Hmmm well I guess I can answer my own question...we will starve to death!! Well what if the food we are growing is lacking in nutrition so much so that we starve while eating ourselves sick? I think its happening already. Where is the taste, the flavor..and IF you dont use chemicals to grow food its almost impossible to do so..OUR climate has become so harsh in all parts of the world...drought, heat, cold, floods, polluted, barren land---And what about the bees? Where are they? I believe its the hybrid "crops" that has killed the bees..the genetically altered plants that bees feed to their young has killed off the bee populations..thanks to Monsanto and their obvious monopoly on seed control.
If you're reading this you may have read back and saw my thoughts on the Corporate Coop of America and how the corporations of this world have changed our food supply into barely edible garbage....and I have not changed my stand on that subject.
I do believe we (the USA) have become a Fascist nation, along with many other Democracies of this world...Look at Greece and what is happening far are we behind that same thing happening here...OUR LIVES revolve around MONEY...we are playing Russian Roulette with our continued existence as a species...
A democracy is when the "majority" rules...well I have to ask if that's so then where are the POOR members of congress? Why are there no truck drivers, school teachers, nurses, and garbage collectors sitting in those chambers in DC? Where are the downtrodden members of the Senate? They all look wealthy to me--they are lawyers, politicians, lobbyists, board members, corporate CEO's and they come in to control the "world of the wealthy, for the wealthy, and by the wealthy." They are trying to run this nation as if it were a business? Excuse me but each one of those "bills" is about humans--People's lives, we are not businesses, we are HUMAN BEINGS--we need food, shelter, and clothes, to survive--we need a peaceful society to live in and we need leaders who have compassion for the poor and the needy...not leaders who think Poor people are just under achievers--for Pete's sake!!
This is why NO tax will ever be lobbied against the toys of the rich, as long as they are in Control....and whilst the poor class become sick and DIE due to improper nutrition, health care, and lack of education!! It almost seems to me the GOP is trying to create a wealthy Reich--The majority of the people in the USA are NOT wealthy. They live in small modest homes, that they DO NOT OWN...they have a modest income THAT COULD BE YANKED AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT if the companies they work for decide to CUT jobs as a way of keeping more of the pie for the top tier
The poor have no voice and NO representation--- the forgotten Majority!!
One half of the worlds population live on less than $2 a day!! YET the 3 riches people in the world have more wealth than 48 of the poorest nations on Earth COMBINED!! The 3 are Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Carlos Slim Helu' from Mexico. The richest 2% of the worlds population have control of more half the wealth in the WORLD----and control over governments of the world.
Anyone that tries to rise up out of the ranks of regular people and try to usurp the authority of the rich and controlling rulers in a third world nation is murdered almost developing countries they are arrested on trumped up charges and left to rot in prison. In the USA they are fed fast food and die a slow agonizing death of heart disease, diabetes, alcoholism, drug addiction, and cancer...while collecting welfare-and earning minimum wages and trying to raise and educate their children who are NOT getting a decent education yet education is VERY Expensive in this country. We are not getting a decent return on our money..Our tax Dollars are being wasted by the wealthy who are in control while social programs are CUT to the bone and the poor become more poor and are written off as hopeless losers while the wealthy march on to their own drum beat---
its time to end the WELFARE for the RICH-
WHY is big oil receiving subsidies from the Feds-- our tax dollars? HECK the more you make the more tax you get back..cause you are able to spend more I haven't been able to file a schedule A in I dont know how many yrs..IM sure IF I had some money to spend I would be able to claim most of my expenditures as tax write offs---hmmm where are the loop holes for the poor...its more like a pit thats been dug for them and they are being placed in a mass grave.
SO when we cant grow enough food to feed all of us, who do you think is going to be in charge of the trough? Just stuff to consider--