called MONEY. The typical education is not preparing us for the REAL world we live in.
What if the classes being taught were like this:
Maybe then we would be prepared to actually take better care of ourselves and be productive and happy at the same time.
SO on we go still rolling a square wheel uphill...all we can do is work on
ourselves and make it better one day at a time.