Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Bright Light-Exploring The Unknown

hat happens to our soul when we pass away? Does anyone truly know the answer to this question? I for one am not afraid to pass away, of course I don't want to go today or tomorrow but at the end of a long and eventful Earthly Life.
If I had a choice I would prefer to pass away in my sleep...just to drift from one plane of enlightenment to another silently and without drama and quickly without a determining factor. No murder, no trauma, no horrible long term disease...just died of old age! Life over and done with-gone. What more could a soul ask for? A body riddled with the mileage of living--is our ultimate goal.

Do we even have a soul? When a piece of wood is burned there is smoke--that smoke rejoins the atmosphere and in some way is recycled back into the Universe..the energy of the wood is reabsorbed.

I am not nor is any mere mortal qualified to answer that question and our words can't be the final ones on that subject. Until such time as we pass and the energy that is US is passed over to another reality can that mystery be solved. In the Bible it is stated that the living and the dead can NOT communicate...that the space (distance) is a wide chasm that separates the two and one can not be in both spots at the same time. I'm no Bible scholar so I don't know the exact book or verse but its there--Google it.

What about this? Going back to my post on time what if--this.
You know when people have this near death experience they all have a similar experience I bet you can tell me right now without reading my next sentence that they all say what??

YES they saw a bright light and they were drawn to it, they wanted to go to the bright light. So if we explore that whole idea { bright light} maybe it's the mass of souls a well of souls shining so brightly as we approach the chasm that open pit where we go to wait our next turn at life here on Earth or someplace unknown in another solar system.

Maybe we don't start here at all maybe we start in another Universe one that has no structure, nothing solid that you can reach out and touch...maybe we start out as pure energy.
Lightening is energy--we need very fast photography to see it...I recently watched on the NGG the Raging Planet and it was all about lightening. Fast high speed motion cameras showed frames of a bright light coming out of the clouds a leader first and then it webbed out reaching for positive ions to react with and the ensuing contact created the BRIGHT LIGHT! So bright it hurt the eyes. As the leader branched out like a tree of life not only did the arms reach outward but from below from within the soil of this planet limbs of light reached upward to meet the leading strike...and the union was dramatic.

So when our soul is nearing the end of this Earthly journey maybe a leader is reaching to us, to bring us to connect with other bits of souls--in a gathering spot--and from there we will continue to grow and glow as the Energy we truly are. Maybe we ride out of this life on a bolt of lightening reuniting with pure energy to continue to unite with cosmic forces we know nothing about.

Photography and editing by S. Hickman

Saturday, August 8, 2009


hen does one throw in the towel on a relationship? Personally I've never been good at maintaining relationships. Either I get bored or I say the wrong thing or I break the ultimate taboo and talk about politics or religion. I mean no body in their right mind would do that correct? Well guess who did? Yep it was me last year--during election time I decided and announced that each of my blogs up to and including the day of voting, Nov 4th--I would make a political facts statement with my blog. (Multiply Blog) I had seen some remarks made that the facts didn't support so in my effort to set the records straight I found that people take it very personally if you try to discredit their candidate!

I was supporting the Democratic candidate (and so was most of the population of the US and the World) and some were supporting the opposition. I claim to be a fairly intelligent person therefore there is no way in my right mind I would have supported the platform of the opposition which was as follows:

On the Economy
"We know how to fix this"
On Natural Resources & Energy
"Drill Baby Drill"
On National Security
"We will destroy them"

Well I could go on but you get my drift. Then when the Opposition selected his running mate, I had to question his sanity! "You have got to be kidding me" was the first words out of my mouth and I doubled up on my politically "dangerous" blogs! Soon the trouble started-- not from strangers that happened up on my blog although there were plenty of those-- but by the very tight group of my regular by one they made remarks such as "I don't trust him" and disappeared. I don't know how that figures into the mix, "Why," was my follow up question, to which I got no fact supported reply. I was of the nature to allow the facts to speak for themselves.

Of the 5 that left my ranks only one was a US Citizen and would be voting the others didn't even have a dog in the fight (Two Canadians, One Swede, One Britt) so I didn't quite understand that, but I think it was coercion on her part that split the blog party line.

See this is exactly how politics group gets it in mind that the other must be defeated and by hook or crook they go about I threw in the bi-partisan towel on that relationship and kept my political candidate and did not give up my belief system nor my political ideas and standards under pressure-and my candidate did succeed! Thank goodness--

Maybe I should run for office?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Matter of Time

hat do you know about time? Time has fascinated me for--well a long time! When I think about the Earth and how old it may be and how old it will become--I realize that my life span is equivalent to one breath! One intake of air that passes through our atmosphere! How fortunate we are to have a planet with an atmosphere!

Time is a measurement---and we humans have developed many way to keep up with it! The ancient people knew more about time than we do! I've talked about this before--it seemed that they were more in tune with the passing of time than us modern day humans are...and it makes me wonder why? I cant answer that question...but think about this--

In the days of yore when explores such as C. Columbus were venturing beyond the known some rumors circles around that the world was flat! Meanwhile the Ancient Mayans had created a calender based on the movements of the planets and they did this based on their knowledge of astronomy! So how did civilizations separated geographically come to such different conclusions? Some research I did states that during the Middle Ages--religious leaders suppressed the knowledge that ancient Greeks already knew-- that the Earth was spherical in shape.

The space time continuance states the theory that space and time are relative to each other...meaning one cant exist without the me its like time is a river and space and all matter in it, (US) are moving along that river like a bobber! Time runs only in one direction!...

We know that time is relative to speed---just travel to the west coast! Animals are on different syncs than we---so are many other aspects of matter much of which we are unaware of! The lifespan of a mouse is about 3 years--ours is about 85--- a mouse's heart beats at 700 times a minute! So another good reason to keep our rate within norms. I am wondering where is the heartbeat of the Earth and how fast is it beating?

In the book Fractal Time by Greg Braden he discusses the upcoming alignment of 2012 and how it is basically a cycle completed and new one beginning, everything in time is on a cycle! We are part of that cycle and recycle! When you really think about time---its the only thing that has no beginning and no simple goes on forever, and any matter that happens to move along with it...well its only a matter of time!

I saw a movie called the Event Horizon, (1997) that movie really made me think...In reality the Event Horizon Theory is a boundary in Space Time... that surrounds a black hole...I know this is probably not something you think of on a daily basis but just for today lets explore this whole notion...the speed that light travels through time. If something is traveling at a higher rate of speed than light travels we cant see it! Like the hummingbirds that fly around from flower to flower...when they are at full speed I cant see them, I hear them go past me, but when they slow down I see them...NOW what if I began to travel faster??? Then I may see the hummer because the difference between our speed is now less! SO in reality if WE begin to move faster we are moving into the future and if we sloooowwwww down we may actually be able to travel back in time..
Our own universe may be expanding but we cant see it! That is an EVENT and its Beyond our Horizons!
Just stuff to ponder--:0)

Fact- the speed of light c in a vacuum is determined to be 299,792,458 meters/second or c = 299,792,458 m/s

A Light Year is 9,460,730,472,580.8 km (distance light can travel in one Julian yr in a vacuum)

DID you know there is such a thing as a Giga Light Year?
One GLY is one billion light years!
NOW thats far out!