If I had a choice I would prefer to pass away in my sleep...just to drift from one plane of enlightenment to another silently and without drama and quickly without a determining factor. No murder, no trauma, no horrible long term disease...just died of old age! Life over and done with-gone. What more could a soul ask for? A body riddled with the mileage of living--is our ultimate goal.
Do we even have a soul? When a piece of wood is burned there is smoke--that smoke rejoins the atmosphere and in some way is recycled back into the Universe..the energy of the wood is reabsorbed.
I am not nor is any mere mortal qualified to answer that question and our words can't be the final ones on that subject. Until such time as we pass and the energy that is US is passed over to another reality can that mystery be solved. In the Bible it is stated that the living and the dead can NOT communicate...that the space (distance) is a wide chasm that separates the two and one can not be in both spots at the same time. I'm no Bible scholar so I don't know the exact book or verse but its there--Google it.
What about this? Going back to my post on time what if--this.
You know when people have this near death experience they all have a similar experience I bet you can tell me right now without reading my next sentence that they all say what??
YES they saw a bright light and they were drawn to it, they wanted to go to the bright light. So if we explore that whole idea { bright light} maybe it's the mass of souls a well of souls shining so brightly as we approach the chasm that open pit where we go to wait our next turn at life here on Earth or someplace unknown in another solar system.
Maybe we don't start here at all maybe we start in another Universe one that has no structure, nothing solid that you can reach out and touch...maybe we start out as pure energy.
Lightening is energy--we need very fast photography to see it...I recently watched on the NGG the Raging Planet and it was all about lightening. Fast high speed motion cameras showed frames of a bright light coming out of the clouds a leader first and then it webbed out reaching for positive ions to react with and the ensuing contact created the BRIGHT LIGHT! So bright it hurt the eyes. As the leader branched out like a tree of life not only did the arms reach outward but from below from within the soil of this planet limbs of light reached upward to meet the leading strike...and the union was dramatic.
So when our soul is nearing the end of this Earthly journey maybe a leader is reaching to us, to bring us to connect with other bits of souls--in a gathering spot--and from there we will continue to grow and glow as the Energy we truly are. Maybe we ride out of this life on a bolt of lightening reuniting with pure energy to continue to unite with cosmic forces we know nothing about.
Photography and editing by S. Hickman