Been a while since I was in Writtin's. I'm kinda withdrawn right now, working on being a hermit, turning inward more, attempting to figure out the present. Of course the past is easy to analyse and the future is easy to plot, but living in the now is hard! I can do it when Im working no way around that..and when Im hiking or on an adventure its easy. When Im considering something that happened and its not my life but someone just like me, a woman a mother, a child a son, it puts steam in my brain!
Speaking of the Trayvon Martin case and the shocking unjust results. Being a Libra I have to find balance in everything...and although I do NOT know all the details of the case I dont need to know that, to know its WRONG to kill someone! Slice, dice, chop, or shoot, its just damned wrong! I don't need a Bible, a scholar, a judge, friend, or foe to try and convince me otherwise. You take a life you are evil! Period. No matter if the "court" says so or not...makes no difference to me...I say he did a wrong thing and Karma is now ON its way! (The Universal Law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction)
You may not agree you may want to weigh the pros and cons of the evidence, the testimony, the eye witnesses, the recordings, the past of the killer, the life of the dead...but you do have to agree with me about this A MAN KILLED A CHILD...and was not punished for that!
IF Trayvon had wrestled the gun away and shot Zimmerman who was stalking him and no doubt saying something....would the outcome of the trail have been different? Would he have been defending himself against a stalker who had threatened him? I'm almost certain he would have been tried for murder, found guilty, and given the death sentence!
THIS man will be back in the news before its all said and done.