The election: what a horrible nightmare/joke on the GOP side, Trump is the most bigoted person I've ever heard open his mouth in public and yet he is yearning to be POTUS? I am sorry if you are a supporter of his, it's not the American way, he is not the American way...he says make American Great again...we have yet to be great...we will be when we can leave bigotry, hatred, and the lust for blood, and destruction of our Planet behind us. Some just can't bare the immigrants "invading" us, we are all free to leave.
I'm supporting Bernie but Hillary will do just to get us out of this horrible time we find ourselves in, such a step backwards. I lived in NYC long enough to hear all about Mr Trump and his "kingdom" and how he handles himself in business and how he treats people. He will seek out every dirty loop to undermine what ever he desires to destroy. I've yet to read or hear one GOOD thing he has done! HE has done good for his Empire, for himself, his sons, his investors, his many wives, but for America?? Trumpitizing the land is not great it's separatism.
Watched a Documentary (You've Been Trumped) about how his development "people" terrorized some Scottish land owners when he decided to build a huge golf course complex next to them...his people deliberately broke one man's water main and he was without water for weeks..he had stock to water, and his life was so disrupted. Another land owners fence and garage was practically demolished when the Trump party said "one corner of his garage appears to be on our land" so they bull dozed it and his fence...this man had old property surveys in his safe and it showed the line was NOT where Trumps people said it was...the reason for this terrorism? Because these simple people lived a meager life but loved their land, they refused to sell to he complained that his Billionaires who would come from around the world would have to look down upon those pig sty neighbors and it was not to his he tried to run them out by bullying and terrorism.
They held firm and were continually bullied by "Trump's Team." He had a security force who came on their land and arrested the Independent film maker who was making this Documentary...for NO Legal reason! See big money buys everything, the law, the government, the land right out from under your feet..
Some of the land owners whose land was to be PART of the golf course were forced to sell when the Scottish govt, at this point, was in support of the project since Trump promised 1600 jobs would be made so these land owners were forced TO sell by the Government backing Trump in his land stealing of precious dunes... a one of a kind environment.
He wrecked the natural dunes and built this Disney looking landscape in its place...he then abandoned the project when he learned of the Scottish governments plan to have a wind farm off shore of his Mega-Trumpolis Golf he sued Scotland to try and stop them from building an alternate to fossil fuel wind farm because it would ruin the view for his Billionaire golf patrons...he LOST thank goodness and now Scotland is no longer burning coal in their power plants I'm sure these wind farms helped make that a this man would have a say in our energy policy? He would appoint a Dept of Energy head?? Holy brimstone and fire.
I would not vote for this man if my life depended on it and I believe all our lives depend on us NOT voting for him. Talk about hard times. We have seen nothing of the likes---Canada watch out for the influx of American illegals heck I'd chose Mexico over the kind of America Trump wants to build...
I now understand why I was unable to align myself with a few people...when my eye balls bought fell out as they are supporting this loud mouthed buffoon. I can't think of one good reason to support this man.
Gotta love freedom of speech, wonder which of our Bill of Rights he will strip off first?? He said he will sue anyone who attempts to slander him...heck it would be hard to slander him he makes his opinions very public on camera!
It will be the downfall of America as we know it if this man somehow gets the power he so lusts after...God help us all.