Sunday, October 30, 2016

Crazy is as Crazy does...


I don't know about you but my life seems to be sailing so fast these days! Never enough time and yet I seem to waste a lot of it because wasting time is so relaxing, or is it relaxing to waste time? Which ever it is, both are waning; time to relax and time to waste.  Ever wonder if that last breath you took would be your last, that last blink of the eye, that last heartbeat,  the last squeeze of that muscle?  Ever stop and really think about how you will die? I  know it's rather morbid, but it is one day till Halloween, and Dia de los Muertos.  So it makes me wonder about what waits beyond mortality.

Watched a special on one of the channels these perfectly sane sounding people were discussing the idiotic thinking of the public back in pre Colonial America when people were accused of being wicked spirits if someone's horse refused to go past their garden gate or their hounds barked at a particular villager.  One such accused was brought to the court; the court said she is not a witch...the towns people later hanged her overnight and yet she did not die she lived another 7 yrs. 

Then this same panel of "experts" who had nay-sayed the Salem witch accusers, began to speak in honest support of the idea of ghosts and spirits of the dead who roam the Earth.  Okay--now I was saying WTH?  They related their supporting tales of items suddenly falling from shelves, of doors slamming by themselves, of faint images of ghostly proportions walking around in the shadows of night, and of shadows suddenly moving when nothing moved! 

Putting our belief system to the test is how we try to understand the opposition.  Ex: to me the whole story of creation as is told in the Bible is a fable. Talking serpents, burning bushes, parting of as these seemingly intelligent people believe in ghosts, so may the writers of the Scripture be "believers" of some other type. 

I'm not from Missouri, but show me how this is all possible, things go bump in the night and that means ghosts exist?  I know there is a spirit inside us it has an energy force it has weight therefore it is real...does it becoming a peeping tom of some kind, does our Grandmother watch over us, I sure hope not I don't want her watching me in the shower?? Yet, I can't help myself but believe in Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, and Re-Incarnation.  
Damned and I thought I was an intelligent person who could not be fooled by old myths, wives tales, and illogical nonfactual  based nonsense...a la  hocus pocus!

So much time has passed but I'm just as superstitious as my 7th Gr Grand Mother who was accused of witch craft, and I want to believe in good spirits fighting off evil...but I don't want to believe in evil spirits controlling my mind and constantly pushing my buttons.  And so maybe it's all about hope, faith, and the way we spend our free time relaxing and letting our minds convince us that there is more to life than meets the eye.  We want more therefore there is more. 

....and then on the other foot is the other shoe, the one worn by the ones who are out there-- beyond the scope of our ability to understand, the mass murderers, the psychos child molesters, the criminally there a fine line or no line at all?  Is it just beliefs we have made up and convinced ourselves it's okay...and maybe there is no cup with which to measure the Mind...or Time if it's wasted or time well spent who decides?  We lock up, medicate, and deny the validity of a certain number of our population we call them crazy...yet we believe in ghosts and goblins and things that go bump in the night...and we set fire to a pumpkin and dress up as skeletons once every year and we teach our children to do the same.   

Crazy right?