Friday, April 2, 2021

A scare...

HOA it's cold.

Im watching the tiny hummingbird drink from the feeder and wondering how he will survive the next  2 days we have a freeze warning tonight and tomorrow.. And the wind, 30 -35 mph.  Still I went out I just could not deal with an inside day so too cold to work in the yard,  I took off in the van and just basically went sight seeing in the Wildlife Refuge...I was tempted to go search for the beaver again but I went to a different part of the refuge..

Nothing much was out and about...but I enjoyed just being outside and looking at the landscape as it puts on it's spring coat.   The really soft greens and reds are so nice to see...the yellow jasmine is blooming as well as the dogwood, the wild plum and more.  Pollen is a big deal here due to the Abnormal amount of Pine Trees.  Due to the greed of the timber barons we all suffer...that is just plain WRONG. 

Last night I had a scare with my dog Floss....I was eating a Fudge Stripped cookie, and it broke in half, and one half hit the floor...SHE jumped on it ate before I could stop her!! 
SO I immediately got online to check the danger of that cookie...So I learned a few things...The dangerous dose is more than 450mg.  Cocoa is the most dangerous type of chocolate, and that is what kind it was.  So the rule of thumb for toxicity and your dog could be in trouble is 7mg per kg of body weight...So you need to know the weight of your dog, In Kilograms,  the type chocolate they ingested, and figure that in Milograms...
The info is on the packaging of the cookies...serving size, type of the chocolate, and the weight of the product.  Like in this pack it had 9 servings and serving size is 3 cookies, and that was 35 G.  One cookie was 11.6 grams and  divide by 1000 to get Miligrams.  There is an online calculator to put in your dogs weight, the amount in Grams, and it will tell you danger of not...She ate only half the cookie, and it had chocolate only on the bottom so I don't think she ingested much..def less than 5 grams. 
So my dog is 24.9 KG in weight the cookie she ate was half 0.0058mg of chocolate, 
So 0.144mg well below 450mg 

BUT the dog may still get sick just won't be in danger of dog vomited within one hour.  So I went ahead and induced vomiting by using 3% Hydrogen Peroxide,  I looked up
the dose of that and within 15 minutes she emptied the contents of  her stomach! She threw up 3 times in all.  I gave her 3 tbsp in 1/2 cup of water.  She began to drink  water so that was one of the side I put the peroxide in the water.  DO NOT use my formulas, put in your own numbers...and here is an Ask  A Vet Website..
She is fine and was fine for the 3 hours following the incident before we turned in for the night...and she had a normal night....but It scared me...

So if you have a dog get an emergency vet number and put it on your fridge or better yet in your phone...The website I linked may charge I don't know I FOUND the answers to my questions in the already answered section...and I was happy to find that. 

I didn't see where the cookie landed then I saw her chewing and then she looked up at me, like" yes I will have another piece"...OMG I was like NOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo. 
Dogs also should not eat onions, macadamia nuts, and lots of other human foods...Look it up to be sure you don't let your dogs eat something they should not have. 

So guess what day it is???

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