Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Dirty Upper Crust-

ELL with the gas prices zooming back towards $4 a gallon, I wonder if Obama is going to sit on his hands and say/do nothing as Bush did when he was in office--Ya know If I were in charge (winks) I would say "WAIT a cotton pickin' minute, that is the same oil you been pumping outta the ground for all this time NOW its worth so much more-- why is that?  and then I'd say, "You can put that price right back where it was-- or else!" The stipulators are the nay sayers--to hell with them!  And that gas was sitting IN that pump when the shop owner raised the price--they paid X-amount for it...WHY now in the middle of the stream are they thinking they can double up on that price they have to sell it for?  I feel someone sneaking up to plunge a knife in my back and the backs of my friends, neighbors, and my countrymen rich and poor!

 I'm so over all this corporate baloney---"PROFIT MARGIN" has become a nasty word in my vocabulary--yes I understand you have to sell for more than you paid but WHY so much more?  Do "they" (the corporate Gods) have to live so LARGE--whilst the rest of the US peons barely make ends meet-yet we are alive, we breath the same air through nostrils same as them--does the air enter the rich lung better, does it oxygenate them better if their bank account is larger? Nah--don't think so-

You can drink tea from a jelly glass or fine wine from perfect crystal, but when that last breath is taken you are back to even--Out same way you came in with Nothing--

You see if we all strove for financial excellence it may impress me, but some of us think enough is all we need, that we don't need surplus and stacks of wealth to feel worthy--maybe we feel worthy without all that extra padding around us---I mean how many million dollar mansions does one rich person need??? Is one enough, two, three, how many does it take?  How many BMW's one, two, three, you can only drive one car at a time--How many watches, phones, computers, HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? lol

We all feel we are worthy because we are here on this Planet under the same Sun, Moon, Stars, the same water is ours that is theirs..the oil is ours same as it is theirs---who gave it to them?  Any Man-King-/Woman-Princess is the same as any man sleeping in the gutter or any whore under the red lights...we are ALL THE SAME--we have the same basic needs and beyond that its all fluff.

It is one World --yet some get such a blown out of proportion  feeling of grandeur about themselves they feel the World is there only to be raped and pillaged by them and the rest of us are like ants cleaning up after the picnic and we are held accountable to them?

Yoda would say, "Wrong they are."


  1. Hiya Dixxe,

    Our UK petrol now costs $8.10 per gallon. Diesel is a tad dearer :-)
    and our salaries are probably less than 50 % of the US ones.
    So maybe you should count your petrol/gas blessings ?

    59% governemtn duty, 2o% VAT ( value-added extra duty), 5 % delivery charge to the petrol stations and the remainder is the actual cost.

  2. Well put! It's a good thing less is more in my life or I'd be terribly depressed over what's going on. I gave up my car long ago because I just couldn't keep up with the expense. Without the convenience of transportation at your fingers, life becomes a whole lot more simple. One would be surprised what he can go without and not even miss!

  3. Seeing the prices go up makes me want to drive more. Not that I can afford it better but it is like drinking a finer wine, more appealing.All I do for fun is travel so someone is becoming richer over my extavegances.

    1. Well they say the more expensive it is the more "valuable" it is, so there you go!!

  4. I just have to stop reading this blog or I will never get to bed! Notice the number of comments a piece attracts is in inverse proportion to its logic.
    Did you not know that the most important item in the news is how much the stock market has risen and how much economic growth there has been? Basically, it is of little value to anyone except those who buy and sell stocks, to rip a bit more out of the economy while producing not one egg, potato or beefsteak... or filling a tooth or servicing a car or even playing a mean lick on the guitar. There is a new book out, forgive me for not remembering the author's name, but he talks about the GOP brain. That brain is possessed by the most wealthy and the most influential but it is characterised by the inability to change its beliefs no matter the amount or quality of evidence to the contrary. Anyone you know?
    Damn! All that effort and I come up against unrecognisable word recognition puzzles! I will give it one try, and then if I fail you will never see this. But if I succeed (this time) please consider dumping it in favour of just checking for approval. If I was a robot, I could probably write more erudite comments... and I might even have a built in thesaurus so I would know what erudite means!

    1. Sorry I didnt even know it had word verify on it...I will attempt to disable it!


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