Sunday, April 10, 2022

Old Age and other pending dooms

My Mom Asked a Doctor once, "why does my head hurt when I cough?" He replied..
"I don't know." 

At least he was honest and didn't try to add yet another prescription to her already long enough list.  Today I wanted to aske the same question...why does my head hurt when I cough? I am now using my mom's walking cane to get around!! So much can change in one day but this came on slowly but suddenly if that makes any sense...I really have no clue since I hate doctors and will do almost anything to avoid seeing one. 
My right hip joint is in constant pain and sometimes I can barely put weight on it...I have always had SI Joint issues with it being basically unstable.  But now it's way more than that.  I hope a chiropractor can help but so far I haven't made an appointment have not been to one in like 30 yrs?? So not at all familiar with who is out there to be  honest.  
Meanwhile I moan groan, take otc pain meds and do the best I can.  It has eaten into my birding as I find myself wanting to go and I do go but I avoid long walking trails that I used to enjoy being on.  
I now wish I had kept some of my moms other old age tools...
It took about 2 trips with my sisters Jeep for us to cart all her 
old age aides to the goodwill...she had a couple of those rolling walkers, a regular walker, a bath chair, a bedside potty chair,  a quad cane, and three regular canes, a wheel chair, a lift assist recliner, an oxygen machine and oxygen bottles, the list was pretty long.

And I since I had covid in 2020 I have not really been 100%.  I now have this rather annoying cough.  I have become my mother and my son is becoming his dad.  

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