Wednesday, August 3, 2022



Or Jr High as we called it...I had a science teacher named Mr Melton.  He was an older man with snow white hair and his hands shook and he seemed to always be anxious.  He missed a lot of classes and so we had a lot of subs.  This only added to the problem of him not getting the respect he needed.   I had very little interaction in school with students or teachers.  I was a quiet student who rarely asked questions.  I was a good enough student until I got to high school. 

Mr Melton's classroom was on the 3rd floor or the top floor of the building...and it had big huge windows that we kept open as I think I have mentioned we did not have air conditioning...
One day when he could not get control of the class he walked to the  window and sat on the ledge with the legs dangling outside and threatened to jump... One of the older boys ran and got a teacher in
the next room, he went to Mr Melton and was holding his hand while talking to him and another teacher told us to exit the room.  

Poor Mr. Melton he had  a mental breakdown right there in class...we never saw  him again...and Ted Cruz would have teachers toting guns and facing down domestic terrorists.... can you imagine Mr Melton being that man?  He probably would have opened fire on  us all...
Teachers have a hard job!

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