Who is controlling the Media Our media is no longer the watchdog it once was!! Large Corporations now own the media! All one has to do is listen to the Right Wing Controlled Fox News to see that propaganda is running wild in American medias today. Rupert Murdock an Australian with many ruthless years in TV and Newspaper business owns and runs Fox News with lots of shotty deals in his background he has his hand in many foul pies. Along with him is an Arabian Prince Al-Walid-Bin Talal who owns 7% of Fox News..so why do Americans tune in to hear this extremely biased news program? Fox news is trying to undermine the confidence of the public in our democratic president, why is that? Why can't we come together and work for the common good of all? Fox news is anti Black, anti Hispanic, anti-gay, anti American!! If you are tuned into Fox News then I know you are a bigot and not planning on helping to bring us all together...
NBC is owned by the giant company of General Electric, CBS is owned by Viacom/Westinghouse, and ABC by Disney, CNN belongs to Time Warner, where is the non BIAS in any of those?? PBS is the only place I feel comfortable believing the news- many times its sensationalized for dramatic effect and for ratings!
The Work Place Shutdown
The few jobs left in this country have many qualified persons waiting to fill those slots. It’s almost impossible to get fair treatment in the work place. You have to be part of the TEAM…which basically means there is no place for critical individual thinking in the work place…(you will be assimilated) they give you a handbook and you are to follow it to the T- yet when you call in sick they will treat you as if you are hurting them by taking care of you. Once I called in sick and was told that I would have to bring a Dr’s note. I replied, “In my employee handbook it says I will have to bring a Dr’s note if I am absent 3 days in a row.” So my employer's policy was to have the girl who answered the phone...lie by telling everyone that…many I’m sure would come into work anyway---while their rights are being trampled on.
You have to sign papers and forms “you were informed of the new policy” etc this goes in your employee file, if you forget and break that new policy rule, they have a sweet little paper as grounds to fire you, OH actually they don’t even need grounds, employers have the strength while workers are losing rights every day…
Northern Unions are the main reason we have lost jobs. Union employees are over paid and even if they are not good employees they are very hard to fire! So with Unions running the show the jobs left the COUNTRY!! American workers have to realize there is a line somewhere in the sand where you're pay is exceeding your value!
MANY American corporations have taken the jobs out of this country…yet the cost of the goods they are selling us is getting out of reach for most—the gap gets wider while the wealthy take more and more control of our society and the take jobs out of this country…less jobs means less sales, so the cost of the foreign manufactured goods goes up and up and the wealthy investors and stock holder continue to live an elitist life style- until the bubble breaks. SO even though the jobs left the prices of goods have risen and continue to rise! So we became too big for our breeches and now we have no jobs. Where can we go from here?
Third world employees are being abused and used as I’m sure they are misled to believe they are now in the big time—working for an US company they are told how much better their lives will be now that they are working for an American company, making clothes and shoes they cant even afford to BUY! Watching third world countries climb out of poverty while US companies are the very oppressors keeping them in the dirt.
Got Benefits?
More and more benefits are being removed, employers are making more and more demands on an employee’s time, people are routinely being forced to work overtime or threatened with losing the job. I recently saw one of my old co-workers from Wal-Mart. (I worked at Walmart for 6 months after I moved while I looked for a better job). She still works there and told me she has been there 10 yrs now and she gets 3 weeks vacation!! I know she routinely is told she has to come in on her days off, she has to stay an hour later, I recall how it was working for Wal-Mart. I didn’t want to tell her I had taken a 3-week vacation and I don’t even have a job right now!! She told me she has to go in for a CT-Scan because she has a spot on her lung, found on a chest x-ray she recently had done when she had a check up...I wondered why was she not out on medical leave so she could get a medical work up?
Is There A Solution?
For one I boycott, boycott, boycott. I don’t spend much money but I try to spend it where it will sends the biggest message. I don’t buy meat, diary, fish, processed foods, I don’t take any prescription drugs, I don’t work a 9-5 job and I don’t bother trying to keep up with the Jones’s. I don’t have high speed internet, and stay away from malls and chain stores as much as possible. I buy at the Goodwill when I can; I try to support local businesses and farmers markets.
I really hope that we can convince (with our spending power sending them a message) Corporations to bring the jobs back home! If the CEO's and the corporate big whigs would take a pay cut, and if Unions would lower wages and if the minimum wage was raised to come more in line, we may be able to put this country back to work. The medical profession has to be brought back in line with reality..WHY Is it that I saw a news program about a woman who was going to have to pay $14,000 to get her teeth fixed. SHE had dental insurance but it was NOT going to cover the cost completely. She went to Costa Rica and got it done for $4,000.
The reason was so much govt regulation here, high cost of liability insurance and the charges are so inflated in the USA. You can get cheaper medical and medications in other countries, why do we Have to have the Best of Everything..and now its getting where the ordinary US citizen cant afford the Cheap stuff let alone the good stuff..SO is that causing a split in our society?
Most Americans don’t care, they are complacent and they really don’t give a damn! They get fat, sick and get the pills to fix them up or have bariactric surgery!! Buy cancer insurance on top of regular insurance, because you got a little paper in the mail saying your insurance co. will no longer COVER CANCER!! (because everyone is gonna get it if Americans dont wake up and change their diet)
The insurance companies know what I know and what you should know Americans are at high risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, digestive disorders and disease, osteoporosis, mental breakdowns, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, and Alzheimer. Why is that?
It’s the stress of the American lifestyle, the marketing done by big business to keep us buying the very unhealthy food they sell to us, the side effects of the drugs doctors put us on, and the stresses of trying to keep our crappy jobs that still exist and doesn’t pay enough to be able to purchase good wholesome foods, to take time to relax and vacation, and very little time for exercise and recreation.
The American dream has been tarnished by the very free capitalist idealism it was founded on, is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? No what is wrong is there is too much of a bad thing going around and the good things are now out of reach for most Americans.
I know what you are saying--the system is broken and I'm powerless to change it. WRONG- you hold all the power in your hands!! You dont have to buy into this out of control capitalism that is rotting our society and our home.
Be the Change You Want to See in the World.
Each journey is completed one step at a time. It's kind of my motto! If we each do this then Change has occurred!! Dont allow "them" to scare you. Go about your life as if "they" dont exist. I dont go to McDonalds, why buy that crappy food that makes you sick and is slowing taking the vigor out of your life? Buy fresh and cook at home!!
Change the way you live your life, if you want to see more people having a better life, if you dont care about others then dont read any further and go on your merry way.
I know many are so tired on their way home they hit the drive through...I know this exhaustion that comes from working long hours--I have been there! AND who knows I may end up there again, I certainly HOPE not, but I will do what I have to, same as anyone.
You can cook a huge pot of brown rice, and then each day when you get home put some fresh veggies in a steamer by the time you get into your comfy clothes it will be nearly ready. Add some of your rice- make a quick fresh salad and its a nutritious meal with little fuss. I used to chop all my veggies and have them clean and ready to go in separate containers in the fridge. All I had to do was grab it and add it. I washed, spinned, and chopped my lettuce FRESH not that prepacked stuff, and keep it in a green bag in the fridge-
Next day open a can of black beans and add to the rice, add a whole wheat tortilla you got a good meal in minutes. So you see how it goes. I dont eat meat so that saves a ton of time, money, and animals!! So plan some meals cook staples ahead of time and keep it simple-
Stay away from Processed foods as much as possible!! These are the worst foods you can buy dont let the marketing of this product fool you into thinking its healthy...READ the label. Educate yourself...I suggest the films of Micheal Moore, & Morgan Spurlock
I suggest you see
Supersizing Me,
Capitalism: A Love Story
Try to spend your money in local owned business and pay cash! This way the money you spend stays in your community! (business owners have to pay a % to banks for the use of credit and debit cards...
Support the unknowns--Boycott companies that have sold US out and gone to third world countries to have their good made for pennies while they charge you outrageous prices for these goods.
Recycle, reuse, re purpose!! This saves money, and keeps you out of chain stores and corporate owned businesses. I know MOST Americans use name brand stuff!! I dont understand why? Some items we have almost NO choice already--we cant find American made goods any more so what do we do? Try buying used whenever possible-need a new tv, stereo, vcr, dvd player? I bet the second hand store has one!!
When it comes to medications... get on a good diet and exercise program, you may be able to stop taking medicines if you create a healthier body. Then talk to your Dr and make sure you really need those drugs, and be sure he is allowing generics!
If you can-- home school your kids!! I personally think satellite teaching is the direction this country should go with Education! TOO much money is being spent for our kids to be brainwashed by bad teachers!! The surface is barely being scratched in this area..and its become almost as out of control.
Speaking of the Senate ..why re-elect anyone who is NOT in favor of changing the status quo? It hasnt worked and its what has brought us to this point...we need people who are not afraid to face up to the Ridiculous Right--the Tea Party is more white right so BEWARE!! And now that the Reps have won so many seats the Bush Tax Cuts that help only the rich will stay in place and the sinking middle class will have to try and hold up that burden yet again?
Get off the grid, or at least use it as little as possible. I do think that in the next few years having home with electricity is going to be a luxury as most things are becoming a luxury--as prices soar and jobs are cut and outsourced. Finding other ways to supply our needs are a must do for each of us. Solar & wind power generation is now available to anyone who can afford to put it in. I hope it will get cheaper as it becomes more available...clean water is a very big issue with me. Drilling wells for persona l use is on the rise. I think the day will come when water will become a political issue across this country not just in the dry west. Rain colletion on a mass scale should be done! Our government is too busy trying to blow their own agenda horn to see that we need to take steps that insure a prosperous future for all. Water collection and storage is something no one has even touched on at the global level..WHY? We have rivers, that are polluted, and diverted...if rain water catch and storage facilities were put in place each community would have an ample reserve of water! Ever hear that saying money doesnt fall out of the sky...guess what--IT DOES!!
Our homes should all have solar panels a wind turbine in the back yard a well in the ground and a water collection system in place! Its due to the corporate "lifestyle" that we wont have these things..Those things help us sustain our lives and takes away our dependance on our needs to be supplied rather than us taking our lives back from corporate control. A cell phone is not going to get you nourished or help you cook your food, but everyone has one..why dont we all have solar panels???
I know this comes off as hostile and in a way I am more and more hostile to a system that I can no longer support! Business is one thing, taking the whole pie is another. Sometimes there is NO BETTER MOUSE TRAP...many of the old ways was the best way. We supported each other and yet we were allowed to be individuals and were paid a good wage for a honest days work..what was wrong with that? The Bush years have put us in a bind, his wars cost us a fortune, he left this country in a mess and now the clean up crew is getting the blame for a shoddy clean up...well it will take at the very least the same amount of time to undo the damage as it did to do the damage. The Dems have played a big part in writing the legislation that got us where we are..We can simplify and streamline without leaving anyone behind if we do what is best for all!
Create change in your own house-then watch it spread!!
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