I don't know about you but me, I keep reinventing who I am...did you know I used to vote Republican? Now I wouldn't even if you threatened to cut my throat..lol It's funny how we become intolerant of what we once accepted; as I age it seems easier to tell anyone who is running in a different stream than me to "take a hike". I guess as we age we feel we've earned that right to know what and who we want around us pretty fast.
I can be, and am, naive to a point then one of those light bulbs pop up and I whisper to myself "ohhh I get it now". It's okay to blame your raising, for who you have become, up to a POINT then its on your shoulders, those blaming mama for their problems have not peaked into adulthood they are stuck in adolescence! I'm thinking some people never actually do grow up...I heard this saying on a TV drama and it explained a "place of being" I had been seeking words to describe and that word is Peaked. It's like Peter Pan for eternity.
People peak as different stages of their life I won't say ages cause even some 60+ yr old friends of mine are signing up for online dating...I don't understand that but I guess they still haven't peaked sexually, emotionally, socially or maybe they have not peaked in confidence, or they have not peaked in enjoying their own company? Can't help but insert we come into and out of this world alone so get ready.
I am one of those people who spends a lot of time thinking!! I try to figure out the why, what for, and where fore of life around me looking for answers to those inner questions of what makes me tick and then that could give some insight on what makes others tick too!
I think there is a peak in all stages and in each of our senses and in every part of our life. Our friendships peak, our relationships peak, our talents and abilities peak, our very life peaks then disappears.
If you lay it out graphically it would look like the Alps as we rise and peak and then drop to less than, but its not just one graph its so many parallel graphs; finally the parallel universe we speak of has been found. Each of us has our peak graph just as we have our own DNA, our life line, our life span.
I think the trick is recognizing when you've reached peak and when you have not...like learning the same lesson over and over till you finally get IT! It will keep coming back to reteach you till you do.
Visually I peaked in my 30's then in my 40's I'm wearing glasses, now I can barely see with glasses...everything is a blur so what I think I'm seeing is mostly my brain playing memory tricks on me. It tries to bring into focus what it thinks the eyes are seeing. My son has a photographic memory and I wonder if it's peaked yet?
Physically I peaked in my 40's and started down from there...what was once easy is now difficult to do if I worked out and put more time into it maybe I could improve a couple of degrees on my graph but I could never reach peak again...I can still sing fairly well so vocally I may be peaking this year, should I record a song just for prosperity?
Financially I peaked in my 40's, I should have been $saving$ more then... romantically, where the heart is involved, I peeked in my 30's that's the age I should have been seeking my soul mate...not at 21 like I did.
Emotionally I think Im on the verge of either a complete break out or an epiphany or some kind of enlightening...as my tolerance for anything that rubs me wrong is as short as the fuse on a July 4th firecracker! Emotionally I'm still learning how to cull out the good from the bad. Will I be vacant of feeling once I've peaked or so over joyed at the relief I will be brimming over with love? I'm so ready for this one to materialize! The anger, the disappointments, the expectations will soon be humming on a nice straight line...I will have peaked emotionally!!
So as we peak we draw close to or withdraw away from certain behaviors, certain philosophies, and we recreate the inner self over again. We peak and move on to something new, someone new, something more challenging; another peak to reach...ebb and flow, ying and yang, wax and wane.
I think the worse thing that could happen to someone is to peak in life too soon, like the tv show said, "he peaked in high school". Finally I had words to put to a feeling I had about some folks who hung onto childish behaviors well into adulthood and I just couldn't put my finger on it! If we peak too soon it's like in STONE, done, formed, over and out. Some peaked or reached the top of their maturity in high school and never progressed beyond that point! It had me negotiating my past wondering what parts of me peaked in high school? I'm not searching that one too hard for fear of what I will find-;o(
I do not socialize well at all anymore I talk too much or
I shy away because I can't bear being around people socially BUT I was NOT like that 10 years ago...FINALLY answers to my questions. If you can't sit in silence with someone and feel at ease and comfortable socially you have not reached your peak...and when you do its all down hill from there you will enjoy your alone time way more than the time you spend around other people you will engage your inner self more and you will welcome the introvert in you. The extrovert will cower in the corner as you feel peace, comfort, and tranquility no matter if you're in a room full or with one...aw finally i believe I am reaching my social peak!
Maybe if we had more of an understanding of our psychology we would be better human beings more tolerant and less judgmental... "oh I see you haven't peaked yet...now I get it".
So how's your life graph has it flat lined yet? Sure hope so!!
Very interesting and so True...Now to figure when and where did I fall of all those peaks...and prepare for the next ones...lol BiLL