hen you turn that clock up an hour tonight what do you think about....I get kinda irritated to think I have to change my schedule lose an hour of my Saturday.....and watch my timing in the mornings when getting ready for work..The ONLY good thing about it is, I wont be so hungry when I get off work!! My body will still be on the "old" schedule...for a while. I will probably feel sleepy and grumpy in the mornings, but trying to look on the "bright" side, more birds will be out when I get up..they love to get at the feeders early. I may actually catch a glimpse of a bald eagle flying over the pond that I pass everyday on my drive in, the early Eagle gets the fish right?
Time is something that I wish I could capture and control...imagine that? "If I could put time in a bottle" I think I would make every day Saturday! HA.
I have a dream for my 'golden' yrs...and that makes me think of the other years the ones behind me...and how cool it would have been to have had a plan, a plot to follow to bring my dreams into fruition, I DID but at the time I didnt know that it actually works!! IF ONLY I knew then what I know now...eh? Wouldnt we all love that. I did have a dream, and worked toward it, but I didnt keep my dream in the foreground....little by little I allowed my dreams (life plan) to become second in my life and bit by bit it disappeared as family life steamrolled right over me... not only did I lose touch with my dream I lost touch with who I was, lost feeling for the man I loved, and lost my zeal to keep trying.
I dont blame anyone for the demise of my dreams...but I sure will blame ME if I dont realize the "rest of them". That old saying if I knew then what I know now really comes into play at this point....well I have to take what I know NOW and put it to use. By thinking I had to be all things to all people I made a right mess of things! I know that unfaltering focus is the only way to get to the place one needs to be in life to bring a dream into reality. IM not talking greed or an uncaring heart---but a focus on what you want..first help yourself then you can help others. I didnt, but sure wish I had.
My dream in a nut shell was to have a horse ranch. WE got close...(I married a man who shared the same love of horses as mine) we bought a small place in the country (10 acres)....we worked hard to built it up little by little and at one point we had 4 horses on our little ranch we called Springbrow--
On Saturday mornings we got up early, just after dawn, fed, groomed, and saddled up the horses....after a cup of coffee we set off for at least a two hour trail ride...it was fun, and the climax of our dream. The early morning rise was so great. The sun brightened everything, the birds sang loudly and the scents of a new day was always strong and Earthy as we headed down the driveway and onto the dirt road...then eventually the trails through the woods and fields.
After the ride with the horses taken care of we would cook a hearty breakfast together and eat outside on the spacious screen porch I had built with my own two hands.... later we'd relax the rest of the day, or spend time doing chores around our little ranch, talking about our dreams for the future...
Then a step child moved in with us from his previous marriage, along came a child of our own, school, more responsibility, work, bills, we drifted apart, and the hurricane of family life dragged me along and I lost the focus of my dream...we lost the focus of OUR dream....as I/we lost focus the dream began to fade...one by one the horses disappeared until the last one passed away in 1996. Then the fences grew old, rusted, and sagged, the roof of the barn rotted and fell in, the children left home and we had grown old and fell silent...nothing remained of our original dream we had nothing in common, and we separated after 26 yrs of marriage, and now we are finally divorcing and selling the place....our beloved little ranch, he wants the money, I want the land, but have no money to buy him out and dont wish to sacrifice my future to save a piece of the past....soooooo... that dream was realized, burned brightly for a while, and then it went dark---my new dream is to retire at least 2 yrs early and travel. I have purchased a van (its kinda old but Im hopefull) and God willing, I hope to travel slowwwwly and discover America up close and personal....I must focus to make every day "Saturday"!!
hen your brain gets in a fog what do you do? Does it scare you, you start to believe its early dementia, its the precursor to a mental breakdown...today my mind is so unfocused I can barely put one foot in front of the other....well honestly what is really going on is MY brain is in overthink...you know how your subconscious mind normally takes over and you dont think about walking, about moving your arms, about seeing with your eyes, about why you opened a book, about what the phone ringing means...because those things are normally taken care of WITHOUT your conscious thought process having to do anything. Ive decided my subconscious is busy with some very important details and so its giving more responsibility to ME for a little while....maybe its plotting my future? The truth is when we overload out thought processes with all those little inner 'worries' we are bothering our subconscious and stressing it forcing it to take on extra duties and so it cant just go on auto pilot, it has to come out of "hiding" to help our conscious mind take care of things...and then IT needs to shut down and refresh...so I believe thats what's happened!!
So in reality its my Subconscious Mind that is taking a vacation...and on days such as this I have to think about everything... Me...."why did I open this book?" My subconscious ......"You were going to look up the information about the research project you are working on." Me...."Oh yeah, exactly." and so it goes.. Me..."why did I walk into this room?" My Subconsious..."You are going outside so put your shoes on..." Me..."oh yeah Im looking for my shoes."
There are really two Me's one who is active and who is subliminally active...She oversees what im doing but she doesnt bother to tell me why cause thats her JOB..but today she took the day off. What is she doing thats so important she has left ME hanging?? NO she is there telling my heart to pump, my lungs to breath what has happened is I AM not in contact with HER. I've allowed the troubles of things beyond my control to invade our well being...and so it is that now she has disconnected in order to get the outer me back into alignment with the inner me.
The fog has not lifted and it's been 2 days now..I have to return to work tomorrow and so I hope she wakes up and comes with me or IM SCREWED!! Without her I dont know if I can drive my car, interact properly in society, remember how to do my job, or go about my normal day.
The "universal secret" is to allow your subconscious to take over the hum drum of daily living so you can unleash your imagination to create the reality you require and desire! I've known this my whole life. As a child I wanted a horse somuch that it was all I thought about...in my mind I had one, he was beautiful, he was so strong and awesome we ran around all the time together, he rode the school bus with me, he went to bed with me, he was WITH me at all times....and even tho I was born into a very poor family that barely had money to buy food to eat, by age 12, I HAD 3 horses!!!! A way was provided, I didnt have to create the means, I just had to create & believe in the DREAM, the Universe created the means...I had to allow it to happen. This is the mistake we make so many times we try to control everything, even things that are out of our control...(Like the divorce and property settlement Im currently going through) we get on a plane, we imagine ourselves as being the pilot of the plane...we cant allow the pilot who has the education, the training, the know how to take the controls we have to try and do it ourselves...SO maybe now we know why some planes DONT make it to their destinations---someone else on the plane may have been even more nuerotic about that pilots expertise than you or I!! I may not get everything I believe I WANT, so what? Maybe if I did it would create a vortex of "other stuff" & I will spin myself in a direction that is contrary to what I REALLY (subconsiously) want for myself...which is freedom, mobility, a carefree life, without bonds and strings.
I do believe we are who/what we think we are...if I can get past the expectations of others or what I believe to be those expectations, then I can become who I want to be by using thoughts to create the reality and the universe to create the means...if only I allow it to happen, let go of the controls and allow the Universe to do it for me...SO i need to put myself on autopilot and then the Universe can take me to the reality I have created for myself with my thought process. Although I have trouble defaulting to this 100% of the time I keep reminding myself its the true path to a contented life filled with peace and love!! So in comparrison maybe this is why humanity seems lost, we have disconnected from our subconscious self, the underlying current of Mother Earth as we force a unrealistic reality on the entities of the planet that is not beneficial to all this path wont bring us the content and happy natural state of mind and being that we seek and so we are in a fog....when you stop interacting with a false reality you open the door to the invisible integration of you and the universal law or action and reaction. WHY is it when we give up looking that we find what it is we are looking for? Maybe its simply because we allowed the results we have been seeking to finally come through.
HATwill happen when we cant grow enough food for the worlds population?
Hmmm well I guess I can answer my own question...we will starve to death!! Well what if the food we are growing is lacking in nutrition so much so that we starve while eating ourselves sick? I think its happening already. Where is the taste, the flavor..and IF you dont use chemicals to grow food its almost impossible to do so..OUR climate has become so harsh in all parts of the world...drought, heat, cold, floods, polluted, barren land---And what about the bees? Where are they? I believe its the hybrid "crops" that has killed the bees..the genetically altered plants that bees feed to their young has killed off the bee populations..thanks to Monsanto and their obvious monopoly on seed control.
If you're reading this you may have read back and saw my thoughts on the Corporate Coop of America and how the corporations of this world have changed our food supply into barely edible garbage....and I have not changed my stand on that subject.
I do believe we (the USA) have become a Fascist nation, along with many other Democracies of this world...Look at Greece and what is happening there...how far are we behind that same thing happening here...OUR LIVES revolve around MONEY...we are playing Russian Roulette with our continued existence as a species...
A democracy is when the "majority" rules...well I have to ask if that's so then where are the POOR members of congress? Why are there no truck drivers, school teachers, nurses, and garbage collectors sitting in those chambers in DC? Where are the downtrodden members of the Senate? They all look wealthy to me--they are lawyers, politicians, lobbyists, board members, corporate CEO's and they come in to control the "world of the wealthy, for the wealthy, and by the wealthy." They are trying to run this nation as if it were a business? Excuse me but each one of those "bills" is about humans--People's lives, we are not businesses, we are HUMAN BEINGS--we need food, shelter, and clothes, to survive--we need a peaceful society to live in and we need leaders who have compassion for the poor and the needy...not leaders who think Poor people are just under achievers--for Pete's sake!!
This is why NO tax will ever be lobbied against the toys of the rich, as long as they are in Control....and whilst the poor class become sick and DIE due to improper nutrition, health care, and lack of education!! It almost seems to me the GOP is trying to create a wealthy Reich--The majority of the people in the USA are NOT wealthy. They live in small modest homes, that they DO NOT OWN...they have a modest income THAT COULD BE YANKED AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT if the companies they work for decide to CUT jobs as a way of keeping more of the pie for the top tier The poor have no voice and NO representation--- the forgotten Majority!!
One half of the worlds population live on less than $2 a day!! YET the 3 riches people in the world have more wealth than 48 of the poorest nations on Earth COMBINED!! The 3 are Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Carlos Slim Helu' from Mexico. The richest 2% of the worlds population have control of more half the wealth in the WORLD----and control over governments of the world.
Anyone that tries to rise up out of the ranks of regular people and try to usurp the authority of the rich and controlling rulers in a third world nation is murdered almost immediately...in developing countries they are arrested on trumped up charges and left to rot in prison. In the USA they are fed fast food and die a slow agonizing death of heart disease, diabetes, alcoholism, drug addiction, and cancer...while collecting welfare-and earning minimum wages and trying to raise and educate their children who are NOT getting a decent education yet education is VERY Expensive in this country. We are not getting a decent return on our money..Our tax Dollars are being wasted by the wealthy who are in control while social programs are CUT to the bone and the poor become more poor and are written off as hopeless losers while the wealthy march on to their own drum beat---
its time to end the WELFARE for the RICH- WHY is big oil receiving subsidies from the Feds-- our tax dollars? HECK the more you make the more tax you get back..cause you are able to spend more I haven't been able to file a schedule A in I dont know how many yrs..IM sure IF I had some money to spend I would be able to claim most of my expenditures as tax write offs---hmmm where are the loop holes for the poor...its more like a pit thats been dug for them and they are being placed in a mass grave.
SO when we cant grow enough food to feed all of us, who do you think is going to be in charge of the trough? Just stuff to consider--
HEN will the world end? How many times we've heard this one and wondered about it ourselves...No one knows of course! Personally I dont think the Earth will ever end...it will change and become foreign to mankind, and it will evolve and continue for as long as the Sun that warms it is alive and well...
Today I had some thoughts about it. As our movement around the Sun brings us to the close of one REALLY LONG cycle and the beginning of a new one we have to think that we are gonna be at a spot in TIME that we have no recorded history of...so WE don't have a clue what may be in the stars "literally" for us!!
Just watching the movie 2012 right now and it brings even more of these thoughts to the front of my brain and any of you who have read my writings know that time and space are particularly fascinating to me. WHAT could happen? The Planet could become so inhabitable that we die off, just about like the dinosaurs did 65 million years ago. As soon as 10,000 yrs ago we had sabre toothed tigers, woolly mammoths, and more large & strange land creatures that made North America their home...now ALL extinct. That is about half the portion of time it took to make our way through this galactic cycle we are now completing...SO We are talking about that period of time when the world was fit for them---We are about 12,000 yrs into the Holocene era--the previous one was the Pleistocene era, when the glaciers retreated...so the Mammoths died off due mostly to climate change in the middle of this era, the Holocene Epoch.
We have dragged our feet due to economies of the world that we have forgotten that we live in a UNI--VERSE..(it means all together) and yet as we drew our boundaries in the dirt, and separated ourselves with language, geography, religion and politics, we forgot that our Earth is ON cycle and moving right along with US ON IT...we have made zero plans to survive this galactic alignment--and the changes we may encounter...as a species. To me this has been the strangest winter for North America so far..I binged it and found this: the warmest winter on record happened in 1999-2000, then again in 2007, then again in 2010...AND now I believe 2011-2012 will break all those records. The Earth is changing!! It is warming up, the air currents have shifted, some say the poles are shifting South to North..who knows. All I know is Ive been alive almost 60 yrs Ive never seen anything like what we have going on right now, my mom has been around 87 yrs she says the same thing... Our Spring is happening NOW..a complete month and half too soon!!
I just wonder whats in store; will some planet that we never knew existed suddenly come into view? WOW wouldn't that be amazing--HOW cool is it to be alive right NOW during this amazing planetary event??? I mean the last time this happened humans were Neanderthals------(homo erectus was still around) OMG--what will our civilization be like at this point 26,000 yrs into the future if we survive that long?
One could compare witnessing this Epoch to such super history makers as being alive at the time of Adam and Eve, Jesus, or Genghis Kanh, King Henry the 8th, Noah, Buddha, we have come to a conclusion...
Its a time NO ONE has been in and lived to recorded it for posterioty and No ONE will most probably know OF US in 26,000 yrs. I cant even figure out how many generations will pass if you consider a generation is 20-25 yrs SO 10,000 generations will pass --its not like our descendants will say "my Grandmother 10,000 times removed was alive to see this Galactic Alignment"---I dont think so...we should put our eye witness accounts in stone so it will survive the eons of time to give witness to them who will come after us. People Get ready to WITNESS!!!
Some say its a hoax, there is no alignment and its all B.S. But its not it is a real event that is coming, that doesn't mean there will be a big BOOM or anything of that nature but it means we will be witnessing something we have never witnessed before..
I witnessed Sagittarius winning the Belmont Stakes by 25 lengths... I witnessed 9/11 and now this HOLY MAC!! What a life... eh??
Found this Glossary of Terms that is very interesting..
---------------------------------------------- The ecliptic: The path followed by the sun, moon, and planets. It is the plane of our solar system. The ecliptic encircles the earth and is divided into twelve constellations, or zodiac signs.
The Milky Way: The bright band of stars that our solar system belongs to. It encircles the earth and is wider in the region of Sagittarius because that is where the 'nucelar bulge" of the Milky Way's center is located (our Milky Way is saucer shaped).
The Galactic equator: The precise mid-line running down the Milky Way. Analogous to the earth's equator, it divides the galaxy into two hemispheres, or lobes.
The Dark Rift in the Milky Way: A feature caused by interstellar dust that runs along the Milky Way from the Galactic Center northward past the constellation of Aquila.
The December solstice sun: The sun, on the December solstice. It is one-half of a degree wide.
The December solstice point: The precise midpoint of the sun, on the December solstice.
The Precession of the equinoxes: The earth wobbles very slowly on its axis and this causes the position of the equinox to shift backwards, or precess, through the signs of the ecliptic at the rate of one degree every 71.5 years. The full precessional wobble is complete in roughly 25,800 years.
The vernal equinox point is defined by the intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator.
The Celestial Equator: The earth's equator projected into the stars. It is the plane of the earth's rotation.
The Cross formed by the Milky Way and the ecliptic: Exactly as stated. There are two of these, one in early Sagittarius, the other in early Gemini. The former cross has the virtue of being located within the nuclear bulge of the Galactic Center.
The nuclear bulge / the Galactic Center: A bright and wide region of the Milky Way, visible to the naked eye and between Sagittarius and Scorpio. The more precise and abstract center-point of the nuclear bulge is the precise Galactic Center, located at about 6 degrees Sagittarius (sidereal) and 27 degrees in the tropical zodiac.
Additional Glossary of Mayan Calendar terms
We can have a more general discussion of galactic alignments in history if we consider that the solstice axis aligns with the galactic equator every half precession cycle. Likewise, the equinox axis aligns with the galactic equator every half precession cycle. Thus, galactic alignments, more generally speaking, occur in era 2012 (1980 - 2016) and every quarter precession cycle before and after era 2012.
In terms of Mayan astronomy and mythology, the Dark Rift feature (which the Maya called the Black Road or Xibalba be) lies along the galactic equator (the Milky Way) in the place where the December solstice sun will be in 2012. (More precisely, the December solstice sun will reach the southern terminus of the Dark Rift, where it touches the ecliptic in Sagittarius.) Thus, in terms of Mayan mythology, we can also describe the Galactic Alignment of era-2012 as the alignment of the December solstice sun and the Dark Rift. This entire region is targeted by the cross formed by the Milky Way and the ecliptic between Sagittarius and Scorpio. This Cross was also recognized by the Maya, and was called the Crossroads or Sacred Tree. This entire region is embraced by what astronomers call the 'nuclear bulge' of the Galactic Center—the center of our Milky Way galaxy. As any amateur astronomer or naked-eye star gazer knows, this nuclear bulge is recognizable without the aid of radio telescopes. It is wider and brighter than other parts of the Milky Way. So, in a general sense we can also say that the alignment in 2012 is an alignment between the December solstice sun and the Galactic Center. However, since the nuclear bulge is quite large, this definition is not as precise as saying "the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator", which occurs in the range 1980 - 2016. This is the alignment zone I refer to with the term "era-2012."